2*0 QUADS SUMMER FEVER SUSSummw Rate tafga*. modam good locator j« paid MO-W# tea m»g Spacious 4 badroom house, deck, close to UO. avail *15 Nigel «a*44M __ WANTED Fuimshad I tad" ad jumm#* only. Eugene F estival o' Mus< Theatre 345-002®. Tammy 290 CAMPUS EVENTS PIS A ENTERTAINMENT MO CAMPUS EVENTS ■ Muslim Sllldl 111 \ss»h i.ii mn Flight oT minorities in modern India: ft muslim Perspective by Dr Azher Ali Thursday, May 20 7:00-8:00 p.m. • 146 Slraub l>t Azhcr Alt is an Indian Muslim who has recently been traveling in India He will explore and analyze the political treatment of minorities in India .> Un*f! K /**.***AJ | Indigenous Women’s Conference LAST Dr. Maria (atnUo CktgaatlaJ 'The Indigenous Mapuche Claim for Rights and Opportunities in Chilean Society" Wednesday, May 19 From 4:00 - 5:30 pm Fir Room - EMU W MM ka »•>» > \ ' ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Matf t9 Pato Banton and the Reggae Revolution Door* at CrOO • Show S 30 Ticket* iI 0 «K cncv • $IT A** LOW SUMMER RATES! (190 and Up' Room* m bouta. aharad kite ban A bath aw utlttlfa* metudad in ram Cab WW1S5 Mmd ) toonnam ‘or ‘arga ooauMui houso ’»“ aroa fur mthod rowMbOyor i*»h«ritth»t huge doc* Mcharv bath*, prtvaio room* easy going hoosahotd Avar! Juna 14 t.aamo fnA '409 room mala wantad tor rwxvjortui housa naar campus. starting 6r'1S. pan mfflmo rata* 343-0740_ 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Asian FamaN Miklnf roommati Signing Sum or fmU (nonnmo***) 6B6-005J K> Room for roof *» 3 tAKfr* duphM *n rue* fwaghtxyhoAXi tfvd erf ut^-at 6«fc»H3 CLIMBERS! Vibrant sttda shear on b*g oarf cNnWng A i»*ad ctmamg By champ-on Hint Florin* EXCALIBUR! • Tonight In 100 WHlaman* Haft At 7 30PM two >4«~0*4 fWC lute* Gay tt Sotuaf Drop-* lane* Wadnamday t. H »pm ( Mil 3t0 An»«>na walcomo' SPRING POUTICAl SCItNCt PICNIC C*wn io a» PS student* A **a* f RC.C f (XX) LOTS Of )UN iHdffertgar A/wnn* Courtyard Wf ONI SO Ay MAY t*h_) _ EXCALIBUR Furtbor TMi ol Blond AmtMUon A nbr ant praoantalion ol cwiwifl adga Roe* cumomg by mo ol»« «>or»d» liunl climbof* Hona F lor mo k Slovo SeboKJor FSff. Wad May t»m r 50pm, too Wiltamotw Spooaorad by Tha Outdoor Program, MMXt TNB PAR SIDC By GARY l ARSON w»Liri.«ninJw.m-- r* 1 ol \|4» * Jf ** JTl SB Jr \ -40t \ •*. **•* I f.