;io HELP WANTED Cnrtaa Uw. Entry m« on boanWarto vda Potrtwn* avar aummar/yaar round ?U MHM :o HOUSES FOR RENT Room In houaa *•*' hmw 8 b*r* to c«mou». $300 month Ga» 346-8161 Surnmar Rant. 2 Bdrm nouM on mhVncao Avatabw Jury# 1$ to Sa(# 15 Can 686 1436__ __ 1 tmdrm ptut bar or badm 2 story nous* on campus, aw»«ty» 6 >4, SBOCVmo 683 2412__ You are emtoom# t,-.. stop try ou< o< hem tor a *re« hat of our present and Un ncanoet Aparlmenti Ipaie Then «tv* by any locaaona that nearest ,ou and cal «e odee tor an apeorantant to Mt traawda SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES J48 W 10th Avenue <661130 PIS DUPLEXES Available Jun« 15m For Summer 1 bdrm apt, $275 Dear qu*et. lumithed 1/2 block from campus Reserving for Fan $350 ' bdrm lmm required /35 E 17m. 343-2114 Campus Apartments Furnished 1A2 Bedrooms Summer rates. IMQS4O0 4A5-2S23 EUGENE MANOR Htghnse living with plenty o< charm Sparkimg clean, targe. bright studios 1 4 ? Bedrooms from $385 AD jfcfrbes plus r*tm mended 454 7441 Large studio 1 340 Aider si sign one year lease ai S3(X3mo. get a tree VCR 343 8303 LOW SUMMER RATES! 2 4 3 Bdrm Apts. Available 2 blocks from campus, dean 4 qu*e? Otl street parking Available June t5*h Call 345-4155 Cute one bedroom apt very dose to campus, no pets. $360. av&iatwe June 8th Ca» 345 6281__ Pre-Lease for summer 3 betjrm. S350 Pro Lease (of laH t mo free* 3 bedrm. $695 Both less than t block from cam pus wr covered parking 686 9499 or 46i 0199 _ PROSPECT PARK 2 badroom ttparlmant avail now. quint country atmoipbarB w. coovaruant city location othar taaturaa inctodr pool tanrv*fea*kat>al cl*, rac room and playground. right past 25m and Cbam bar* 484 6553 PAY NO RENT •hen you reserve now *or Summer or Fall Dean, modern A peeceAJ 2 bdrm lownhoutet PetiOS 4 bekome* overtook me M* Race 4 •re pedecl to* B6Qs Only 2 b*ocfcs *wmy the Me Race is campus kvmg i best kepi secret Find out why Cad Hi 6—4. Co ?25 apts duplexes SUMMER RATES—NEAR CAMPUS *>MK Arne 3O0> 1 Bdrm. hamehed. carport. aunny dot* 1161 M* VXZOmc, AyadabN June 1S*> 2S25 Kmcard Furn.*hed Apt $3lQrmO 204 t 1(*h4irr«ned Sturto »« UOSwo Mo Smo*lng-No Pata 0061317 Swinw Ratal *at Untahad unta "a* mane Ex <*ng Studw $220 Striae 1 badrm. $235 1 Dedrm, $250 1 bac*m. $295 3 bedrm U60 Ca» attar Urn ROjaeOod Apia aao s?w _ GREAT SUMMER RATES! fta—oring No* For Summar A FMi A large, ctaan. guar i bom apt > oa liom U ot O Bm atait-ei eloaat Fu»y furmahee) Free Go.ered parang laun dry 484 4103 1 and I barfroom apt aranaem. iau" dry. parang. aacunty cloh to canon* 464-9922 1 Mm. 2 bath duptaa Woaenar A dry#* 260v>tarii4 ITTSyno AyarlJuty I 663-5167 CLOSE TO CAMRUt Fmiaiiadoni batPoomCaaamani Apt «ypm»<* iterance ITSQmorOi pka dM> I0*S MB Wea£MateHoten.aH 741 2604 RESERVING FOR FALL LOW SUMMER RATES Larga turniehed t A 2 bedrma t t*OC* Ironi carnpul 1442 E 18*1 Mgr *20 or caA Chuc* o> Bonn.