- orfjtoH/juiVy Emerald Sports— Altar awaits Ducks’ thrower By Dave Charbonneau 0*&&on £!Wy Em&akl This weekend. Orison's Heath Howington will throwing the discus and the shot pul for the Ducks at tin* Pacific-10 Conference Championships in Berkeley, Calif. In |une, his closest friends and relatives will txs throwing something .1 little less imposing in his face: rice. Howington. a two-sport junior from Koseburg High School, has made a couple of important deci sions this spring: 1. Skip spring football practice to concentrate on track. 2. Gel married. Now, besides dealing with the obligatory diffi culties in arranging a wedding — like finding a replacement for the pastor who bailed on him to take n job in California and calling all the invitees to tell them the time of the wedding, which was overlooked by the printer of the invitations — Howington must try to concentrate on tins week end's meet, the football season that kicks off in August, and now. possibly, the NCAA Champi onships. Howington, who will marry Christine Hoyniger, Ins girlfriend of more than three years, on June 2(i, broke u personal record in the discus last week end to become onlv the second member of the men's team to earn an NCAA provisional mark. The meet takes place only three weeks tie fore Ins wedding 111 New Orleans, hut Howington doesn't seem too worried about the upcoming five weeks "I haven't really worried about it that much," he said "II I make it to the NCAAs, that's no problem I still have three weeks before the wedding We've Turn to HOWINGTON, Page 10 * • 1, *■» >„ j Oregon thrower Heath Howington will compete in i the discus end the shot put this weekend at the Pec- k 10 Championships in Berkeley. Cent. I The Weaving projeet !; Rugs woven by the Navajo women fighting i for self-sufficiency and sovereignty Rugs displayed and for sale: 0MC1 Ballroom Today on! &tarlin$ al il am Ida Mae Clinton and Rosie B. Francis, Navajo elders, and invited speakers at the Indigenous Women's Conference, will be present. Spi'inuivi! by I he Native Ami-nun Sluiienl l iihhi. I ol {) You don't have to bo 21 to eajoy oor food." 13th & Alder • On Campus • 343 0681 JUSTICE: RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER an interdisciplinary symposium May 20-22, 1993 University of Oregon (ierlinger Alumni lounge Ihursday, 20 May 4:00 pm “Compulsory Heterosexuality I hr l nfinr of Sexual Injusthr' loni A.H. McSaron, University of Minnesota 7: AO “The Gendered family and I he Deselopmrnt of a Sense of fastis t“ Susan Mailer Okin, Stanford University Friday, 21 May 9:AO am "The Resisiomst Campaign lor Tamils Vjlues luphemumi for In/ustur' fudith Stacey, U.C..-Davis 11:00 “Feminist justice and Harassment“ fames P. Sterba, University of \otre Dame 2: AO pm “Rights, Race, and Sat he fusthe“ -Intone Minthorn, Tribal Chairman, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reserv ation 4AM) pm “The Collapse of Theory: Redefining tquality and Subordination after the 'Cold War'“ Angela Gilliam, The Evergreen State ( allege Saturday, 22 May 9:AO am ‘Hostile fjnirmmmts ami Kcasimuble homen fuslur or (ssentialismf Camline Forell, University of Oregon l aw Sshool 11:00 am Panel Discussion with all speakers Sponsored by the UO Oregon Humanities Center. For information, call 346-3934. All events are free and open to the public. An East Lawn Jam with... 'll iH \r I | | \ p \ / featuring Terry Robbond J*ff Miniavottwr 11:00-2:30 |>m Wedne/doy may 26th mu/ic * fllocktoil/ • mnDD • Creek/ Agoin/l Rope * and much more ALSO: 5k Fun Run I ri.. Ma\ 28th. 3:00 p m. Alton-Bakcr BBQ Pits Pialict Votit Time S/»omsoftil In I H/O Student Health ( enter. I immin Holism Dean a) Students. AS I (). KH(,( . (. AMM A