Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 105 PERSONALS Do you rum uM Orad Bckott? Wo nun Mn' CtU MMM) no LOSTiFOUND round kayo at EMU Courtyard. Woo day *>• 11’m Ca* to daacrfca M6 0506 Load VMrW In Oragon Mali Otdar. compMta wortia or Shafcaapaara with non-daacrlpt. groan cowar I naad It lor daaa (plua aanttmantal «dua!) Call JU.IW. Ait tor Mtchalla or laaaa laaaaaga._ Loot F am ala TaOOy Cat •, '4 v-i & HMi Gray w*th Wart «»>{»» 1100 Howard lor har ratum 115 TYPING SERVICES Al 144-0/M MOM * OAAO 5CXKX APMOVIO ?0 yfcftr <**•>»***« tMK* ground T wm pope* vt u» »•■»«'** u* «ii f fjk! l ftw pr ON CAMPUS' JOTMf TYPIMOPflO Woni Prootltt^ Of-rv^r T ypK’.g Th«MHbOt»MKt«Uon» Oft l*—f OM tHOtt ATtytww * Typing unumiteo (Urtoara Land ••• 4W-WO StrvMQ UO »»«*» wki »98i ( t ijlsuikiko hooks I ATTN' (allrtUx* V«H H« AMI'I H CONNMTMJV (>rrfiin />«•/» Pmrtmhi 346 4343 Mt&sa 344-4510 40 M OBO J Mw. *1 10 ms* i **» v>so oeo i »««3 ssoo oeo n oxtpn v«p, t«j » 000 Oft I«va tn^n* $1400 080 tn«rfw n*Mi » F’in»w k» Am« // /: <7 K f. / A g THIS PAP UN Imm Co«npw««r (Mi SOO Dorn> *«y SftO Oafc dr.t cntr, f/$ J*u/ vcrt*g» &** $»S0 JVC *cv» A CfMtt. St00 6834631 Couch, me*#* tat** » 4 chair*, ^ dinar. Qua* n iin bad. tamp*, •tvaiva* moral Magottabt*. cafl ft* ch#*i 4*4-145? Couch hld*-*-b*d WO, co** TV $30 *ony *»a*«c $360. "**» tarn Mon $$Q Cl* 464 Q439 larpa data A oh*.a cha* $>$0 obo Dorm lr«g $40 abo l aava to* Mar* ?6_ It Color TV 4 nm» VCR $600 k* both Pf»f S*«a Moan* M.*6 BkKJwvg*. Kaba< Boot* S5**»0 :w6 9$60 o» 3466/99 _ 2$ conftoia TV $/$ Map# couch $iQG n*ca iarg* daa* $/i> Cat 34$ $#11 140 PETS Burmese Python 6 nee home Mod tempered *85 92*1 Young ChtnchiHa -wirli good hou*# come* w^g cage A *ood Tun e«ohc .i* ^a* it'i'jvfcog A «nutl w* $7$ >4? 7374 us CARS TRUCKS Reconditioned VW engine m* bug or bus. UM •■change _ 3454129 White Canopy-hU *ma», longbed ptek up »n good condbon >tM) OHO 741 7$/Q_ 71 VW POP UP Doesnt run. UOO obo AM-4249 78 Audi 5000 Hun* but need* eng**e at** S50Q obo CM 343 9623 _ 74 Toyota Cattca r>»gh mu®* fU« txjt good «n|, run* we« S spd ac. anxlm cass. 1350 ofto 444 2377 74 Toyota Corotia eng»n* h«* ‘e** than 50.000 m great cond $1396 CM 344 8764 45 Toyota Cetice OT Hun* Cjraaf Cl) PS cassette $5500 080 Cm 68699*» iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda A#fo 50 969 rr> *** **e now $496 CM 484 0635 after 5 00PM 90 Yamaha 50 Scooter a took* A fun* great Res.? <>8#r 3423569 155 BICYCLES Khan Pinnacle Mtn Bike 16 1/?*. low low alt XT components. $900 4859261 _ LOOK GIANT Rincon ’ 200 component* toOM great ndaa gr**l oniy.SPQO 346-9435 Schwinn Mtn txAc 1$ irame great cond *«r-i cared lor. moving A must M* $75 otx> 345 3932 i65 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Nn Mac »K. $40. a#y MM *0 »ayt»a»t! Mftw« t'$75 OBO t>arta * POM4*. W3«M5 Varttcat compute aland • Buloul ►eytward » pr*>ia» *r>*» ►«#•»•* duty ! 1200 665 2510 PACIFIC CHALLENGE advi n n hi sirov PRIXiRAM • Australia New /calami • Nepal Thailand • South America Patagonia Kim in (he Sun! Thiv tent* student Mwrt j pr-fim tumbtitt *J venture lutiimf ; uihr,f f.^k v uhti ijivsny etc i »Hh kvjicmtf uiiurt Receive college crctiii ( all l)itr M right trf Dvfl 41« k loarfM U.V4124 20i OPPORTUNITIES ?c>5 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Iipwi. MT up » SSOCVa* othar banatlt*' No prAvWuA If airing or taacFtog CArTiS catA 'AQu«od For KitArnaPona Em pKrymArrl program, car-1 tOA IntArnabOn m f mproymAri Group t206) 63? 1 t 46 e«t .16069 — POSTAL JOSS"" Start fit 41 hr « tw-e'ttv lor appfaca twn* A into call 1 (?I6) 324 ?!!» lam lo tOpm ? (Says Direct youi appel 111 to »ect Ion J00 DISHWASHER 4 sbifl* part rw*A« OK Aum-nga Apprur Mtoat* IMMEDIATE OPENING Must bA atMA to rr.-r real tar as w n summor SS OD Si Appty In pArion only at Nortn Ban* Ftrstiaitaf t ?? Oub FkJ » ogenA TYPESETTER WANTED Th* Or*yon D«(iy £m«r*d Ci4**m*«j Advertising Department * no# hiring kv th# posAiOn el !yp»THPfl«w Thi» part tjm* po«t*en 17 i/J h*v#*o starts «n September The po&4e*n 9 JQAM and 30PM it you mr,pf 4 tast peered. a* afrve setting. !h*» I* 0* job *01 yOu P«fc -up appfacabons « Hotxn 300 IMU AppkCMXrtt due Ff»0»y Mfty 2Wr< by StOOPM Appfccants must be University Ol Oreg&n students Th# tmiiiKViian AAtfOt 20S OPPORTUNITIES Do you have the skills to get the job that you really want? Take this class to find outl SUCCESS SKILLS FALL 1993 CPSY 408/508 CRN: 15454/15455 1 Credit For course information, contact Career Planning & Placement. 