Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! To DU«o on od in tho fmtuld CUotifiodo tlmply fid out or* of our forms locotod of tho UO Boohiiora or of our mom ©fhco oft tho 3rd floor of tho EMU budding, Su«o 300 Or foof froo lo Mod uo your id with choc* onctoood to bo Boi 3t»0. Eugono.Ofl 07403 W« alto Accept •<*• by phone *1 >46 4143 When ueing ihte eenrkco. we cen only proce** the edt d you •re uelrif • Vtee or Mettercerd Of you heve eeubHehed eccount with oor dept Calculating tr># coal of an ad it ami pi# If you ar# a I/O afudam or a non profit group . in# coal la 75 p#r bn# p#r day W# a a# lor a minimum ol 3 knaa to an avar aga ad total* I? 73 par day If you ar# a retail buainaaa conaid#nng advertising, pl#aa# call u» at 346-4343 for furthar information Oh. and don't to*got lho dooUbno lor lino ad* Hi l p m on« UiftJnoo* day prior to inaorlkon whilo drtpity ada aro two buoinoot days prior 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Dtna B I am ao happy, aoon you w»t know Tha trua manning o» myopic bond1 OYBS Francos rm ao ascltad lor you lo go through T, And do you data aak ma why?. Causa soon you II ba a Shakay K, And you S know tha truth of Ona Haarl. Ona Way! a YBB_ JOOY Congratulations on kit)nation' Wa rs gonna harm so much tun logathar' P YBS Chatnan Kmdra You r* tha bMt III tit of alt. war* going to hav* Quit* tha bail T mmk will ba way to fab. cut fu»t uka Mh chaaf wa r* BAO' * VBS LX I ♦H Than** to* tha aondadu* Mom s «w# and party* You showad ou* mom* on* tatrtftc night* ¥ Gamma Phi 14-H LX IK IK Courtnay Look around to a tarrtfic T waak! I ova, VBS Tiftnay LX LK LK LK Tracy Initiation and I ha Mystic Bond ara right around tha cornarl gat aicitad' You ara tha bast' ¥ YBS IK_ LK LK LK CONQIUTUIATIOWS! You mad* II to T MOk K*v* a giaal wook I tovo you lot*' SIGMA LOVE. YBS Ik IK Stephan* Soon you W linow what mafcet H to greet. I'm loo wiM I can I wait1! * vss ~KX ' ~ " AVtJ Thank* k> lha party Ota mom * had a iwavgn lim*’ Saw you ih*» week and m Ihw 6 way* a A VU __ (tot eictted lot tha TRI DELTA UL TMATS FWSBCE TOURNAMENT this Saturday* Tha eeent begin* at 10am (location TBA|. Question*? Caw JuHe F o< Erin R at SAS-SCttO. CAR WASH Sunday May 23rd. 11-3 Lot bafttnd » )• (10th t HUyard) Lot* ot fun • BE TH6RC1 I4>H tan GAMMA PHI BETA »l ** M0*»luls' Good Luc* th<* wan*' You 9*t» mt iha grnalasi * yom Mtar* i an rat ran mka Amy L. s Ova Congratulation* on your pmnmg Ba*t ol » a* Stiff US TARS' lota, tom A AH A AH rate CAN WASH 121. Sunday. tt-4pm at Lh Seurat) on W 11th The fretemityraorority or dor* group ahoartng aridi (ho moot can <»nt 0 TRACK TOWN PIZZA fEIO So piaaaa come A portteWHl E aS0NiLS Oo you Dm eatra Orad Uckate? Wo nood thorn! Cod SOS-4T0A m: LOST 4 FOUND found Aeye ol EMU Courtyard. Mort do) !tw I Tin Cat lo deaerrba M«oe ns TvP^G SERVICES At MAtm. MOWN » ORAO SCMOOA APPROVED 20 root mauvekat bac* ground Term paperWt ut ratuma tar Hto l r*t>ng 1 atm pr ON CAMPUS' JO THE TYPMO PNO Word fVocatamgtf d*ng I yt»ng Thaeep'Oiaaerlattone on Laaar CdMMOMrtKor ** Typing unlimited tertura Land ~ 4d&.