::s APTS DUPLEXES 1 U BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS StuOO. 0» t*» tAumPy >«c*fy »»• Tun'oft*d Stuck* Api SSOSmo Ho Smoking.No P*ti«M-t]12 SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW' On* of in* I argot!1 b*t< cam put tolocOoni 1877 EmaraJd • Mgr «M-W19 I860-1884-17SO AldOf 888 E 16lh Mgr - 686-074} 1145 Forry Mgr - 887 5*96 630 E 141tl 737 E 16th 500 E 181h *46 E 1»th 1930 Onyi 1883 Gordon 1085 Patlerton 611 E 11th VON KLEIN PROPERTY MGMT 1301 FERRY STREET 48S-7T76 23S SUBLETS June until Sept sate beautiful peaceful. 4 t>** from campus. 600 sq tt iipt fey l oi 2. upataes. su«sh»ne H vtew, $400 pnees 4 dates neg 346 9823_ Summer sublet n Qua«nt ' bedroom house near Morse Ranch Separate 5tud*o optional S36CVmo Ca* 464-0439 2 bedrm furnished. poo sauna we*gn? room, laundry. buflift*. $460 plus v« miq SUPER SAVINGS AlOCR STREET QUADS * Summer Spot)**; S'66. fv#n*sl>ad. uM patd. qurattanants * 0-s iXint Kv $279 739 m.t a»mg KnOmirn k» aomm*< tviw near campwa. room i Board HiFai fMd, -aim «U<>0 Me avartaOte 4jM 1009 Martas Boom tor reel m apectoua 4 bed room houee. Men. clone to UO. avea Bit Wgal HMM_ Boom h* Houee ' awaf 'S -i«w * tree to carnpue, *200 mome Cat M*stet I room m epectooe a-BOrtn Iwuw •Croat from Ltmvereitu Pert *312 JO mo plus $200 dep Ian 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Amiao Female eaeaing roommate Starting Sum or Fait (non-amo*at) Sae-001) to inquire female needed Jo »h.ve r oomy 3 txwjrm house w 2 a*J back women Student* June few S250. Jw>y - Aug few S200rmo Oow to campus. across horn A.maion Pi»wv runn»ng traM 345 6f>4« *ve mag Roommate wanted for nice. o*der. centrally located 2 BcVm Apt Loti of light A fireplace St«7 . deposit No smokers or p«t» pleaie 455-5752 Room for rent -n 3 bedm duple* nice n*«ght»orhood S’ 77/mo. 9wd of ut3i;t»ei 685-9413 ^ LOW SUMMER RATES! 1190 and up' Room* »n houie. •hared kitchen A bath AM utilities included in rent Call 345-4155 WANTED Ncv- sm«.« Jo seek/fhare dOwnh’W'' opt Siacey 456-1770__ NeerJ 3 Woomratm '• >» oryr ’■*’.»-• '•• house At Hendricks Park are.! shed e was* d» rV* kshwasTwr ’ - )«* deck, kitchen oaths, prrwtte room* easy go*ng household Avarf -Arne ’4 tilt Aug 31 ^Bamo 4d4 >4(79 Roommate wanted for wonderful house near campus starting f( 15, with summer rates 343-0746 __ »5 GARAGE MOVING SALES MOVING SALE fti1 Chevy Cava**' console stereo, wood cfcnetle set (4 ch»s). modular furrwtur* 9 pc), drew mvmiffors (4) CUM* 689 0514 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1.STOP SHOPPING Saturday, May 2}nd From Sam to Spm-tISS W 13th *« B>ka*. futon* A mot*1 ?90 CAMPUS EVENTS Doe to reeer* Otvnputm martoacIkX'S Untversify Scheduling Office ftfCJuesUng tfiat ;U< pad*?* who hflrvtr inaOe feservation* lor me doles of MAY I0TH-I3TH D« wi tm id rs Of 0603^694 Oft HIGHER lo please c S432 «vw« Osrprt your appotite to »<*ct ion 100 SATURDAY at TAYLOR'S ART CINEMAS 492 t Ulh • BB6-24S0 MCOiNT HOWI W |4 IwUxi) lIt urm tiMibMioi IKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE -ncKU»ouaM«*ui iEB&fMR MOT mM CALVMOAJI 4«IM 'a oua Im boa Una da i vi^uurw TTT ikxwia B! UlMY OT UAHILN12*Ha -BLADE RUNNEr THK FAR SIDE Mt #ftt M a tOUQt* InMiltfr loan. IhjI lalr» loan a tuntw aan ihwlwMHl In limply Ucxlge Lily ux. tuh ti n>ai cio-a NON ' HOW KNQU