Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Under the bridge
Ptvo*o 6> A^inor*y Forney
Randy Hoskins and Dave King of Hamilton Construction repair the Ferry St Bridge after it was damaged by
a back hoe on Centennial Road Loop
Ashland chooses to
ban discrimination
j Council votes to
protect homosexuals
ASHLAND (AP) — The«ity of
Ashland has become the second
in Oregon to protect homosexu
als from discrimination in hous
ing and employment.
With little discussion and no
public testimony, the City (.Coun
cil voted unanimously Tuesday
night to udd sexual orientation
to a policy barring discrimina
tion that already includes race,
color, age. religion, sex, national
origin, disability and family sta
"It is a statement about what
our philosophy is as a commu
nity," council member Pat Ack
lin said after the meeting "It's
very consistent with community
values when 75 percent voted
no on Measure 9.”
Measure 9. defeated by Ore
gon voters last fall, would have
declared homosexuality per
verse and abnormal and prohib
ited governments from
promoting it
The City Council will now
explore extending city employ
ment lienefits to purifiers of gay
men and lesbians, said council
member Steve Hauck.
City Manager Brian Almquist
said he knew of no other city in
Oregon but Portland that has
adopted similar protection for
The action tame the same day
voters in the small farming town
of Cornelius voted to adopt u
toned-down version of Measure
9 promoted by the Oregon Citi
zens Alliance.
It’s Dusty in jail
P*WtO0y **»J MTl*»g
EMU Director Dusty Miller does time m the
American Cancer Society Jailathon at the
Rockin' Rodeo bar Wednesday Miller was
judged and sentenced to serve time raising
money lor local cancer patients
IFC asks
to resign
□ Controversy erupts over
legality of meeting
scheduled for tonight
By Jake Berg and Martin Fisher
O'dgtin i' Vj , i 1,1
Three current Iih ideulal Foe (amimil
tee memliers sent a memo Wednesday to
tin' committee s i hairman asking turn to
resign or iai e removal from the I Ft
Committer' member-. Fd Carson, Efrem
Mehretab and Anne Wagoner sent tin*
memo to Chairman Meve M e,at saving if
lir> dul not resign they would "explore am
options inf hiding the possibility of
remuving (Masat) (rom the li t
l lie dirts' members \,t< 1 they w ere ask
ing Mas.it to resign in order to protor t stu
deni i olltrol of iu< idental fees
I he ‘U <| ( Incidental lee t .tint Hit I tee
has been in cunflii t with other brant lies
of student government and with the U of
() administration, the members said in
the memo " This conflict has at limes tieeu
self-defeating, os slutienl i onlrtd ol tlit)
incidental fee prm ess has been placed
in jeopardy.”
The members wore referring to Univer
sity President Myles Brand’s proposal to
remove the IFC.'s role in funding die KMU
because of conflicts that have arisun
between the two groups
"(Masai's) impinged on the whole
notion of student government." said
Mehretab "Everything he’s done this year
is to lessen the IFC’s credibility."
The members asked in the memo that
Masat respond to their request at the IFC
meeting scheduled for tonight at fi to p in.
in KMU Century Room A
However, Masat saitl tonight's meeting
would not lie legal because he bail not
approved ii
Although Masat claimed former ASUO
President Bobby late, who was confirmed
lo the committee Tuesday, called tfie meet
ing, die five other members of the IFC,
including Vice Chairwoman t.ydia Utrma.
distributed memos Wednesday saying tfie
meeting wotilti lake place
Masat said as chairman of tfie commit
tee lie is (lie only person who can legal
ly cal I it meeting. He said the rest of the
committee members' call for a meeting
was irrelevant, according to the ASUO
Masat also requested the removal of an
Et AI from the Emerald's meeting notice
section Wednesday.
Tlie memos soy that a number of groups'
special requests will lie heard, including
Turn to IFC, Page 4
The weather is deteriorating
rapidly as a large but stationary
. storm off the coast will continue
to bring clouds and showers
today. The storm is well out at
sea. so showers are expected to
be light. The storm may move
inland Friday bringing more
showers throughout tne week
end Highs today near 70
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The moon will partly eclipse Friday's rising sun from
Alaska to Baia California. Mexico, but don't expect a spectacle
‘There's not going to be much to see The sky is not going to get dark,"
Griffith Observatory astronomer John Mosley said Wednesday.
The moon will appear to take at least a tiny bite out of the sun anywhere in
North America wesl of a line running from (Ottawa to west Texas the best
way for Americans to see it will be to visit a planetarium or science center
equipped with projecting telescopes, Mosley said
The best views will be from Alaska, where about two-thirds of the sun will
appear eclipsed Only one-third of the sun will be blocked as viewed from the
Pacific Northwest
HOUSTON (AP) - Florida businessman lew Alexander
increased his offer from Ml million lo buy the Mansion
Rockets from Charlie Thomas, but part-owners of the team (till
may try to block the sale
Thomas, who controls the teams, said the latest offer from
Alexander nullified a chance for his current partners to pur
chase the team Tilman Fertitta. who lias turned businessman
John Moores in an attempt lo match Alexander's offer, isn't so
"I don't believe this is over yet." Fertitta said. "Something
will happen in the next few days You can't change the rules
in the middle of the game, and that’s what is being attempted "