Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
mocratic. and he accused com
mittee members of acting in a
"vile and reprehensible man
"Few other people on campus
have done more than Steve
Masat to increase student
empowerment." Moore said
"To blame the IFCs problems
with the EMU on Steve is a cyn
ical attempt to get him out of
Denying they were acting in an
undemocratic manner. Mehretah.
Lee and Carson started a heated
shouting match with Moore
Vice Chairwoman Lydia
l.erma, who presided over the
meeting after Masat left, warned
the audience that she would
clear the room if order was not
"I don't want to see any
behavior that is disrespectful to
anyone," Lerma said
l.erma voted to remove Masat
from the IFC'. saying she voted
in favor of the motion in order to
Continued from Page 1
a simple, straightforward
program to solve the prob
lem With an on-line com
puter the entire campus
would be hooked up to the
same system and there
would he no disputing the
requirements i ailed up on a
si reen
Hut Gavlo Freeman of the
registrar’s office said that
would strain the system and
create more confusion
bei ause students don’t read
the instructions while using
automated systems
In the past, the registrar
has experienced automation
failure because students get
impatient and just start
pushing buttons, she said.
Masat plans return to IFC
By Chester Allen
Oregon CWy tmvram
Although the Incidental Fee Committee
removed him from office Friday. Steve Mas.it
says he believes he still is a committee member
"The committee's action is so blatantly illegal
I don’t consider it binding.” Masai said
Both the IFC and the Constitution Court read
the ASUQ Constitution incorrectly during the
events that led to his dismissal. Masai said
Masat also accused former ASUO president
and present committee member Bobnv l ee of
distorting and manipulating the student gov
ernment system to fort c him from of fit e
Nfds.it sdiii he believes the committee has the
power, under a motion to ret unsidor its dot i
sion. to firing him back into offii e
If tile IKC’ does not vote to firing him fwu k on
the committee. Masai said lie has a plan to
return to the committee.
Masai said fie was not vet ready to reveal the
details of his plan
”! have a plan, but that's all I care to sav
about it at this lime. " Masat said
have the option of asking the
committee to reconsider its
However, the ASUO Constitu
tion does not give a branch of
student government the power
to bring back a member it has
removed from office The only
wav Masat could rejoin the IFC
is if the Constitution Court rules
the IFC's action was uni (institu
('hi»?f |u»tu e Paul Loving said
the court does not believe the
committee's de< ision violated
the ASl JO Constitution
Masai hail dodged expulsion
from the committee Thursday
when O learv issued an injuni
lion forbidding the I PC from sux
pending two internal rules that
would have allowed them to
consider removing Masat from
In lint ui|*ini lion. O'l.onry
quoted .1 new amendment to I hit
ASUO (Constitution, approved
in tin* April jq«rm*r*«I elm tion.
that requires tint court to review
any brunch of student govern
ment's proposed rule changes
before they go into effw t
The i our! met before the IFC
meeting Friday and de< ided the
committee's proposed rule
i badges yvere legal
*7110 issue here is
whether I'm being
screwed. This is an
utter joke and
complete insanity.'
Steve Masat,
former IFC chairman
Before (he committee could
i onsider removing Mnsat, it had
to change a rule that required m\
members be present to vole a
member out of the IFC and a
rule requiring five members vote
for dismissal
The committee changed the
rule to require five members he
present for a dismissal at turn
and a two-thirds majority to vote
a member not of oflu e
Moore accused the court of
violating public meeting laws
when it met to review () Lears s
injunction, lint court members
said they don't have to
announce a public meeting
when they meet to consider a
member s iniuni lion
Im 'dental Irr t mmmllrr will •nntH to dlw mi alter -i\ !h.>iimji* ludat •»’ . >i! . I Mt
< «tlar Hoorn I I a? inot* tntorituiMM. < «»tt I4i* t '41)
Hirviiit C tub w::i wiih Dr I!* ..'If** u K ' ? • ' aw ►,< ■ -*t
? IQ 1 or mote informal ton. tail t>fl’ y*>i4
I dim Amrru dn Su|»|mrt I iiiiimilln' « «•« 1 ,.K’ a> < n I.Mt t «•!.»;• H«*#m \ l*>v > <
intoriu4«ton, tall »4»- .ft*#?
Ilitmit Honor N«n h>U wdl meet tnmght «' ' i 'he \ Ml Hoard K-*»m for hew
tt«m» For more information rail 14ft W* 3
IHnaimt SldM uim« Spintwilil> (mint tl » »<-’ >’.»v 10 am t I 10 an- I M!
(anifnrv K<Mim 1 lor mow titforiMltWi t-ail hftft l*ft7A
Women V% ho Run Wilh ttolm v*iil meet l«‘f *tm!> K'>• ■ t Mt1 i.rnn.irv
Mourn 1. tor more information tail Uo 400*1
1 Iiir anti Applied Arl* IVr|i4i1mriil Mill kiw i I" ^rap?^ i»f Fdier i eulnhii tint week at
I he U Verne kfau*e t*aller\ Vhere will he a rw.ejjltem lottlRbl from A to 7 at ftw gallery For
more information ( alt 34ft MHO
( arrrr MUnmnR k Plat rmrnl SritMt wii: have * r*#»«trm wnlnw. workshop t«*h»y tf*»o ) JU
lu S p u; m Mount J J. I IWmdru k» For mure information. h*> lo Moom *'44 IfexffH k*
Humanities ienlrr wdi ha\* Nam i Armstrong devour of t omparMivn literature afirumi
a putiih U* lure entitled K*s idtuhmg (.laf i%*a 1 ii lion and I he M.ik ^ of ll>r Motium MttWW
lodat al 4 p m In lite KM(' I .uutwtMjd Rooiu Fur more Information tail )4*> J*il4
forum on Anli-Nemitism and Mullit ulluralitin w ill lake pia< e lmrmrfia» at ) 10 p in •
the i.Mt: fh«? forum wtl! \m mediated by Jonah Houkdein anti fatiue if you arr at all
intorMlrtl in ihrati ilium please attend Inf rmaie in formal ion rail 4ftA 15*30
S«>M bail Mauling* Our Slew w» w ill Iw ifw toon of a for mu belt! bv i!1^ A SI < ) amt a«ht;.: .
I rat ton aUai! how In (itMli with humtiialin^ am! «U>|tr4«hn^ do teals al llie hafubl of tlir fktrjjtm
lknl\ 1 meru/tf Milltiali iMlti rhuM) who krw*w how t! foel* to fur* a winner are mil wen tone
Kid scientist
f**C*»c» AMhorty t
Mark Dow assistant director of WIST EC. shows to
year old Michael Stopp of Eugene the effects of mixing
vinegar water and baking soda Stopp was at lVIST EC
for Saturday Science a weekly program tor children
ages six to 10
MAY 24-30
I0'sewn9°n Lttfficesenta'"!: J&*J*^j3*5£li
as the1
'"Inducing a
Frozen Yogurt
SQne or rtich
/ Anirrli-.,,, y0(|(. ',r<J »‘>d/or
r • —-1 " ,
"^•f Will ftr Mm /> T-—
Due to recent computer malfunctions the
University Scheduling Office
is requesting that all parties who have made reservations between the dates ol
MAY 10th-13th
or with ID#'s of 0593-1694 or higher
to please call 346-6060,6061, or 6062 to verify the events that you have scheduled
We would like to thank you for your patience in this matter
Virginia Johnson, University Scheduling Officer