EDITORIAL Owner loses battle between gas, God Texaco said the buck stops with it. Barry Davis said the buck stops with God. On Thursday. Texaco said Davis's bucks will just stop. Davis claims Texaco and the government are attempt ing to infringe upon his freedom of religion. Texaco says it just wants Davis to honor his contract. Davis leased three Texaco gas stations, including one in Eugene, and was required to keep the stations open 24 hours a day. seven days a week. However. Davis, a fun damentalist Christian, decided to close his stations from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday to observe the sabbath. Texaco twice took Davis to court for violating his leas os and won both times. Davis, however, has ignored the courts' rulings Davis - bogan closing the sta tions last year, after sev eral years of running them in compliance with his leases, accord ing to Texaco. Obviously, this is a delicate issue. Davis certainly has a right to observe the sabbath or Davis signed his leases with full knowledge that he was required to keep the stations open around the clock. any olhor religious belief he has. And few would be willing lo grant the gov ernment authority to order people to violate their reli gion. However, that is not the case here. Davis signed his lfasfN with full knowledge that he was required to keep the stations open around the clock. When no decided to start closing them, he should have known he was violat ing his agreements. Davis argues that his freedom of religion is being oppressed. Nothing could bo further from the truth. No one is tolling Davis what religion he must practice or that he can't practice his religion. All Davis has to do is got others to run the stations for him during the sabbath. His religion does not apply to the individual stations, it applies to him. Ho could stay home, observe his religion, and every one would be hap !>>'• Granted, Texaco could have at least considered mak ing an exception for Davis. It would probably have been little skin of Texaco's nose if throe of its Oregon stations were closed once a week. However, Davis himself appears to have made little effort to seek a resolution to the problem. His unilateral closing of the stations and ignoring of court orders suggests an unfortunate lack of flexibility. The issue is not one of religious freedom but of hon oring a contractual obligation. With a little flexibility by either side, these two concepts could coexist peace fully. Oregon Daily Emerald PO UOI )!« 0«€G> Monday through Friday during me school yeti and Tue»aa> ti'd Thuisday during me lummy By the Oregon Ofty Emerald Pubfcsfwg Co Inc a) me tdniversrty ot Oregon togene. Oregon The t meraid operate* mdependentty Ol me Liruverirty with oticoa ti So*e 300 o* me t it) Memorial Union and a a memcer oi me Associated Press The I met am a pnvale property The unlawful 'emo.» or use ol paper* a prosecutable by law Newt Editor Editorial Editor Graphic* Editor Entertainment Editor Editor: Pal Malach date Berg Freelance Editor M.i-’i" f .*her Editorial Editor dell Paalay Sporta Editor F leya Horn Supplement* Editor Night Editor: daka Barg MeiVty BauCurn Merer* dan* ten Oave Charbonneau Galley Andorton Attoclala Editor*: Tammy Beley, Slirdenr Govwnmtfii Achvihe* Oa'a’yn Trappe. cVanmiuvry. CoHaen Pohhg, FSgher Education Admmiatranon Newt Stall Chester Alton Man Bender dustm Bronm. Sarah Clark. Meg Dedotph Amy Davenport den fa*on Amanda forme Anthony Forney Beth Hege Teresa Muniimger. Rebecca Merr.n, Steve Mmi. K#y Momier MV* Mueaer. Tr.sta Noel. l»en Shaw. Ere* Studeneaa Manon Sufor Randy fhwben Mcheie Thompson Aguiar Amy Van Tuyl Todd William*. Clayton Yee General Manager, dudy «•«* Production Manager: Meheie Mo*a Advertising: Tom Leech Sees Manager Shawn Be'ven C*<<» Manage Jane Irota Terevt tarmene. Ph*p dohnson II. Chn* Kandt. deramy Mason Van V O'Bryan II. GSkan Oh, Rachael Tru«, Angw Wndwm Classified Becky Merchant Manager Barry Logan. Sharon Sauve Distribution: Brandon Anderson the* Mannmng. Graham Sampson Business Kathy Carbone. Super*"** Axty Connolly Production: ingid White. ProdLrceon CocvcSnakv Knstme Granger. Dee McCobb. Stacy ketches, denn.ter Roland. Jenmie» Smith Newsroom_ J46-SSII Display Advertising-***-37U Business Office. J4B-M1E Ctaaalfled Advertising-)4B~*34J LETTERS Equal time 1 am baffled by University Provost Norm VVessoiis' letter {OVK. Mav 14). He adamantly defended Jacob Beck. |.T. Sanders. Tom Givon. Glen Love and Paul Csonka. the "reaper t ed" professors slandered by the Student Insurgent "Advocacy of a point of view that relies on blatant efforts to intimidate faculty or any others who wish to engage in enlight ening examination of a complex question should be rejei ted by the University community." wrote VVessells. 1 am confused why our provost did not defend with such vigor the integrity of Clarence Spigner, Sandra Mor gen and the rest of the Multicul tural Curriculum Committee In a throe-page memo distrib uted to all faculty, Givon used language that implied Spigner and the rest of the Multicultur al Curru ulum Committee were anti-Semitic "ayatollahs" of politically correct views and that they were outright racist themselves Wesseils did nothing On April 7, Beds, grabbed Morgan's wrists at the Univer sity Assembly meeting It was captured by local news reporter*, and if you missed the broadcast, look in the April H Register Guard. Where was Wessell*7 At the last assembly meeting, Sanders moved to delete the identity of Asian-Americans and all people of color from the requirement. Why am I so vehe mently against the generic term "minority"? It belittles the exjie riences of my people. No other oppressed grouo has been enslaved, interned, exploited or murdered en masse in the Unit ed States, with the exception of people of color. Why isn't Wessells defending us? I do not support the Insurgent, but I demand equal treatment and justice. Dick Lee English Definitions It is sometimes asserted that people, practices, ideas or insti tutions are "racist" or exhibit GOODWEKSf \ I®RS8 188®? | "racism." Without addressing the propriety of making such assertions. 1 would like to offer some suggestions as to what they might lie taken to mean. Rat isin: A| The belief that people can be divided into several "ra<:es'' so that everyone is assigned a race, and no one is assigned more than one. H) The tmlief that such a divi sion makes possible useful processes of human reproduc tion (’) The belief that sue h a divi sion makes possible useful pre dictions about external anato my. I) } Internal anatomy K) Behavior K) The belief that such a divi sion should or must play a determinant role in lavs G) In behavior II) In the valuation or evalua tion of individuals. Note that A is an obvious mathematical truth, but B is bio logically, or at least historically, false C, I) and K contain poten tially testable hypotheses and K. (; and H do not. Almost all Americans are implicitly or explicitly racist according to at least six of these definitions I do not claim to have exhausted the possibilities. Jerome Berryhlll Chemical Physics Precious gift Thank you Hob Weigel for being courageous and standing up for your beliefs [DDK. May 18). I too believe in pre-marriage celibacy. It takes lots of determi nation and self-control, but it is worth it. There is a woman out there who will value the precious gift you are saving for her. Just remember, there are many who are on your side. You are not alone. Sharon Graville English Psychology Bigot crusade May 17 brought the upsetting experience of evangelists on campus — and they weren't even students. Did campus cru saders hire “Rent-a-Bigot?" They have freedom of speech, hut they do not have the right to attack others. At such a central location of campus, it is impos sible to ignore them. If they had been preaching racism or anti-Semitism, they would not have been allowed, so why were their homophobic and violently anti-choice rav ings' A university should he a community where diversity is embraced; instead 1 felt attacked and threatened. 1 am here to learn, but how am I to concen trate on taking a test when out side of the classroom people are shouting that I do not deserve human reaper t? ! do not want to make an issu** of mv sexual orientation. 1 am vorv tired of being an issue, u cause or a statistic. I am a per son who is not heterosexual. Hut these attacks force me to wear a pink triangle everywhere I go. to "out” myself to strangers I have many important things to wor ry about, and defending un safely and civil rights should not need to tie a focus 1 appeal to alt campus powers that be that there not be a recur rence of this nauseating event As 1 respect the rights of all Christians to exist. I demand the same respect. Heidi Bowman Comparative Literature All washed up An op«n letter to the person who stole my detergent: We live in a society, and in doing so we agree to consent to certain limitations to our behav ior. By accepting the benefits of societal living, we also accept the drawbacks. One such draw bm k is that it is not OK to take other people's possessions, for example, detergent. If you are in the Bean Com plex laundry room and see someone’s nearly full box of detergent, and even if your every cell yearns to grab it and run away, you simply cannot. We do not live under martial law. We are not savages. Might does not make right. Here is a simple rule to live by: If it is not your detergent, do not take it. Please, let’s work together to stop this madness Josh Psddison Pro-Journalism