# a 344-4780 SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW! On* o» tlta targael A boat campua aatactioni 1877 Emerald - Mgr 063-6910 1860-1864-1750 Alda* 088 E 101b Mgr 6060743 1345 Ferry Mgr 007-5096 830 E 14th 737 E 18lh 500 E I80i 848 E 1Mb 1930 Onyi 1003 Oar dan 1085 Panaraon SHE 11th VON KLEIN PROPERTY MGMT 1301 FERRY STREET 405-7778 1 1/2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Slucko. on -arte laundry taciMy tree rraia* A atim* 343 7093__ 235 SUBLETS June until Sept *a!« oaauMta peaceful. 4 D*>» trom camowa. 600 aq 0 a* kr i or ? upetarr*. aunahrie A nay. S40Q. price* A date* neg 346 9823 2 bedim turruehed, pooi aeune. weyght room launtpy, Duaane. $460 purl elec trie, $175 dap Cara lor cat aaanabte nwd Juna-rtvd Sept 686 3126 240 QUADS SUMMER FEVER $ t49 Summw Rale Larger, modern, good tocafcorv uW part 6&3 7?49 tve mag CEOARWOOO QUADS 841 C 1701 NOW ACCEPTOR APPLICATIONS Vrat* to U oi O Sehmay Pnyaie loom*. uIiMma p*d. laundry Sum mor trom $ \ 70 CALL TWOV . —3 OH o QUADS SUPER SAVINGS ALOE A ITIUET QUADS • Summm SIparu* l'S5 lumKHM, uW OM. QuaMtananta * Dateour-t OU» *om •'AAA '’*»*> r* turtwmad quad* PmflltA f rXranca f K:*o«r'i tocaftor Sh»a oatMutcnan KJW.dap Baal t mala M i JiCH w ROOMS SpacKXJl « badroom houaa. deck, cloaa to UO. avau US Nlgat WANTED funvaoad t badrm apt •ummar only. tuoana (»«>»» at Muaw Thaaba 34SOWS Tammy :s‘> ROOMMATES WANTED Aatan Tamata aaaAIng roommata Starling Sum or FaH (nonamoAar) _US 80S» to mgutra doom tor rant m 3 badm txcra* m mca na^nborNxxt $177frpo that) ot utiMias 6«S»40 LOW SUMMER RATES! ttfO pod up! Rooms m touts, shsrsd hilchoo 4 t»th AH uttHttos toctudsd Hi font CsM 345-4! $9 Mwd ) Aoommotst •<* tsrge. OsaM>!u* NOuSP m HondntAs Psffc at 04 f\jt rvstod »/w»a*/Vs3'yt*r <%\hwtog« (Joes. kjIclMPT !>Sth». pI'VSlP rooms, «*sy gomg housstoW AvoM Juno !4 I* Aug 3< S?$ao»mo 4»4 1409 -55 ROOMMATES WANTED ioowmiW «wiHd (O' MKdarkl houM na*> cumpui 6iti. w» tvmr+t rtim _ :t5 GARAGE MOVING SALES MOVMO SALE: S3 Chavy (**» oontot* »t*«o wood <*<«•«• MK (4 C*W«1. irwOkiHIT fu»«4wa -9 PCI, <**» «fWwWTO» :4) C«*M»05i4 :so MEETINGS Koimb ShMtanl AmocMOoci hcbc A iBO**' Sal. Wji ?3nd >1 llm Atm.V*p S!4fc» P«rt HfO MJ54JJ «v*« 290 CAMPUS EVENTS day. LmOMa. Bi Coflaa Hour Tnu»»d»|f» 4 5 Wp" Somon>« Cun* F va*y«r>« Waicoma 295 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT AH T CINl MAS 492 1 Ulh • 66* 2458 i BIJOU l ATE NlTE 4 r.»« M HMY nr dasiwbis j £>-» bijujk runner] TNI PAN SIM By GARY l ARSON Bochoto* No 3: Who would you radio* awadow — IMckoy Mouoo. Spoody Gofuoloo. o* Rocky Iho Ftytng Sqoorot? . . And why?" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson one, Gut MlTT NCi, tW EM THE THE HiCICEL ! WORMS AND THtM AND IU EAT [U ®VE TOO THE THE WORMS / NK.KE1 MOM MtXrt TXO \ SOBttl' 100 DCMl CtNT'i UP FftONt Wt PMO UNt\U amd twt «tsr I **j Do rut UPOK COMPVtriNG / wowc TWt JOB 7 \ HM-t WO VMIM* U»t GUI EMtNG 5 Hi NORMS NOXO Bt CXlUNG M. "SWOTS ‘ V* USuXiri If lOlRt CM.UH6 XNV SWOTS XV Xu.. NXIfii NOT EX' ING WORNS Weasel's World by Kraig Norris HI. I'M JOHN SHOWN. AN CHOR HEPE ATMU) NEWS. rMKAMWC HMri. HIS CO-ANCHOR ...AfCMFE! AND I'M STEVE FR/CKMAN. CafWlTYSPORCCAjra HERE AT KMLR... AND JON BHCVWS SECRET l£VEfi • . "-NT--' yfnav.i oh.john. HOW COULD TOU?!? WITH FftICKMAN!! HATCH KMIR NEWS YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ! 304 HEALTH A FITNESS I WANT!t>. 84 paopta Kx t*«t put Sum* m A 04. 3*40*00 ■v_;. AT F C Y C /. F THtS FA PFK hCMH paCP* Ca*4 P>«» nancy taafcng 1 arN dalaclKin Ca» Buthnynt 68/ 8641 CAMPUS RECYCLING NOW HIRING For Summat and M-A4 Poaitlon* POSITIONS AVAILABLE Ouoctcu al Studtnt Aacycung Program Swmw CVoctcw EMU Aocyitlnfl Aunlvl Van CoerdinaMH Aaiatanc* Ha* CoOHSnttx 12 Aacytanj Spc*in (Worn Study PmNnadl AAMMMWBXMftmUwASUOEUnluur My Mouvng Du* by Mm MiMy Mty 21M* l*McMd «*»«■■■ a* b* coo IKM VJ» For man wto contact Campui (Wcycnng MAI US Tho ASUO >t an AAEOi Woman, pooptt a! cam. ttatoaoa I py% pooyOa aati tataeMm I poopi* oI Ml M*. Mmuc. mAgtou*. m*fAP 4 m* •von mmw* am oncouaagad to apply Ap Meant* mud bo HuMnl* al Aw U»nw* mtionzi Doonesbury souhckv lamurr rue kxjserine ottvertuAs cooLvm, owtuNbioi nvf juwoove/tep -Vs / BY GARRY TRUDEAU >«rea»«f4MCM«eswv«» niOUt.ou>uv9Cttm rue KjTCHCNKltWOONWlBPINlC A fWt&mNG SttOS COVTB* I I I voHAvr nano, I* mu. KJUHAPX) H me PKXSTCm emjp evoermr anpim mcKKm Ai*x> snu pcxmo urntAjcz. axtmuHf, A r scor' me. tmrfPwsoH merry HUH'THEVWUf. stAtutc a&pt my* a vcruGm1 MHtmM&n \ r CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 lloOull * - Sk»»* (tong) t IWggo# t cowvn 12 *Un»«» c#r 11 f’r«»X>tl 14 TlX mtoob b*l Ol WMM 15 Aiwu ti»!1X) 17Mr — Wiiwil !• — down 1* AlptxbM u*d Ini 21 CO* to>* 22 SufXtmw (ompon ton 24 VioM vottol 27 Vnp und« GRT 2tW»p C rot to) 31 ■— i«ia 22 Mtmtv h thow ttOp(W> 13 D«»cto< Grotbafd 34 I nd ol lh« tong M SmllCMod 37 WlwXd M Bating potato 40 ’I Matt tad ■— Angaf* 41 Straat bou’ 43 Moo aooptc vtaw 47 Wuttta hom 44 In* » cowl at SI Mao iandat'i towaflt SI flog tat SIBaddaal from Monty 54 Tc toa 55 Fatm famatai 54 Tacklaa' la am mala* DOWN 1 tmpftof •!«»* 2 $howg*i Ai ihm Cop** 3 Adam dad 4 Cartomml* nmm 1 5 tfeghUnd NflftMto • Comm* I«k1 arton 7 Sc» h tyhtmy • Inducing gooWW> t G*t i mady to r«5« 10 A/ti*l Paul 11 Ado# K*#r*« IIMikM vou» on* 20 Just out Solution 72 mm* rtm 6 i mitiMr 5 20 KXKS 21 - Oorranjo niuwi pawn cwnptn •on 24 Mott ow Or 1 ftytMKk J*Sdl*4 Cto*l Affc «*cit W«l« m 20 L*>0* CM* 25 Bo»H« 27 Nap lOFhdi 40 Pattnan P4< 41 * itV Thai