Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    Onecm* IXuh timeraids VI WUy Mtuk. theater, IXtrue. \ kleo a
Stone Biscuit at the EMU Beer
Gardens 4-7 pm Free
Curtis Saigado and the Stilettos
(blues) at Good Times 9 30pm $?
MS/The Oblivion Seekers/Compost
(rock) at John Henry s 10 p m S3
Grant Lee Buffalo (acoustic concmporary) at
Taylor s 9 30 p m $4
Some Velvet SldewaMvOswald 5 0/
Unwoundlrock) at the WOW Halt 9 30 p m S5
Oregon Vocal Jazz Ensemble at Bean Concert
Hall 8 p m $2 students-S4 general
Curtis Salgado and the Stilettos
(blues) at Good Times 9 30pm $7
The Squirrels/ Synkolic Smloney
Filler (rock) at John Henry s
tOpm $4
Multiple Sarcasmiguitar rock) at Taylor s
9 30pm $4
Carditt Reeters/ Unshakable Race (reggae) at
the WOW Hall 9 30 p m $5 advance/W door
"An Aria Sampler (opera workshop) at Beall
Concert Hall 8 p.m, $2 students/V4 general
Adrian Legg (everything guitar and
beyond) at Good Times
7 30 p m $5
Unplugged Series w Skip Jones
featuring Mike Tracy at Good
Times 9 30 p m $1
The Universal Congress ot / Bucfchorn
(taw/rock) at John Henry s 9 30 p m S3
Rooster * Blues Jemlopen mike) at
Good limes 9 30 p m $!
Movie Menu Might i movies) at
John Henry s 10 pm free
Oregon Symphonic Band
(University ensemble) at Bean Concert Han
8pm free
: lost in Transit (rock) at Good
i Times 9 30pm $2
|FF Seals featuring Barbara
•Manning flophouse lach (rock) at
‘John Henry s 10 p m $3
Karaoke Night at Taylor s free
University Symphony (student conductors and
soloists) at Bean Concen Han 8 p m $2 students
Blues Workshop m me EMU Ben
Linder Room 7-10pm Free
Jot Morris and tho Road Rockets
(blues) at Good Times 9 p m S3
Tho Guardians ol American
Morality (alternative country) at
John Henry s 10 pm $2
Lost Crook (rock) at Taylor s 9 30 p m $3
Oregon Wind Ensemble at Beall Concert Hall 8
pm $2 students^ general
Reverend Horton HcaVGoardtans
el American Morality (psychobiity)
at Good Times 9 30pm $8
Lima Woman!Small Fish (rock) at
John Henry s 10 pm $5
Boogie Patrol Express (discolunk) at Taylor s
9 30pm S3
Frank BlackHoatmiser (rock) at the WOW Halt
8 30 p m $13 50 advanced 50 door
”. COliHMy ***«*&
77># Reverend Horton Hoot portorma Thursday. May 27. al Good Timas with the Guardians
up the
To say lhi> Reverend Horton llt'.il plus-,
roi k.dolly is liki* saying Citi/vn Knnr is
just a movie
For tlm past six yours, tho Reverend has
Imm'H doing tlio vvildost roc k 'n‘ roll show
in Ainorii a. mostly in jukn joints and punk
i lulls, hot also opening for Dolly 1'urton
and stage div mg for the Crumps His wild,
rampaging show is further subverted h\
his irreverent sermons hence the name
Reverend lie does not. he says. Iielievo in
Now .1 full-on ro« kahillv iirtist. I ho Kev
erend stiirled as .1 guitar-playing orphan
prodigy in an lias!urn Texas luvunile (.or
rectional foil 111y At the ago of 17 fin till
(tin streets, supporting himself as a street
musician and |hhiI shark After a few years
of hustling, the Rnvurund found himself
playing puoked up rot kahilly with "Tu/."
and "Jimbo" on head-hanging drums and
starulup Iwiss, res pin lively
The hand's Sun pup IT' of late Ml.
Smoko fm If You CoI fin. pleased tra
ditionalists. punkers and regular Cood
Time Charlies alike Ini essant touring
suite then lias t nosed die I lent van to turn
over 120.000 miles, and 1 minting /Vie Full
Custom Sounds 0/ llw Hrvvrriul Holton
Hoot was produced hy Cihhy Haynes of
the Huttholo Surfers truly a malt li made
in some kintla heaven
Muc h like the acclaimed film Wild Cut
tnrs, tlie Reverend may rise to fame and
fortune while ns ortl uimpuny moguls take
advantage of his country simple OS I lit'
Rev himself is fmn' to ill-use aus royal
ties tlnil tit) make it Ins way. wasting it all
on pinlkill. |at k and (kike, a Hetty Cage tat
too and plates of frietl chicken and. well,
sushi lie’s just a good ole metropolitan
Turn to HEAT. Page 7
Tracking the latest -
□ 2Q£SS
World Party
©1993 Ensign Records
Rating: ***
* F rtfl** m*t*nAl
* * rx »ft»ing Sp**C>4*
* * * worth a h«;f#n
* * * • rju.i'i*, Mtr.x
***** Slt'Al >1 if you t*dv*» to
In 1987, the music world
was still recovering from the
back-to-Amorioan-rools move
ment inspired by Bruce
Springsteen's hugely success
ful (finally) release. Born in ihn
USA when an English band
fronted by an odd-looking
bloke named Karl Wallinger
struck the charts with "Ship of
As the singer/songwriter for
World Party, sporting "John
Lennon" glasses and
disheveled hair, Wallinger
crooned his retro-folk song
about how society in general
was made of idiots.
Although facing criticism of
"sixties retread," "Beatles rip
Review by Pat Malach
off" and "eco-musicion,"
World Parly found its niche,
and "Ship of Fools" ended up
in the Top 40
Now, in 1993, when sixties
retread, eco-retro hands such
os R K.M. et al have become
standards, World Party is hack
with its third release. Bang! —
and it does.
Wollinger Jumps into the
fray immediately with the
record's first cut, "Kingdom
Come." a funky-folk sound
with hluegrass guitar arid that
consistent eco-messuge.
While "Ship of Fools" was
no celebration of optimism,
the happy-go-lucky sound ren
dered the words somewhat
ironic or irreverent.
The tone of such songs on
Hang! is a little less of the "It’s
the end of the World, and I
Feel Fine" nature, and has
more of a do-soinething mes
"Kingdom Come" tells us.
Turn to REVIEW. Page 6