Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 19, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon Daily Emerald Sports
Men golfers set for regional
By Steve Mims
Olfefy lAtoJ
The Oregon men's goll team
will have the services of All
American J»?ff Lyons tins week
when il competes in the west
regional in Provo, Utah, despite
the fa< t that the senior suffered a
mysterious illness Monday
Oregon is one of 1H teams
competing in the 54-hole tour
nament this week The top nine
teams and the top two individ
uals not on the qualifying learns
will advance to the NUAA
championships in June
Lyons, who leads the team
with a 7.1.71 stroke average, was
admitted to Sat red Heart (amor
al Hospital early Monday morn
ing with a mysterious stomach
illness 1 vons skipped tin* team
flight to Provo Monday after
noon hut said Tuesday morning
he was going to fly to Provo that
"I'm going to play," Lyons
said "I feel a little weak, hut I
am sure 1 tan play I don't think
this illness will affect me
Lyons said he spent most of
Monday in lied without (nod hut
felt fine after eating lunch Tuns
"(Monday) morning I really
didn't think there was any way I
would be play mg in the tourna
ment," Lyons said "But things
work out in mysterious ways,
and I feel I'm ready "
The rest of the Ducks played a
practice round at the par-72.
7,2f>7-yiird Riverside Country
Club Tuesday afternoon, but
Lyons was not sure how missing
the practit t round would offer t
his game
"I have never played the
course." l.yons said “Missing
the practice round might hurt,
hut it could help, 1 will he play
ing it blind."
Oregon finished in sixth place
at the Pacific-It) Conference
i hampionsliips two weeks ago
in Santa Barbara Lyons and fel
low senior Cam Martin paced
the team at Pat - IDs by finishing
in 12th and 19th place, respec
Oregon was on a roll heading
into the Pac-10 tournament
when it won back-to-bnt k team
titles in the Western Intercolle
giate and the U S Intercolle
giate. Martin tied for individual
medalist honors in each of those
Oregon sophomore Ted
Snavelv has also had a strong
spring season, finishing in the
top five at three tournaments,
inchiding fifth-place finishes at
the Western Intercollegiate and
U S Intercollegiate
Mv game is good right now,"
Snavely said "I feel comfortable
ill all aspects of inv game, espe
cially the mental side "
Rounding out the Ducks' ros
ter for regionals are juniors
Kand\ McCrai ken and Jeremy
Forster. Mi Cruc ken has played
in all hut one tournament lor the
Due ks this season and has a eh.7
stroke average. Forster, a junior
college transfer from Port Ange
les. Wash . has played in only
three tournaments for Oregon
but finished second in the
team's qualifier for regional*
Despite finishing sixth at Pac
10s. the Ducks say they have not
lost the momentum they picked
up with the consecutive victo
ries in April
“The momentum is still
there." Suavely said. "If we play
well we go to nationals, so that
is enough to get us fired up. I
feel good because everyone is
playing well. Kandy and Jeremy
are playing as well as they have
all season."
Lyons echoed Snaveiy's asser
tion that the team’s depth is
improving with each tourna
"Fveryone is playing well,
especially Kandv.’’ Lyons said.
"I think we are doing the best
we have nil year, so I am looking
forward to it.''
If the Ducks are to advance to
their first NCAA < hampionship
since 1*170, they will have to
play well against a tough field.
Nationally ranked Arizona State,
Arizona. UNl.V, UCLA and New
Mexico will all he competing in
Provo, and only the top nine
teams will advam e to nationals.
The tournament begins this
morning and continues through
Friday, and 1H holes are played
each day
Bulls get rest after series victory
CHICAGO (API — Trainer Chip Schaefer was
tfir busies) member of tin* Chicago Bulls Tuesday
following their sweep of the Cleveland Cavaliers,
a series the Hulls paid for with iniurics
Horace Grant. John I’axson and other players
with lesser injuries i ante in fur treatment Kvery
OHU else rested
Michael Jordan didn't come in for treatment of
his sprained wrist It didn't seem to bother him
Monday night when he lot a fade.nvay IH-footer in
the final second fur a lO.t lOt victory
"Mil had is on medication." Schaefer said. "1
don’t expect him to come in He needs a mental
day off. He'll In* a lot lietter by Sunday
The Hulls exjiet t to open tile Hasten! Conferem e
finals Sunday in New York against the Knicks,
assuming they get past the Charlotte Hornets
Kxcept for Grant. Schaefer expects the Hulls to
lie relatively healthy by Sunday
"I'm more concerned about Horace." Sc haefer
said "He could use a week to 10 days to recov
Gran! was limping Tuesday and wort* a soft c ast
over Ins right ankle He originally injured it in the
opening game of the Cleveland series But he c ame
hac k in game two and sc ored 20 points, hitting all
eight shots from the field and going four-for-four
from the line in last Thursday night's 104-85 rout.
Grant apparently reinjured the ankle in the sec
ond [wriod Monday night but kept playing and fin
ished with 17 points and a loam-high 10 rebounds.
Asked how he could play so well with the
injure. (Iran! said. "Only («od knows "
Horac e has the heart of a lion." Schaefer said
Paxson. who had knee surgery and eventually
lost Ins point guard starting job to B.J. Armstrong,
received treatment for his left knee
Paxson was thankful for another sweep — and
another week off following the Bulls' t-() rout of
Atlanta in the opening round
" These two senes have I men great," Paxson said.
We re getting the rest we really need. It's like hav
ing a vacation between playoffs "
Paxson has done an excellent job in the play
offs i ommg off of the bench lor Armstrong — a
reversal of their past roles Ho expects a tougher
series if the Bulls play the Kllicks. who held a 3-1
edge over the Bulls in the regular season,
"It'll lie more physical liecause the Knicks have
a better defense." Paxson said. "The physical
aspect will Im* totally different It will (hi a sweat."
Coach Phil Jackson hopes his team's luck holds
"We weren't good tonight," Jackson said after
Monday's game "We were lucky we could hang
around for three-and-a-half Quarters so that we
could play the way we like at the end of the game.
And we're lucky Michael can do what he does "
Central America rilm series
Thursdays at 7pm in Gilbert 138
May 20
Maria’s Story 1991 a 39 year old Salvadoran
mother who joins the rebel movement An inspiring behind the
lines look at FMtN —50 mins
Elvia: Fight for Land and Liberty
in Honduras 1988-tlvia Alvarado, a peasant
activist, organises land takeovers and social reform —27 mins
Plus: footage from a repopulated community in £1 Salvador
Sponsored by Sister University Project & Latin American Support Committee