*343 Sarvmg UO «r«NI 1961 A PERFECT PAPf R P*4w***MI ^yc*r%8 e» nMkrNn *m‘ P«*4 (m* i?5 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP for a* your popart protect* ate Writing, editing, proofing AA •ob ject* and atytaa Attordabta and conaan lent PRO/EDIT 343-2747 no FOR SALE MiSC Computer (tMk $80 Oorm Ing $80 Oefc «ni cnt». $75 Jmjj Voltage bee. $t$0 JVC ferec »cv* A caat. I'OO 663 6631 Concert Octet i 0.000 Manure* Hiue* Traveler Aimer* Brother5 PW A more. Monterey CA. Memorial 0«y Weekend 2 day hcM* 4A5 986 7 tie** Couch hide-e-6ed $50. < r** Tv $26 microwave $30. tony tiered $350 W» tw>r> M >r $5Ci Cat 4M 04,39 King tixe watertoed. complete w*th maltreat A hardwood headboard f* c.eeent ltXM'lrion $ 1QQ CaB 343 3955 large dett A ©ife* cha* $'50 otoo Dorm Ing $40 obo l ea*e message tor Mart el 34 5'5984 Smell refrigerator. $50 CO praye* dec man, $60 w adaptor cord tor car etc 6833857__ Whirlpool laundry tel S'50 Ca* *M>o' at 34;- Si 28_ 1$ Color TV 4 need VCR $600 *o< both f>«l Sk« M.ifcr y.t (Vnr,vng». Katwf Boots. $260 Ut> *680 or 348-8/99 25 contoie TV 5/5 targe ouch $100 nee large das* $76 C^a* 345 5811 Burmete Python 6 UNeed* nee home Mud tempered, 485 9261 Young Chinchilla «k» good house comes wt*.j cage A lood T un ftsofec ammai. mov»ng A mu*i tea $75 342 7374 145 CARS TRUCKS ReconOitlonad VW angina til* bug or but. 43S0 aachanga MS-4179 Mbit* Canopy-film »mali, lonabad pick-up In good comkfaon S'SO 08 0 r*\ nn 71 VW BUG NmOi !»<*<» & cat. obuxvui* good c* SSOOoCo 467-7020_ 71 VW POP-UP DomkI run. MOO obo 444-4244 74 Audi 5000 Run* but naad* angma work SSOO obo CM M3 4523 _ 74 Toyota COci hoh m**r». iu*l, but good ni. run* wa*. 6 *pd. ac. am,1m C0«». S3S0OOO 484 237 7 74 Toyota CoroMa ongxw ha* •« than 50 000 mi. graal cond S'395 Cal 344-47M 41 VW Oaahar -wabM. took* good, no proba. graduating 4 musr tmt S80C obo 342 2 78* u: MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS •0 Vama*l» M Icootar. loo m*a». o»***mel. iu»t 8 nun* great Baal 0«w 342 3688 EMERAIJD CLAfiftinKiM A («n of a deal! Ichatwn Mm to* <5* frame gram oonti oaf cared K» mowng a mu* wM.IT> OOP MVJWO... Man Rtmacte Mm KM <8 1ST wo loo maea a* XT component* $800 «W»l __ __ LOOK OUMT Rincon IS". Pianan© 700 component*. too** great tmm great onty *700 146 *43$ i« computers Electronics Mk ClMMc *I*C Kx+fMoi toato •ome aoftoor* aeonaonea. 1/S0 /4IOW3 Mao Mk ■ MO 14" cot™ ..Im« keyboard wrfroara *187$ 060 Trade n po*a*4a 347 18$8 Vertical computer stand *tx.» out keyboard a canto *noi Heavy duty (eaten Irma t* atamg SS5 J4S4WJ i7o SOUND SYSTEMS CASH*!! W* buy m «nd wive* VMS VOTt end M«»ao» TSompaon (lac bww.* m2jo» 34j sen POLK AuOo Mobile Sa»i MM3a ianaa prtHe. f 70 OM-OOSJ its INSTRUMENTS fwfla Ito van Braaa amp ehorua lootaerti' smtier iA» ti loop i y 0*3. paid MOO aMnng 0360 CaS Jason 346aor« ONtSOM acouabc guitar, B .'7 idle Ml wM BeeaiM tone «• MnhhM rax 1600OBOCal U* /0W Peevey 2/10 rati • Mark ill i.lOa nae«1 3260 *ac*i or 0460 lor both Mon <040160 Piano 0470. cleat real guitar 0100. drum macMna 0AS. etrobotuner 0220, rockband 1100 over 400 ree orde I CO e YABO SALE. 2010 High Sal 11-0 0 Sun 12-0 MM2U Yamaha Steal airing guitar and caaa 0170 oho Cad Sara 340-0740 iss BOCKS CASH FOR BOOKS Taro Convenient Locatlone rw E IMh US WUtarnette (CAfnpual (00amtawn! MA-IASI S43-4717 BUYING HOURS M. IM VI. V*. IV# VI. M Smith Family Pookiteft t95 TRAVEL HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUM MER? Orly S3W" Jel mere ANYTIME io< V&) from trie We*I Coa»! S'69 from fftii 1 Coam nrth AlWHTOH ! Reported in Lely Go* A NY 1*me*} i 800 :»/' '098 Traveling Soon? Apply lor a credit card A fly RT anywhere In the USA lor S IN or la— CM today BMW Plane Voucher One aray. Eugene to Kauai via San Fran MOO MT-HIO 205 OPPORTUNITIES ••• POSTAL JOBS"* SUfl |11 41 hf • ky app*«ca boo* K file ca® 1 g up to WOOOrmo p*u» wortd ***** Holiday Sunm* A Caraar amf*oy man) mranatha No aip naoauary For amploymart program eaA l 206 6340*68art C6069 ALASKA SIMMER EMPLOYMENT hahanaa faff JBOQfaa ** carmanaa or A4000*mo on lartng boat* F >aa fan* portabon' Room A Board* 0»ai BOOO opanmgt MaiaorFamala Foramploy mart program can > 206 6464156 an a son INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Maaa monay laacNng baac oonuaroa tonal l.r.gf.»h Kxoad .lapan A Tamar. Maaa A200O *4000. pa. morth Many proMda room A board » olha. banal**.* No prawwut tipnmg tv **ach»ng carbA cat* laouaad For fntamabonai Em (toyman! program can lha tr. tarnation m tmpfoyman! Group (206) 63? 1146 axl 36060 10 HELP WANTED AD DESIGNERS A PAGINATORS The Oapnn Omfy f m&akJ production dapartmen* >* accepting appfecabont lor the toftoeeng part positions that **art m Augu«i and September AD DESIGNER use* Mur. Ad Oaator on the Mac to design ad* Requires oa teAem design and computer sfcrtta Wo* 2 3 day-i a wa 2 -4 how's each *Mt PAOUtATOA • umts CX)ftrtiXPf«i on the Mac to produce nee* pages Wort i 2 night* a wa»i 7pm to m*dn*ght Applications I job description* ava-tat-ie n Room 300 F MU tHgrtXe appieants must be anfoAad at the U ot O k* the 1993 94 achoot ye* Dead »«n« Thyfaday. May ?/ Cruise hne F ney »*** on boartttend vde PcMte1*on* avm summer/year »Ountegu*d at Camp W4a* m Vanata. June 2t Juty 31 Ca* Bartvara at 3426336 to apply ASUO WOMENS CENTER NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS For Ml 93-94 poertkxx* Slude<>! CVacic* of Won#f!'» Collar. Wonan'i Resource A Rato"at. 2 oo (Vector*. volunteer coordinator S '# copboruatft SAffRtOf 2 co-rtumr. and name* ol 3 »o** to Personr-ei l<*ar> an. Kn«gh? library. UO DeacVne June n. 1993 LIVE IN APT MANAGER tor very noe apartment* across horn UO campy* Compenaafcon metode* tomu/ved apt. uW»t*e* A salary f *pe ranee no! required Send resume to Manager* Po*4*on 2050 Harvard Ur Eugene, OR 9/4Q6 Man AgMnat tap* • sa**mg ape* cants leu m* <993 94 co-d»ector po s*«n AppKaSon* ars evaaabta n Suda < EMU AA/EOt «pt*rations ana now being ac cepted to> 9»sa pax) potrtions m the 9V94 school yew f <»to< m Ow* lor <0 months Multicultural Allans Editor ten 9 months and Production Editor lot 9 months Submit oppAcabons to TMt STUDENT INSURGENT oMca m Suds t. EMU Appbcaticn daadhna ■a JUNE I, <993 Lhra Mt care giver wanted 2 woman with developmental ddabeties need support to trve on then own You could mass a dderence n thaw lives and an joy a oomtcrta&le Irving anw ronmam Sewed tuStane position with banatrtS Apply n parson. Ahrstd Taylor Inc. ?90 E iTth, Eu9an«, 9 4pm