Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Graduation speaker announced
By Colton Pohllgi
Ckogon (m&ax)
Nationally recognized expert on history and
American culture. Roger Wilkins will speak at this
spring's commencement ceremonies June 13 at
Autzen Stadium
More than 4.(MM) spring-term degree candidates
and fall- and winter-term graduates will partici
pate in the University's llfith spring commence
ment. which begins at noon
Wilkins, a lawyer, journalist and civil rights
leader, is currently a professor ol history and
American culture at George Mason University in
Fairfax, Va He is also a commentator for National
Public Radio.
Wilkins has had various occupations throughout
his life
After occupying several federal posts beginning
in 19f>2. Wilkins worked for the Ford Foundation
and then fix used his attention on his journalism
career. He worked as a columnist, editorial writer
and radio commentator for the Washington Post,
the New York Times, The Washington Star, CBS
News and the Mutual Broadcasting System.
In 1972. Wilkins shared a Pulitzer Prize with
writers Bob Woodward and (iarl Bernstein for the
Post's Watergate coverage.
In addition. Wilkins is the author of two lx>oks.
tilled A Man's l.ifr and Quirt Riots
University President Myles Brand will present
the 1093 Distinguished Service Awards and the
President's Medals following the commencement
Other awards including the Faculty Achieve
ment Award for Distinguished Teaching. Ersled
Distinguished Teaching and Graduate Teaching
Fellow awards will be given.
Each school and college will conduct their own
ceremonies at various campus locations.
The College of Education. School of Journalism
and Communication and departments in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences will have their cere
monies before the main exercises on Friday
evening. Saturday afternoon and evening, and
Sunday morning
Sunday assemblies include the School of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts, College of Business
Administration. College of Human Development
and Performance, and the School of Music.
Among spring term's 2,500 degrees are 1.905
completing requirements for bachelor's degrees,
eight for certificates. 395 for master's degrees and
79 for doctoral degrees, lfifi law degree candidates
participated in the May lfi School of Law cere
Continued from Page 1
OLSPIF. the Sun'iv(iI Center and
AVhSlalong with discussion
of internal matters.
Mns.it said ho is opposed to
having another meeting during
the period before next year's
< omimttee mom tiers take over.
"There is no business that
needs to lie taken earn of before
next years' committee meets."
Ntas.it said.
('.arson said the meeting has
been scheduled since the r.Olll
miltee met Mas 12.
There has never been a time
when the uiii|oritv did not want
to base this meeting," Carson
M(•hrol.ih questioned why
Mas.it <iid not want the mooting.
"Wo agreed on it at our mooting
lust week,” ho said "It was in the
minutes," referring to the min
utes from the ( ornmitteo's May
12 meeting The minutes indicate
the next regularly scheduled
mooting was to lake place today.
Wagoner said it is irresponsi
ble for Mas.it to In and block the
"Of i ourso ho has a motive not
to have the meeting," Wagoner
said. Hi' fools his job and Ins
l>osition as an IFC member are m
leopards Ile should not Ih? shirk
ing away from it."
Wagoner also questioned
whether the committee should
not meet simply because the
terms of most its members end
next week, leaving work for
incoming members. "That
doesn't seem very responsible to
Mohretith agreed. "I'm afraid
with six new meml>ers, this guy
has unlimited potential for harm
to student government." he said.
However, he said he wants to
hear Masat's views. "I'd like to
hear him defend himself, but I
think the issue is worthy of hear
Masat was unavailable for
comment concerning the efforts
to remove him from office.
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