tNG ' CIO'A.R CICG£« ' _ I CAu. IT "TURTLE POCP [N A SMC&jK." I> GLAD YCUL3g.lT-lVgPJCriT:/ V4B»-S>X ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT *}\*day, May 21 8s«aM S I -IniHi rock Door* at 900 • Show 9.30 Tickets S' at iloor Saturday, May 2J. an ttisfeakaHe Race r*W»c Door* at 900 • Show 930 Tickets S' advance. S*1 il»s'f catering service GRADUATION SPtMAl! $ . trff j*i fri. f rrwjNf S i Kt^r H) icfwr 14) Nt> iwrivir NO tXUVKKY l HAXC.I 1 cm ally ( Nvmt! \ ( < MV 1| M-f »t *v*’ Pfu »**■ ( K ) At l iMNI • i4 \ I >4S tty GAMY IARjOH by Bill Watterson uM . ftu MW 10 R')N MM SCCfc MMMG ani me noi wtw Ml H'CM.1 M jT by Kraig Norris AsC ■; THINK : ALVCST \ eic '.3.0000N 1 JOS health 4 FITNESS WANTf 0: 66 pat*** K» "•» (‘O' j &*. i<* A tnamm* •«fw»* «hm*346 4466 320 SERVICES M** Pregnancy Tattinp I ugam# P*«gn«m> Support (VhH 4. J450400 Ptannad Parenthood few Pap •nfpette* eP#cfc». Cwfh can*# p*agrv*P cy lean am! unbt*«#d counting 344 $41t RISC ARCH ME IP l <4 Ou' protaattOrtata »v«rip you *mJ ff'al atut** tact tor you' ■•ports the*** w f or «*y»* lietiM** v‘4# SwW' at 344 ’060 .X Njnkv (it 6®? 2IW6 txrtwwxi * 0 A ? M TH CAMPUS RECYCLING NOW HIRING foe Summtf sod OYW Portion* POSITIONS AVAILABLE Owe to* of Studani AfCvcftog Progeaen Svmmst CXrmcUyr EMU Stcvc**^ A»ft*st»*t ¥«a doordMo* NtKlNKt Kjf! Coo* » >* ASUO 4 Uftotor »#y Mow***? Out by Spa* H** 2 HI' Sttocltd wto»rwn •*« ba co*v tot tod on Tut* I ^ftd SI) I SB Fo* mort *nto ccMscl Ctmpuft KtcycHnp V4A1SW r>w ASUO it m AAEOE tAtomtn p»opto of coto*. tatOuftt A 9«yv ptopft w** dltjfcrtrtw 4 ptopto of aS ag»% »<*ajc. rtfagiovt. m*r*ai 4 v«< t**n ttofwt «« tncour tg«J to Jppfy *p pf«ctntt mvtl bt tfvdtnft of fbt IMfvt* w»l of Otgon .... Doonesbury by carry trudeau ■ ,TS A\ tNTEKWNG CON ■ GUl&ATKN M/H Mt>M«W ■ 4^? ‘»W ««*? CON soot* ruAN ifovu&p not rw Ot/tCh Ufa TO PUMA «K m "tM/tv*1 cwNseijNe>, strut tmm, st (VWrrmvMm, H/XKN6, rnN&t, rtm# hm hmt TO Of HP fT AU ' I i i I acorn hidau imr fur oo tt-'ftw ft*»f IT 4VWtfJ r I UM ffOVdCl > AilKf CUP i'lJHf *’ MTU A wTcrmuAt* hi MU. liM) aumc guilt lWHO CROSSWORD By Eugene Shttffer I ACROSS 1 '.<•**» X 4 Pan oI « coatuma 12 HaaHcx • ollanng 13 Sian of a crytiai gaiat'a '•mail 14 Ca* pat layai't (Ome am 1$ Co&apvbia loppa# 17 Mitliatt 1i£nd IIBm toMowar 21 Soma aM* 22 Cyimdicai contaaw 26 La —. Milan 26 Ooa cool 30 f atomou* ttflht 31 Managa 32 »<•«*' % haqjht 33 6 m anal on 34 Pinna cad «2i 35 Vacation *"0 36 Coo 4 a data 37 Frofeht tr am com ponent 30 ‘Chancot 40 * Wei* 4 R« h Man* 41 Door knocker 45 S*mj phore Minaier 44 *The 55 ( ccenlnc DOWN 1 l urnmoi 2 H»M Cftnton ft hom«fc)«f 3 Otofecl 4 f mg »!mo ftp*¥Me 3 7 «vm#r hrewood 6 Cou ftench Connmc I too' tughfcght 50 M* Moreno 51 lotion add«rve 52 Palhd 33 Awaiting reply 54 Hath* ft ftteau ft (Join 4 m 7 Burger men! 0 Youngest *on • Partner ol plata 10 Meed or Heruon 11 Hofafon metftagei dor at on Solution lime 20 mint 16 Nanim ► 70 t ulenmg 2) >M\ 24 S«V4H4f *> a roe 7 24 Opening day? 26 Suit* breaker 27 Gabriele Chanel 20 Top 20 Polar employee 32 * The Queen* 33 f till lie brew lefler 35 See 1 Down 30 Denial appurte 30 Prop lor < .eo/ge Bum* 30 Pointer 42 l oerty soMe* 43 Birthright t>4rtee 44 Mo nopoi»' payment 45 Herh 44 ArJrett Uflmann 47 Devoured 40 'Cahet and —* Hoff! \ea*isvu jh f I I ixamrv ‘i#r it**