Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1993, Page 12, Image 11

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I Men hope to stay close at Pac-10s
By Dave Charbonneau
,0.<^V l '-**■ > •
As has boon llii? i ase all season, Oregon head
< oik h Bill Dellinger is keeping the expectations
of his team loss as it heads into today’s Pa«:ifi« 10
Conference Trait and Plaid uhampumships In
Berkeley (ailif
And who could blame him. His team is full of
young talent that has vet to compete at the Pin 10
level and has a lop three qualifier in only two of
the 20 events.
"We are looking forward to the f’a< • 10 meet, and
not just to get it over with," Dellinger said "We
should he able to fight it out in the next echelon
below UCLA and probably DSC l’* LA is a very
strung favorite to win."
Tlu* Bruins art* indowj h»*avv favorites, with top
live qualifiers in 16 of the 2(1 events Dellinger is
not setting fits sights on the powerful UCLA team,
and rightfully so. The Ducks' best hope is to finish
at the top ol the rest of the field
The Dm ks will need their veteran performers
(Konnie Harris, Gradv O'Connor. Heath flowing
ton. Derek Snellingand Jason Walton) to carrv the
load and hope a few- younger gu\s come up big il
tliev expel ! !■> c onipete lor third plai e
Sprints: DSC and UCLA traditionally dominate
the sprints, and this year is no exception Com
bined. the two teams have three ol the top four
ipialifieis.il) the too. 2(M» and 400
Although Oregon has three qualifiers in the 100.
LaMont Woods seems to have the best chance of
crai king tin* top three laist weekend qualified for
the event in 10.5H. but will likely need a hotter
time than that to have a < banco at third plat e
Konnie 1 tarns has boon the talk of the Ducks team
this season, but his time of 46 H4 in the 400 is still
four-tenths of a second behind the top qualifier.
Middle distances: Oregon's (iordori Johnson has
the third-host time in the hoo and is not far behind
Washington's Mill h Leffler. who holds the second
fastest time. Arizona State s Jim McCreary is the
heavv favorite in the event.
In the 1.500. Oregon's Scott Nicholas could feed
off his impressive performanr ns over the past three
weeks to crack the top three Although he is still
more than a second behind the the thin) qualifier
in the event, a personal record for Nicholas could
have him in the running
Distances: Washington's Greg Metcalf should
easily win the steep lei base, with Arizona State s
Erin Scroggins and Arizona's Martin Keino bat
tling for second. Jason Humble is Oregon's only
entry in the event.
Metcalf and teammate Neil Pam lien are the top
entries m the 5,000 and should finish 1-2. but the
Dili ks' Karl Keskn is the fifth qualifier and has the
potential to finish higher with a PR performance.
Hurdles: IK I.A s Ross Flowers and Arizona's
Leo Simmons should take the top two places in the
110 hurdles, hut Oregon freshman Jamar Williams
is right there in the hunt lor third.
Grady O'Connor and Erik Ylitalo should earn
points for Oregon in the 400 hurdles, but anything
above a third-place finish for either is unlikely.
Throws: The Bruins should get big points in the
throws, espei iallv the shot put, where they have
the top three qualifiers Oregon’s Heath Howington
is the I)ut ks' lone entry in the shot and discus, hut
j:. is not likely to finish higher than fifth in either
- lumps Sm-lling is om* o! thi* favorites m uic
pole vault and has the ability to win in stn h a
volatile event
Oregon freshman Knv Livingston is the only Ore
gon qualifier in the long jump and could finish in
the top five with u solid performance Devon
Uosev has the third-ties! mark in the triple jump,
and Oregon's Jason Walton could also make some
noise in the high jump where he goes in with the
fifth-best mark
Relays: UCLA and USC should dominate the
relays. with Arizona Slate giving them a run in the
4x1 o<). Oregon's 4x400 team has the third-best
time this season and has a shot at finishing second
behind t ISC
Continued from Page 9
cotne of llu* moot
The throw*: The |iivolin
should he one of Oregon's host
events, with national lender
Ashley Salman and teammate
Toma Roth expected to rock up
some big points. The Ducks only
have one entry in the shot and
discus, but Julie Him k should lx*
1 ompvtitive in both events
The jumps: Blair broke
through the 20-foot barrier with
a 20-4 long jump earlier this sea
son, but she may have to jump
2 1 feet to w m the Pa» 10 title
Blair said she has recovered ful
ly from her record setting per
formance ill the heptathlon last
week If her bat k holds out and
she can compete at 100 percent.
Oregon head coach Tom
lieinonen could find himself
soaked after l>emg ceremonious
ly tossed into the steeplechase
water pit as the winning Pm K)
IDO MrDrt 1 In^r-* Miller it M
H |1 2 l.**** J*erk*rr (ASU) II 57 3
UKrilM Wood* {OKI 11 50
KiilfMK Wood* «mi Uinua tkni
litry (It 94)
200 Meier* 1 Inge* Miller H 'M } 22 3 I
2 Teyo Akmreml (ASU) * I 67 3 &hel»«
Mwrt»U (HUAI 23 7J
< h*■%*■■■ •. l.ittrtm tv uixit il i 94)
4(H) Meter* 1 Te>o Akinremi (AM ’!
32 4 I 2 Shane^mi (jiitpiil! IASI ) 5274
1 (jiiner* kmnk (ORE) 33 19
Oregon knlfie* lonst 1 i*a ttmiwdl
(55 62). Ntlka 1 Ikitiuii (56 3502. wd She**
tui Kfiiowiii (36 36)
RiHi Meter* 1 Kim tone* I AM')
2 f>4 3? 2 Shard !e ( 4TI t* {A SI *i 2 06 32
4 \m.a p N.* h«U (ASU) 2 06 40
Oregon |j)tri(4 T*rr* Hun! (2 12 ool
1.300 Meter* 1 trike Rltun (ORk)
4 2 1 ‘M 2 B«th B»rtkolomrw (I < t A)
4 24 01 ! kirn Toney {AM • 4 24 92
Oregtin tnliMf* Klein and M*i«*
•4 14 4 4)
MN.M) Meter* 1 lentttht« Ilfav«ni VVSO)
0 13 20 2 Nw ole Woodward {OK.I. J
9 22 56 I Heth Kotkohnvw (Ut.l A)
9 26 11
(begun fcftlrte* Wondemrd and Jenna
i^tfUon (9 »4 64
3.000 Meier* 1 Nuoie Wuudtoard
(OfttK) lft 22 14 . Um«. Walton {MAN}
16 23 *0 3 Jennifer Hravard (WSU)
16 26 36
( begun krtlrMH* Woodward Iwiiuiafi
Mill (16 4(1 34i. Heidi Veil Ikukulo (»ohl
*tmn (17 00 Obi. eml Niamh /wag»rm*tt
{17 l‘J 10)
IO UOO Mdm ! Ka»»e William* (AKCZ)
J4 IJ ‘id 2 Joan H«m-v (AK1/1 14 »'* 16
t fimdi Vrtii Borkuh. Gold*!«i» (OKI.)
15 4IH
100 Hurdle* 1 Utter Akjiau (ASU) 1 I 14
2 I’pIkp l.ipw i.uiib(l’M 1 11 Ml 3 (Hit*
dm* Kobm*on (WASH) 1 l i»*i
Oregon bnlrtr* Kelly Hluif {13 H4j
400 Hurdle* \ 1-atle Akmmnii (ASUJ
57 12 2 Knit Blunt U M » S7 81 l Kmlvn
Mac k {CA1.J ‘>w 52
Oregon Koine* Karen VV ted matin
(101 19) |iui leniuioi Majtlmgfl 03 14
4*100 Mrlrr Relay 1 ASl 4 4 59 2
(mi 44 95 | 1 SC 45 15
4*400 Meter Relay 1 A SI’ » >0 45 .
t 4 .1 A .1 13 85 3 OKI. I it. 4*1
Shoe pul: I ikiwii DumhlelUC LA) >*>
12 Valeyta AUbmue (UCLA) 63* 10 3 M*s
mitf Whtochei (UCLA) 52 0
Or**lfun I nlrti’. Hock {40 2)
Dim ui 1 IklMil IXimbb (IK I A) 1H8
4 2 |ul»e Be< k (OKK) 167 10 3 Annette
Kadtbtwa (( A! 16 1 5
lavrim 1 A*hlev Si-lmaii IOKK) 161 4
Oregon KRifie* Salman. Toni* Roth
(1*»4 sT«»d Kart Liter brook {ISO 5)
Irtplr lump 1 Juliana V andork
U '( l A) 4.- 9 I Sharon U |WM 1 41 11
Ortygoii Knlrie* Sara Howell (30 8)
High lump 1 |( Broughton (ARI/) 6
I 2 Tama Hughe* (AKI/) 6 2 3 Shelly
C. hotiju» |ASl •) 6 0
long lump I Oianlal Brunner (WSU)
20 10 2 Maftake Veil man (UCLA) 20 6 I
Kelly Hlatr (ORI.) 20 4
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