*wv l 't*0*"* ^ « H ^ ‘f’f 1.1 7 y^"" ik»*^ J c r* M Mora tacit ot natura AM toramt animait. to tho vary day. ramawmar attclty whara they ware and what may war* doing whan I hay hoard that Bambt a mother had baan thot Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson J MV SO f-— _ WOR^S T StOHT IU GWE SOO k NKRLL TO EAt THOSE V WE rwt ENTS ■*' WHAT If l WA J’t TO 'O TO THE HOSPITAL BECMISt Of THIS* OH. AU. RIGHT j NOT SO EAST * lU THROW N '• vT fV.Wt another NiCM.fi c>j utn tf SOU SO TO MMK TWO THE HOSPiTM j NK RUS * -if T > K i Weasel’s World by Kraig Norris JUST GfSAT i A MCK Of SNARLING REPORTER WNT5 IN THE L066T ID GRUi. ME CVER THE NCAA VIO LATIONS...I DON'T WWT TO BE THE BAD GUT. EV EWBOOT U>£5 ME! HEY. DAN ... I.UH. THINK YOU DROPPED YOU WALLET IN THE U366r! \ REPOPTOO ! WHAT GOOD IS A PRESIDENT IF YOU CAN'T USE HIM AS A FALLOUT ONCE IN A WHILE 1 I LI frm Pregnancy Taatmy (P*«grW*CV Supped '•’''* ,S*fr ’ .*>» *«>Q4 >4V0400 Rj*waj* Atcovary S##****> N*«*k*% **>- mcof^a i*n«d ■>u<3 aridM*^ -M,- < *-^ Episcopal Campus Ministries « MWoki. H.N» I twpv** Pr'aV*m * W»WT? Pragnant? Hew) "atp ’ • "* ,, ta*> ta»v itoTaelW" >• right *e?e*s> * i»«ori«r BIRTH CAMPUS RECYCLINQ NOW HIRING fo> Sunwnni and Poaitlona POSITIONS AVAHA51E Onciti tA SAidaol Aacyciwg Prognan bow Owactor EMU Sacycang Aaamani Van Coordnator BaaManca Hag CoonAnAK* 12 AacycUng SpaciaMia (Wort Study Pratartarfl Appltcattona amrlataa m ASUO A IMuot ut Movaing Ova by Spm Friday May 21 at’ Sata>:aad intarvavaaa ana ba con lac lad on Toaa 4 Wad S» A S» For •era ailo contact Campva RacycOno VtA IU1 Tha ASUO .a an AAtOE Woman. paopH ol cotor. waBaana 4 gaya pao«aa awn daapumaa 4 paopm oi a« agaa a*wwc. raAgroua mortal 4 aa< tran atalva an ancovragad to apply Ap pbcanii muU ba aludanta o( Ida Uniaar i aaj ol Qrapon_____ Doonesbury by carry trudeau 90H0U/V » rax Ntmi #xo SWtTtP. *.^*L r : i NM*P9»*nm> OtXO VXTmXCTKUtSM* &CS’ mapmurr,' m / mciKGRXjf’simsti' / 4M8WCSO** BP n uomv.wiAttxp W • tttvl ASP 8MG0, ANP f rue* a f tm a sttp pko wom*. anp men wt cntitv I , a tar Know. *wc* I 'i y uPWcaxM,iPm* t#Km i KNtwrT, i HAP MY Own CtttMNAVON hjopjso thatShouj KfUOtON sfvtsm l . r I CROSSWORD By Eugene ShtJJer ACROSS I Mount tan lloMt? S I'ukw**1 Ba»d • Mop 11 Squaahad 11 Banp > tooltn 1« Stud* (ov»t) IS Maddatad 17 Acttat* Magnan )• Hgn t>mat to» TV pro rrammar* ook a tang 71 - pe*a« 77 On)ano a nagitto 71 Cha« tna tat 74 Oancat Chanaaa 7> Slatan wand nan apod II Sat* avacuaa 11 — da ptuma IS Muatcal ttorna M Und SI Tali and la* and u* 40 Hoov«r. 41 Typ<* ol bon! 43 S«np* 43 0oMin ol Soul 47 Sm«l#n 51 Vetof ol lh« Ijftf* ihow 53 luttoly 54 Si41* 55 Th#4*d 54 Trti+d 57 B#*fly 54 Mc*n*« 55 Ottpaflef* 4 fl’jgon DOWN 1 P»un«* 2 Ac know* 3 Wt^J 4 Stands* si*r*i tr\ 5 SartHi Nm«i Y#4«* icUmi ft Et»«n r *»<*«' 7 Shaft ft Svtx«»* ***• on# ft Show#d cu»*>**y 10 «u»# HnUnni#’ rompo*#* 11 To<#f*l# 1ft O<*n a [>#• Ooo 30 00/ 42 SUmkJ opan moot bad 44 Sanctify 45 Admif!**g a *lfal» 46 Gad about 44 l vangaW*t MobafH 44 cava 50 lan*a 53 *Yat c apian*