346-3235 210 HELP WANTED PUBLIC RELATIONS POSITIONS’ PR Intomahtpa tor iN)M xJwi ywar t..«p«raa »vtvon crad« to Ju ntorafSaniota to do otamahonj *nd prcync! 4*v*k>pm«rt AdeartmngPR CoonPulof tor fa* C«M> * an S»pand poaabia Jvw or Sanor Comae! Bam Swan. Caraa' Piann.ng s Ptacamam XS-S009 Raaldtnt Nan agar wan lad lor 40 unit bwlkSng on cam put Call 4S4-5000 CLASSIFIED PASTE-UP Tin Oregon OaUy EmaraM Claaalftad Dapartmanl la now hiring for tha po amon of ad paala-up for tha achool traar Thra pan-lima poaitlon (7 VI hra-wt) liana In Saplambar Job regulrea laying out and paatlng up claaalftad ada Applicant mual ba abla to commit to I tig hour blocka of lima bafwaan 2:00pm A 4:00PM. TMa (oO otfora practical, handa-on aapartanca arlth claaalRad advarOa mg Applicant* mual ba Unlvaralty Of Oregon Sludanta. Tha E mar aid la an AAtOC Cruiaa Hna Entry tovai on boardtand vde Portions avail summariyaar round ?14 S49 IS09 SPORTS MMOCO? Anar javerai month* ol ptaymg ifia r» luma gama I lound » company more concarnad w*K paopl* than paper Re cam growth hai ui *earchmg tot an muwasnc mdnnduart so M uatoi S manager* pcnirhon* 6K,’68J6 5tipend Positions Available A SIX) Eicrutivc i* filling ihc ftiiltming ft* the y* 94 hh»**l year • Orrti VA"t ( »• SimMnix < <**Ji*4ih* « i'i’mj'ttmU* *• / f ( '/At**/! • ,4s i”. ijW f rN4f#« f (, <••*/«St!AfN Ajtpi* asniM. ..k*c Wt’Jrn nln Md> ’<< ' l*l f> m Su.i. 4 I V1l rASua 210 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED Appticatxxi* ar* now b*»g »e cvplwl kx m*** p»d po*rt*X'» « m* 919* tchooi ywo EcMc» m Owl Icy 10 mourns Muilxolu'W Afl*n f 04o* ky 9 month* and Production Edfax kx 9 months Sutxns appacations to THE STUDENT INSURGENT olfcc* *1 Suit* 1. EMU Application d«a<»in« •» JUNE 1, 1993 _ WANTED: t loguard ai Camp W4ani m V*n*ta Jun* 71 July 31 Call Bartmia m 3*2-6338 to apply Oat Invotvad Wort wth your pews. ESCAPE Field Stuck** I accepting ap pacahons ky tn« PutJK Schools Dw Sion Head AppicaUxis in EMU room M ill Du* May 26lh kilo 346-4361 EOEJAA AD DESIGNERS & PAGINATORS The Ovgon D»ly Emerald production deport men! s accepting applications for the tottowmg paid positions that Start m August and September AD DESIGNER - uses Mutt. Ad Creator on the Mac to design ads Requires e» coften! devgn and computer sftiMs Work 2 3 days a week, 2-4 hours each shift PA GIN A TOR • uses QuarkXPress on the Mac to produce news pages Work t -2 mghts a week 7pm to m*dn*ght Applications A job descriptions available m Room 300, EMU Eligible applicants must t>e enrolled at the U of O tor the 1993 94 school year Dead s»ne Thursday. May 27 &2000 ♦ month Tax-Free1 Teach English, depart Taiwan Placement guaranteed' No experience neces sary 1-904-57b*9683 M-F 11-7 East ern for program Information tTv 1 inaptman ager. to» very nee apartments across from liO campus Compensation mc'udes furnished apt. utilities A salary Eipe nance not required Send resume to Managers Portion. 2050 Harvard Dr Eugene OR 974Q5 215 WORK STUDY ' Big Bro«her-B*g Sister «s hiring tor | campus director position tor the 93 94 academic school year, must | be work study student Ciafi 1 346 4431 ____ 210 HELP WANTED I Il tikes more than a p;iper airplane to spice up a term! I jKSl'APK oilers you the academic experience ol a lilciitne (you might even lind it tun') by allowing you iio learn while volunteering in the community No matter what your major or interests arc. we have the j perfect position lor you to experience. We w ill suut registration tor I all term on September 1 hh but you .ire more dun welcome to come check out what we have to otter today so you know what placement you will want tor tali' Stop by our office in IMl! room Mill (up the stairs next to the elevator by the fishbowl) or call us at Vf6 4}S| lor more information KSC'APt". it iMi f just a ckiss. GILPE ME FIUE! Run your "FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits^