Idiosyncratic idolatry at the Silver Dollar Fourth in a five-part club review series, this review is done in poor taste to reflect the undeniably lucrative strip club industry with seven such bars thriving in the Eugene area. - - oomimf **t*a 10,000 Maniacs (above) join the Altman Brothers Band, Phlsh and others for a Memorial Day weekend concert at Laguna Secs. 10,000 Maniacs and others to perform at California wilderness recreation area Laguna Seca Daze, n Momoriol Day weekend musical extrava ganza. will foature some of the hot lust party hand* on the road this summer. Musical offerings Saturday. May 29. include The Allman Brothers Band. Blush. Blue* Traveler. Shawn Colvin and The Jeff Healey Bund. Featured the following day will be 10.000 Maniacs. Blues Traveler, Blush and The Samples. A Bill Graham Presents show, it will bo held at the laguna Seca Recreation Area on Highway OH between Monterey and Salinas. Thu music starts each day at 11 a m and goes till its over. There will also be art displays, crafts booths, ethnic foods and other sur prises throughout, including a late night camp fire each night. Laguna Seca. in Monterey. Calif. has camping accomodations, some available at a reduced rate. For additional concert information, call the festival hotline at 415-tl74-B72(>. Tickets are now on sale at oil BASS Ticket Centers, or call 209-952-BASS to charge by phone. D. Lee Williams / tx (!»> £Xvv t'-xx.-i*,: Its five to 11 Wednesday night lit the Silver Dollar liar and I've run out of dollar bills The old guy I work with says,"No problem, slides me five ones, slides his Mercedes key ring over in front of me, and the blond girl on stage who looks like either the blond from Physics ( lass or an old History GTF disses three baseltall-cappers on the other side of the small stage and slides over to our side. The blond — topless, not yet bottomless — grinds around on the bar. moves in front of me. drops the blue (.-string bottom, and I lay one of my friend's dol lars on the stage as a barmaid — behind us — switch es empty Buds for full ones, takes the other four bucks, taps my friend's shoulder, leans into his ear. smiles big and says low, "Now you know you sold that old Mercedes diesel lieast three months ago." Louder — over George Thorogood — the l)J announces either a birthday or "l-just-got-outta jail" dance, and all the darners — three on the floor, four out of nowhere — grind their stars 'n' stripes span dexed. three-inch red pumped. Guess-joan cut-off selves to center stage Red pumps girl grabs a chair and sticks it dead cen ter. Guess girl grabs a guv in black Keeboks. black cowbov hot — birthday dude. And American Flag spandex girl gives the guy harsh eye-contact, while slowly, and with a smile, uncoiling a raspy and well used coil of rope. The Silver Dollar is the best strip club in town. Newlv reopened and remodeled, it stands in the ashes of the former Mustang Ranch, behind Bliss' Steak Ranch at 2H<)1 W. 11th Ave. The parking lot remains the same — trucks and Trans Ams — but inside is refurnished, redone like a Hugh Hefnerian. grand-Guccione playroom. Mirrors deck the walls from floor to ceiling, gloriously and strategically reflecting every inch of everything. Walls are outlined by a red stream of flickering lights and stage-conscious red floodlights. There's a black and chrome D| booth ripped right out of The Love Boat lounge But there are three interior advantages here that set Silver Dollar above all the other strip joints in town: three stages, a nifty shower section and no TVs Three high circular stages are set in the main area with the lurgest placed center. And this is good, for center stage contains the majority of the action. This layout especially bests (Kith jiggles (totally nude dam - mg onlv a few, select times of the week) and ABC, where strippers perform just below ground, in a sunken-runway which follows more closely the design of a pig's feuding trough than a true stage Sil ver Dollar recognizes that women should Iw elevated to their natural sexual dominance. Just behind the smaller, right-flanking stage stands a newly installed glass-shower stall and hot-tub. Closet voyeurs are free to observe the women after their |>er formnnoes as they shower head-to-toe and all tattoos in between. The added plumbing work here is an astute design feature connecting eros and earth: Each wntershow taps into fundamental female control of all elements Here in the hot tub, supple mother nature holds court for gawking, elementally impotent men The bar also has no TVs And this is very, very good TVs are a strip joint's most annoying distrac tion. TVs are for sports bars. The Silver Dollar bans TV and cleverly keeps its pool table and poker machines in a separate gaming space. Integrating these toys into the strip area would only create intrusive distractions, as is the case with both Houlahan's and ABC. where beside-the-stage l-otto machines steal pre cious attention from the performers. There should be no distractions when one is dis covering the eternal enigmas inherent in the female form. Consider the absurdity of sticking a Pac-Man machine on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. And then there are the women. At Silver Dollar, the 0««.9 The Silver Dollar on W. 11th Avenue teas recently remodeled Indoors. performers are incredibly good In the ranking of strip pers. I plat v those .it Silvt-r Dollar a In stithy first, w ith the remaining pint ed in dost ending order of desi end ing skill and appearam e: ABC. (iggles and. finally. Houlahan's, whom the women look meatless and amphetimized. At Silver Dollar. look for Barcelona-worthy gymnas tics. Madonna-worthy grinds and unoxpe* tod talents (During tho stage dam e for birthday dude, a gidil (. stringed performer was somehow able to hold, light and twirl a match in each aeriola. pint lung them out to loud applause and lots of dollars ) Ignore all tattoos and any bruises Of male and female strippers, females are more interesting Women bold mystery — the haw element of erolii ism — while male genitalia is like graffiti on a white wall. Never tip a male stripper He holds not a penny's worth of secrets Tip the female stripper often and well, for she holds the secret of life The Silver Dollar, then, is less a more slrip joint and more like a keyhole into a vast pyramid or a telescope aimed eagerly toward the heavens Prices for table dances are the industry average $?> topless. $10 bottomless Of course, this amount is pit tance to pay for priceless sublime submission to supreme uterine power. HEAT Continued from Page 5 cowboy, nfter nil Opening the show is g in Vi I lard Hall ( til I4t> 4 1 ‘H for more mlor ination The Very Little Theatre, Inc. presents ,S.on f/imt; ' .1 imiMi .il mv-l'Tv writtim lit )<«11»«i l*'il In Molina Noal. with inusii al dirot • lion by 1.vdia l.urd, i homogruphy by Kathy Thorne and i os lumas in Barbara w i I llama Hi it w« k\ spool opens Friday. May _'t .ind c out mutts through limit 1.1 at Hie Vitrv Little I he atn». 2'I50 Milyard St Showtime is H lr»-p in and tit lots am SH for lliti general public f or rcserv atmns i all t-t-t r?'jl Actors Cabaret of Eugene presents Ij'iul Mr (I irnitr, ken Ludwig's delightful farte ultout the gala season-opening lienelit ol the Cleveland (.ram) Opera ( ompanv as they wait nine lh«t world-famous tenor Tito Morel li (also known as II Stupendo). who has been invited to par form his greatest role 111 hopes of putting Cleveland on the operatii map Unfortunately, all does not go well for the detl 11 ated troupe as one hilarious mishap alter another threaten opening night To top it off. the great II Stupendo appears to have over dosed on tranquilizers A sensation on Broadway and in London's West laid, l-rml Mr 11 trnor is guaranteed to leave tears eyed with laughter The play vv ill lie jierforuied weekends at H p m through June I') at The Downtown Cabaret. ‘»'M> Willamette St Fit kets are available at all Unit ('.enter Outlets (tiH?-5000) or t an fie reserved by t ailing At tors Cuharet at titLI-43f>H Sti Student Kush tit.kets are at the door one hour prior to the show, as available Comi' lint h. to the r> & Dime. Itmmy Dean, hmmy Dean, n comic drama ihn! place in n small town dime store in West Texas as the Dim iplos of lames Dean gather for their 20th reunion Now middle-aged women, they were teenagers when Dean filmed Cianl decades ago in neurhy Marfa One of them, an extra in the film, has a i hild she claims Dean hel|Nid cun reive (III the set. this ( hild is the |mimv Dean of the title Written by id (ira< /\k, this play was i ritically acclaimed in New York and made into a major motion pic lure starring filler. Sandy I tennis and Karen Mack I he Ai tors (.aharet pro duction is directed by |oe /ingo, produced by Jim Kolierts and features local actors Held in The Theater Annex at t'l VV Kith Ave . the play runs through June 1 t Pro show dinner reservations are available (or Friday and Saturday nights Call ftH.'t -»:tt»H for more infor mation July* I \ It'll!'.': > ■ i I' 111V ! 1. 1 l.l V ill. i hi I K 1 'i.m.i "'ll me (,'u,n U i 50% UO student discount 687-5000 Hull Center Oregon Bach Festival The fun is Bach! Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD'S FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM $3.95 In the Ftfthpearl Building 207 E 5th Avenue OPEN 7 DAYS 343-9000 WBST! nrsr w 4u«t W4uitffu "Marvelous And Sensual! H>MOB MM' vransctiVMMd IWW.WIWWUiW. IIBVUWim.SHWIMLMMe TH tt7ke&/S*” WlNTK nSSLV^R^MANTI C •pie W forbidden ' (able 10 "Brighl. Pa^ionatr And Funm." VAI'E P 121? ° l ATE DEPARDIEU AND BROCHET AMC MAGNIFICENT* [/ouftii nkitin< ?h menJc aamaan. ONiWUKOm.fl ■UOO CUM HIT SHOWTXWUi »4W i ftMft/22 ir/tMnoS ‘A WOWttyWs MUIW IWUKI »itUcter iTTSVt o p LIGHT ARMY< DARKNKSS > HARRISON FORD _5ltDc_ nuti fieri \ Huy 21 $3 N99 Iht OMMn Mnr Compost ^8®^ .Kay 22 $4 The Sqalrries ■L-S-UL — «ynvuR imryiwy Filler .Kay 23 $3 The Qnlvoml Congrcu oIm Qotltl Musi tin 21 oroier till lilt mm tears« IMklpSa LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza All Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM ONE ITEM PIZZA .95 Additional toppings $1.00 each TRACK TOWN PIZZA Two convenient location* to serve you: CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd WEST 484-4262 2511 W. 11th & Wilson MCA Concerts Presents 4AD/F!ektra Recording Artist Thur/doy. fflay 27lh ok UJOUJ Moll tuilh /pccial qvc/t/ H. itmi s