Men golfers 12th after first round at regional The Oregon men’s golf leant is in 12th place after shooting 5-over par 293 during the first round of the West Regional in Provo. Utah on Wednesday The lop nine out of IH learns will advance to the NCAA Champi onships in |une. but the Ducks are only three shots out of fourth place and ten shots out of the lead Arizona took the first round lead with a 283 to put them four shots ahead of second-piece Fresno State. "We’re right in the hunt," said Oregon head coach Steve Nosier "In a five-man team event, four strokes can i»t< made up on one hole " Oregon senior Jeff Lyons overcame illness to fire a 2-under-par 70, putting hint in eighth place Lyons was sic k on Monday and missed Tuesday's prac tic e round at Riverside Country Club but led the Ducks on Wednesday. Oregon junior Kandy McCracken tied his second lowest round of the year, a 73. and is in 28th place after round one. junior Jeremy Forster shot 74 on Wednesday, equaling his liest round of the year and is tiecl for 41st place. Junior Ted Suavely shot 7fi and Cairn Martin had an H() to round out the team. Arizona’s Manny /airman and California’s Roh Martin tiolh shot 87 to tie for first place HOWINGTON Continued from Page 9 been engaged since las! April, and we talked about it long before that. There's really no reason to wait You just know when the time is right." With all the craziness that has m i otnpamed Howington's spring, hts decision to skip spring football keeps looking better and better. "Participating in spring drills would have hurt me a lot as far as track goes." Ilowington said "The last two years I've done spring ball, and it's always man aged to s< rew up tny te< hnique And little things always come up in football, like you roll an ankle or something like that and then it’s hard to get back “ Oregon throws i oai.h Stewart Togher said Howington'* deu sion la forego spring football showed a loi of maturity. "He's matured enough to see thnt if you’re going to do some Ihing, you should do it right." he said. “And I think it will help hint in football as well lie's got n dear foe us of whot he needs to do this season, and that should carry over into football." Along with his mark of ISO-10 in the discus Inst weekend, Howington also set a PR in the shot put with a throw of 59-0. He attributed the PRs he set last weekend to the layoff of football. "Right now, I'm in the best shape I tan be in as far ns throw ing goes," he said "Hopefully, my performance from last week will carry over to this week." The B-foot-4-inch, 310-pound Howington also plays right guard for the football team, but said he prefers tra< k. which was the reason for his decision this spring. "I like track a little more.” he said, "but maybe in the long run football will be my concentra tion btx nuse with my size I have a shot — if! play well — to go pro. "Right now, I’m second string at right guard The coaches understand that I'm here to play two sports and that it's my choice what I want to do as far ns spring goes. They know my capabilities on the field." Howington has two years of eligibility left for football, but only one for track. Because of that fact, he said lie plans to red shirt next track season to work on his technique. And to enjoy the married life. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED polk n;s Placement Ad* may he placed at R«*>m MM). EMU (mam office) t* ( <) H*»»4\t«we. 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Eugene OR 974Q6 Man Againpl Rapa a wanng appn cam* tor lha >99394 CO <*rettor po panto ApfAcahonp aia avertable m SuDo i EMU am-OE Weight room eupenrteore needed tot Summer >993 Wor* Study pro to"ad. and Mneae nnowieoge * an tiamoty important AppPcatone a»a able m >03 Qadtogar Youth Nutrition Recreation Appro tont Worn wrlh wad loam member to plan, orgamre and conduct nutrition raialad programp tor youth m th# Eu ganw’Springtwio araa Mu* be cur rant atudam Won thraa dayVweee 8 hrvday p S67h> Contact tha tana County Entananto Sarvrc a a 667 4243 tor addfeona and appheafon raouvamantp AppKation daadfcna 3una 4 m 6pm EOC GTE tor Grafton Art* Service A In ptructwnal Mod* Or tor 9394 aca damn: yarn Praparai graphe art puttol tor Kmght Itorary A other do partmanta on campu t Requraa bachelor* m appAad Oougrucomputar graftorca. aMty to oparato Maclntoah programp Mua hava ancaaarvt com mumcaeon pfciBi A ba dotal onanted Acadamrc Appecabono ara available m tha Ottica of the Ltoranan or cam pup Human Raaourcat Oapadment To apply subma cow letter Aca dame Appacahon. raaumo and namaa ol 3 ratp to Parponnai l Evan an. Kmght L tor ary. UO Oeadhn# Juna >11993 5tipend Fboitiono Available ASUO EaccuIivc is filling the following pinilKim for the 9\-94 wh>*ol year 9 Orrri Affair* (\*0ikmh* — Stmiratkruwtml Shnknn (\**dnui*t* m C,imptr%*ilrt a* t imam r ("tmmiimait» m AiuUumt f imamt Omm/tmaftm Apftfta«aMlw Wcvlrv Omy Met 2ft. * rt>pm Smut 4 t-Ml’ AAtat rASVO 210 HELP WANTED AO DESIGNERS & PAGINATORS The Oegon Dtafy Emmwki production department it accepting applications ♦or the toftowmg pad position* that stan <0 August and September AO D€SK*NCR - jsm Mufti Ad Creator on the Mac to design ads Requires e« ceflent design and computer **•»* Won* 2 3 days a wee*. 2-4 hour* each shift PA CUN A TOR • uMt QuarkXPress on the Mac to produce near* pages Wo* t -2 rights a wee*, / pm to midnight Applications A Job descriptions ava>iab*e m Room 300. 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Picas* contact the EMU Cultural Forum In Suita 2 or call 34«-4373. internships Available Marketing & Promotions Athletic Department ✓ rromotions ✓ Marketing ✓ Public Delations ✓ Communications ✓ Event Management Anyone interested in a volunteer internship beginning Fall term, please pick up an application at the front desk of the Casanova Center. Appfladons must be returned by Mday. May 2S. For more information, please call 546-5690