Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
Members of the focus groups, many of
whom were international students, discussed
their concerns and various issues that face
international students. These topics were the
sources of many of the survey questions that
Gwartney-Gibbs and her class designed.
Although the racial comment sped the sur
vey process up. Bowman said the survey was
already in the planning stages She said anoth
er similar survey will be done next year with
undergraduate international and domestic
There were only two main differences
found between the answers of the interna
tional and domestic graduate students. Gwart
ney-Gibbs said.
One of the differences was that *H) percent
of domestic students felt comfortable par
ticipating in class, but only 71 percent of inter
national students did.
The discrepancy could be bet.a use of cul
tural or language differences. Gwartney-Gibbs
said. She said she had expected to see this
difference from the start of the survey.
Something Gwartney-Gibbs said she didn't
expect to find was that only 31 percent of
international students had asked faculty for
advice with career development, while 55
percent of domestic students had
Some of the results, whic h art* a mixture of
both the international and domestic students
AMO Student Health ('.enter ln»ur
• nee Committee wall meet todav *t £
p n» m the Student Health Center Med
teal Library For mum infornuilKm. call
.146 1702
Incidental ter Committee will mwl
today to dtfccn&a internal bu»in*»»% at
12 tO p ni in EMU Cedar Rmiin t For
more information, 1 ail 14t> I74*i
Catholic Newman Center will have
nirtvvm Salurday at i p m and Sunday at
*1 and 11 a m aiul at ? 30 ami 10 p m at
tilth Avenue and Emerald Street For
muni information, call 140-7021
W'ealey Foundation Work Party will
tMi ml and garden *t I he center .Saturday
from 7 30 4 m lo 2 p m at 12 it. Kim atd
Si For more information. call 146 4694
l.rrmanu Club invite* student* lo
lukn near Three Mile lake a I the coat!
followed by a »nack *top in Maplatoit
Saturday Sign up *heet* are nn the bul
letin board acrt>*» from Room 202
f riendly For more information i*ii 346
Mum*tint of Natural Hietory will t low*
May 23. 1991 For more informal ion < all
146 1024
Sian |ohn»on will tpeak about The
Higfoot and hi* UFO Connect urn Sun
day from l to 3 p.m upstair* at the
f ugette Public Library For more infor
mation. < all 46$-4 ItdJ
Helm /.»a will ftpnfck ata»i»l Ka« i*l!i ill
America Saturday front "> to 6 p rn in
Roam 100 Willamette For mum infer
malum, tall 346-6663
Symposium tilled Justice H* «* t laa*
ami Gender will continue wdh various
ipagkurt today in the («*r linger f <* ulty
lounge The last public talk will hr Sal
urday at 9 10 a in followed by a panel
dnwunion at tl am in tba fatuity
lounge Fur more information, tali 346
International Studies Program will
lunr N brown trag luiw ft today at 12 10 in
Room 810 PU1
Deadline for »iibnuttiofi tl 1/* to the
Fmerald flout «/r*l Suite IOOt-Xtl' i»
noon the dot before publu alum the
item % editor doet wtf have a lime
uhh lime 11 .4/» run the duy of the even/
nn/r>» the event loirs phne before nixm
k pall IQ* .rtrt
Call 344-2710
1070 Bertelsen
(at corner of W. 11 th)
with little disc repancies between the two,
include the following:
• 74 percent said they were happy with
their overall University experience.
• 77 percent said they were satisfied with
the services provided by the graduate school
• 7« percent said they were satisfied with
their major department.
•90 percent of international students said
they were satisfied with the Office of Edu
cation and Exchange
• 82 percent said they wore satisfied with
University Housing
From the results. Bowman said her office
will have more ideas for what to present dur
ing orientation and how to make international
students feel more comfortable here
In addition, a new International Student
Advisory Committee has recently been formed
to advise the Office of International Educa
tion and Exchange on various issues facing
foreign students.
The seven-member body, made up of inter
national students, will review the survey
results and contribute ideas to improve stu
dents' experiences in the United States
"I'd like to see more done at orientation in
terms of letting international students know
that the International Student Association is
here for thorn," said ISA Director and com
mittee member Naghmeh Moshtael. "I've had
good experiences hero, and whatever ISA can
do to give the same to others, we will. "
Another committee member, Christos Chris
tou. said he will sugg«*st ways to improve rela
Continued from Page 1
returns to next year's IFC.
(ust l>efore O'Leary delivered
the injunction, committee mem
ber Kfrem Mehretab moved that
the IFC suspend an internal rule
that requires six members to lie
present to remove a member
from office and a rule requiring
five members vote for dismissal.
"I feel uncomfortable that
Steve is not here to defend him
self.” Mehretab said.
O'Leary's action put another
twist in a unsettled week in the
Committee members Kd (Par
son. Anne Wagoner and
Mehretab sent a memo to Masat
Wednesday asking him to resign
or fare possible expulsion from
the committee during Thurs
day’s meeting
In response to the three com
mittee member's memo. Jason
Moore, associate editor of the
Student Insurgent, requested the
court to review the legality of
tlie member’s proposed actions.
At the beginning of Tuesday s
meeting, Moore accused the
committee of conducting on ille
gal meeting because Masat did
not authorize a meeting
When Mehertab told Moore
Continued from Page 1
That first round also found that students at small
schools are drinking more than those at larger
schools, and men are more likely than women to
Mm 12m mtm
1166 S. A St.,
fmmmmpm ^yJj]
tions between American and international
•students, and also to solve frequent problems
international students have with transferring
credits from their home schools.
A more immediate result of the survey will
lie a new lounge just for graduate students
One of the questions asked what could !m>
improved upon physically within the grodu
ate school, and many students suggested a
place whore graduate students could meet to
study or converse
As a result of this idea, the graduate school
is going to expand into the basement of Chap
man Hall, thus freeing up the Leona Tyler
Lounge for graduate students to meet in. The
expansion should be completed by the end
of the summer.
Besides act umulating results. C.wartney
Cihhs' students benefited from doing the "real
thing.” Designing and preparing the survey
— not counting und interviewing — t*H>k 15
"Mi»s! students just read about how to pre
pare surveys." she said "In my class. I make
them do it
Cwartney-Cibbs and her students used the
recently installed Gimputer Aided Telephone
Interviewing system provided by the Oregon
Survey Research I ah
The students are currently using various
scholarly and national literature as compar
ison resources Using the survey results, each
student has a specific project they are work
ing on that will result m a final paper, (.wart
ney-Gihhs said
pnmui pm mmm."
ASUO Constitution Court Justice Mlchoel O'Loory (loft) Issues on
Injunction prohibiting IFC members, Including Ed Corson (right), from
suspending Intomol rules In order to remove committee Cholrmon
Steve Mosot from office.
he was out of order. Moore loud
ly staled that the meeting itself
was undemocratic and out of
"I don't recognize you for this
illegal meeting, Moore said "l
don't think this is a meeting
it's a rump far lion of the 1KC* out
for a lynching."
However, I Ft! Vice- (.hair
woman Lydia Lermn said she
had tfie authority under com
mittee rules to call a meeting
and said the committee was
looping its regular Thursday
"I called the meeting l‘|sl
Monday." I.urmu said "And
we're going ahead right now
Committee member Bobby
Lee said be would attempt to get
the Constitution Court to decide
on the proposed rule i hanges
before the committee leaves
office Monday
"There are i oncorns about
Steve's leadership." said
go on heavy hinges
And il showed alcohol is the drug of choit •• Hr>
percent of respondents said they used it in the lust
year, compared with iJti percent who used mari
juana and 5 pen ent each for cocaine, halite iimgens
and amphetamines
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