Oregon Da,ly Emerald Sport s Women go after three in a row By Erick Studonicka Oregon DaJy fmarak) Three peat You won’t find the word in the dictionary, but it's on ovnry Ore gon women's track team mem ber's mind, os the Ducks look for their third consermtive Pacific-10 Conference team title this week end in Berkeley. Calif. "We don't really talk a lot about winning three straight; it's kind of our unspoken goal.” said Oregon's Kelly Blair, who is a favorite in the long jump. Oregon won by a comfortable 33-point margin iast year at Hay ward Field, but this year's meet promises to l*t the closest in the six-year history of the Pac-10. as Arizona State, UCLA and Oregon are expected to vie for the title. "On paper, it looks like it will be the three of us duking it out.' said assistant track coach Mark Stream. "I think we may have a slight advantage, but it's too close to call. All three of the teams are good enough and deep enough to win.” Oregon defeated Arizona State in the Pepsi Invitational May 1. but the Sun Devils did not enter their top runners in more than one event. With the Pac-10 title on the line, however. Arizona State has its main weapons, Tayo and Lode Akinreini. entered in four events. The Akinremi sisters led Alabama A&M to the NC'.AA Division II title last vear before transferring to Arizona State this year. The Ducks have not competed with UCLA this year Stream said UCLA may he the team to heat because of its depth in every COMING SOON! Wotcfe (or oar ids next lues 6 Wed ■ TOMQHT AND SATURDAY Curtis Salgado ■ SUNDAY SU Adrian Legg ■ MONDAY tM SI Blues Jam ■ TUOOAVBnil Last in Transit Bad Livers ■ THURSDAY 8.77 Reverend »d Horton Heat 37B I. Tttl • 484-7181 We don't really talk a lot about winning three straight; its kind of our unspoken goal.' — Kelly Blair. Oregon heplethlete event. "They cover a few more event areas better than ASU.” Stream said. "ASU is still strong, but UCLA might more quality ath letes in more events.” UCIj\ is the only other school besides Oregon to win a Pac-tO title. The Bruins won the cham pionship four times between 19H7-1990. The Ducks have nev er finished lower than third in the standings The sprints: USC's lnger Miller is the class of the sprint field, and she is expected tu win both the 100 and 200 Oregon's l.aReino Woods has been waiting for warm weather all season, anti if she gets it. the school record of t l.SB is in jeopardy. In the 400, C.amnra (ones has run well and is ranked third in the 400 with her time of 53. to, but sin; is due for an effort near her school record of 52.07. The 400 will be one of the most important events in the team title race because seven of the eight top competitors are from Arizona State, UCLA and Oregon. The middle distances: Ore gon's Erika Klein has taken sec ond in the Pac-10 meet twice in the BOO meter, but she will move up to the t MX) mis year Arizona State figure* to score a bundle In this event with the top throe qual ifiers Klein has the fastest qual ifying time in the 1MK), but if the finish comes down to a sprint, look for Arizona State’s Kim Toney to win The distances: One of the feu lured matchups of the meet will he the battle between national 3.000- meter loader Jennifer Hravard of Washington State and Oregon’s 1992 conference 5.1XMI meter champion Nicole Wood ward. Both are entered in the 3.000- and 5.000-meter runs, Ore gon’s Jenna Carlson has been run ning well and should also con tend in both events Oregon will look to its fresh men tandem of Heidi Van Borku lo-Goldstein and Niamh ’/.wo german for points in the 10.000 Arizona’s Katie Williams returns to defend her conference title in the 25-lapper The hurdles: Conference hep tallilon champion Blair looks for another ( (inference title oil the California track this weekend, this time in the 100-meter hur dles line Akpan is the i lear favorite, however, with a quali fying time .30 ahead of her next fastest competitor Expect a repeat of the Pepsi meet in the 400 hurdles, with Lade and Taiya Akiimmn lead ing the res! of the pack. The relays: Oregon could find itself running NCAA qualify mg times and still losing The 4\400 meter relay is the final event of the meet, and it is quite possi ble the nice may decide the out Turn to PREVIEW, Page V ^ I Validated All major credit cards accepted 1! 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