Mon fn No phone calls Youth Nutrtttorv/flecreetlon Assle toot Wort wdh lead loom m*mbw to pten. organize and conduct nutrition rotated programs tor youth m the Eu gena'Sp'.ngftetd area Must be cur rent student Wort three dayVwee* B hrs/day at 56*v Contact the Lane County f «ten son Service at 667-4243 tor addrtona* details and application requirement* Application deadhne June 4 at 5pm «,£€>€ Weight room supervisors needed tor Summer 1993 Work Study pre (erred, and fitness snoetedge bactm ? iw, houta. on camput. avatfttxa 6/1*. lBOttmo 683 2*12_ Siimmar Rant 2 Horn nouta on lSttvKmcaa] Axadabte Juna litoSapi IS Cat 686 1436 ? u /•' r. k bloc* Iro" earnout Beservwg to la# *350 1 tx*m leas* -equ-rsd 735 r 17*1,3*3-2114 _ Campus Apartments furnished 142 Bedrooms. Sumnw rates, DMVOO 485 7823 EUGENE MANOfl Highnte tvmg »4h plenty of charm Sparkling dean, large, bright studto* t 4 2 Bedroom* Irom 4385 UiMSeiMcMnMM 484 7441 You art •**co«na lo atop by our of item id a hat of our preset and tuivrt vtctnom Aptrtmank dupttits and housas **to *ptoa< »ummar rate* Than dnvt by any tocafeoro that »nitrtat you and cal our oflea tor an acpotntmtni to m tot nide SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th Avanua AM-1130 Cut* on# bedroom apt very close to campus, no pets. S360. available June 8m CaH34S~628t Pre-Lease lor summer 3 bedrm. S350 Pre lease tor tai> t mo tree' 3 bedrm. $695 Both less than i Woes from cam pus w/covered parking 686-9499 c* 461-0199 Summer Rates 'or furnished units near muse bu'*d»ng. Stud»o. $??0 Small 1 bedrm. $235 1 bedrm $250 7 bedrm. S295 3 bedrm. $350 Cal' after 2pm Ridgewood Apts 668 5/69 GREAT SUMMER RATES! Reserving Now For Summer A Fell A large, clean quiet t bdrm apt t btk from U of O B«g wa* m closet Fully furnished f fee Covered pork mg Laun dry 464 41Q3 1 and 2 bedroom apt available, laun dry. parking, security, close to campus 484 9922 RESERVING FOR FALL LOW SUMMER RATES largo turmahad i & 2 twlrms i Woe* from campus 1442 E 18m Mgr W2Q Or CJ* OuC* or Boonre at 344-4 780 PAY NO RENT whan you aitna now kx Summ* or Fa* Ctaan modam 4 paacaU 2 t»« Mat Rata 4 *r« partacl lor B8Q* Onry 2 Woe** away, th* Ma Raca •» campus twny i bast sap* sacra* Find our why CaM 444-4446 Largo studio 1340 Aidei si ugn one »«r loose m SXXVmo, gel a tie# VCR 343 8303 LOW SUMMER RATES! 2 8 3 BtJrm Apia Available 2 Wocfcs trom campus, dean & quiet 08 afreet parsing A*a4aPte June tblh Call 34V4IS5 The 23rd Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival NEEDS YOU!!! c 3 Volunteers are needed to help out with this years exciting testival. FUf f FESTIVAL T SHIRT IF YOU VOLUNTEER!! Interested?? PI*im contact tha EMU Cultural Forum In Sulla 2 or call 34«-4373. 5x5 = SOLD!! Sell anything under $500... Advertise in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds to sell almost anything. Run your ad for 5 days at regular rates. If the item doesn't sell within 5 days, call us at 346-4343 and we will run your ad for 5 more days FREE! Place ads at our convenient locations: UO Bookstore Room 300, EMU or call 346-4343 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. * Private party ads only please * No copy changes