Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! i03 GREEK HAPPENINGS congratulations AAA On running fjraefc Wan*' CARWASH Sunday May 2>d, 11-3 Lot Daftind a* (UNti A Hdyanf) Lotto! Km- «t THERE! La t*« WE RAO FUN RARTTMO ORTH YOUR MOMS I A COUPLE OP DAOS TOO FROM THE QENTUMBI OP CH P* **0 UKC TO SAT THANK TOU* (♦»_ 105 PERSONALS Do you hava aalra Grad OckottT *• naad ggRt CoH 343-4343._ Hoy, Iha Annual Political Sclanca Spring Picnic It TOOAY Lott Ol tun A FREE FOOO Poll Peal Sciaoca Ma |0(t A Taachar* Don t m.ta out ns TYPING SERVICES *| MA07M. RO«M« > GO AO SCHOOL approved 20 yam ArnOM Lai ■pound I aim paper vFu* hwm «** vm Fitting LAMP p* ON CAMPUS! X) THE TYPING PRO Aonl ProcaMung’tttUng'Tyttng ThatacOttaitationt on laaar Can 4S3-40S* *o 687-7239 Concert ticket 10.000 Mareac* frue* T'jv*H«rr Atman Brother* Phrth A more Monies CA Memorial 0*y WtMHiend a fla> IQ el 465 965,* Me<» Queen tired bed (Hotfyeood frame}. SBC lmageW*«te< M $150 Futon frame 2 poeteon $50 Antique bedude taMe. $25 7 fmw Alien »«de t.iC*e-» ^5 Stiirf milebrne $50 Answering ma ch»rve $30 Dot* fbtacioeood <*T«*mg catxnet) S60 686 4514 ______ Twin Bed m««r*sa, bo* sp#*ng and frame greof ccwKkbon. $60 obo 68/7239_ 19 Cot or TV 4 rreiKl VCR S6O0 tot both W S*.« Mi*or MT6 B«nd large couch $t00 oace large dntfc S/5 Can 345 58H mo PETS Burmaee Python 6 tvNeeda oce home Mad Tempered 465 9261 OOO FOP SALE. Aut'Qer Sheppard. 6 wtit otd. male, hat thott. 150 obo 342 4530 or 587-5826 Young Chinchilla needs good house comet wtoQ cage A food Fun e*ot«t arumai. moving 8 mutt se*1 S/5 342 7374 145 CARS TRUCKS AS MUfMafil Mirage 2 dr H»icf«>ot» >ad 4 spoor) AC siereo S9CC obo CaA Jan it M4A&B0 Hi CARS TRUCKS Reconditioned VW enable it* bug or but. MM eschange J4MIN WMM Cenopyrrt* tmtll. tonabed pacfc-up m good oondlion $’S0 08 0 r*\ nro 71 VW 800 Nodi brake* A cart odumw good *t $tbG 741-0923 _ New Mac U 3-40, ’4 ao** estended *«Yfcw>«f969 iro SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! Wa bur Ml and aennce VMS VCR * and Verao* Thompacn Elac borw* 1122 0* 343 0273 Pionaar 81-710 bocAaTtett stereo dual ctsssetta. f Q CO 3 wan i50 wait MaMM** $300 otx C4f, Ph, 466 ‘to-.* POCK Audio Mobita Sanaa MM3a w naw gnHa. STD AM-0053 175 INSTRUMENTS Claaalc Kramar Oullar ar Floyd 8oaa Drome iremoto Deal acton' t a aduamg art tacrAce lor $200 080 484 2324 Fender 160 wall Baas amp cnorus Kwnaur brotai atari* loop, i yr old. prod $800 ruing $360 Cal Jason 348-8086 186 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Tan Comrenient Location* 7*8 E 1316 52$ Wiliam ana (campus) (dournioum) 345-1 *51 343-4717 BUYING HOURS nai *-i. *-». m-f UM SiniUi Family BooKitorg 195 TRAVEL HCADtNO FOR EUROPE THIS SUM MER? Only $269'” Jat thare ANYTIME lor $269 horn the Wav CoaM. $'69 horn lha Eaat Coast with AIRMITCHh (Reported in Let * Go’ A NY Tanas) 1800 397 1098 ft travel Traveling Soon? Apply tot Ameri can Cipree* Cant n* anywhere in the USA tor S'M or lew Call to »HMBI_ Plane Voucher One are*. Eugene lo Kauai via San r ran SIM IU»I0 PACIFIC CHALLENGE ADVENTURE STUDY PROGRAM • Australia New Zealand • Nepal Thailand • South America Patagonia Fun in the Sun! Tbn »i-met term tfatkw tm*J prt<$faflicm&Sno *h*nt*m- (ttcfcJj&f rdftttf nut d*mh*f wvta&nM etc) . ^ u >fh k *, si cm « crfistntv cswt KCXCIVC 0*l*CfC ilTOII ( all Wright of l*pk 4 k \t*nm ■ HU\U W5 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT taftKtat Earn *n car^p*Oymo«! program £*&■■ \ 206-634 0466 w«; C&*>->__ DOCS YOUR J06 SUCK? If to. toOAung to* 5- ’0 s*umg or Mact^ng cart* cafe »oQu*rad For fmarnafnonal Em p*0ym«nt pro-am. C4tf !*• Jntamabor* » fc mptoyrnanl Group (208) 632 M 46 art J6069 __ _ _ JA22UNC AUDITIONS WHIN TftvVWfciy Moy?0tMtf6pm WHERE 3537364 Gwfcngar Anna* HOW Coma pt«paraa to danc* For me>ra info car? 346 376* MEGA WEIGHT LOSS Vm iocxung kw p«op*« to tfy Pbwoom#^ nai fMprt«*: cs*«f product car* torn SIS Can 464 7594 — POSTAL JOSS*’* Start $tt 41/lu • barHfrM*, tor apphea !W» A into ca* » (2)6) 324 2102, 7am «o iQpm 7 day* RIOT GRRRL * Poatry. Pon** and an KCtpM >or fma TNsrrv« .« SURVIV ING THE VIOLENCE Turn * * Worn an'*Car* a* EMU TODAY* 2to HELP WANTED 2to HELP WANTED ACT NOW company noe hoi oflce* « Portland A (ugen* loos-ng tor pcs tmi moteatad p*op«e 'ey uai A man agamant position* f>ce«*nt acorn# potarme 346 6? 3« Cruita Una Entry lava on beam-land a paara. t SCAPE Ew*J Stud** i» accmpfcng ap pscaaona fo» bom PuM* Scnoon ana iaadarartp tr*r»ng dwwo Baads Ap ptcabona m EMU toom M u I » ca* MAf ft free fiftl of Oof preMfit and Mum wftcanc** Apartments and house* eth spec WWW rfti©4 Then tjfiv# by any tactions Bn* «**e*l you and cal our off*© lor ar apponlmem to see ffw mswte SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th A»»nu* 686-1130 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available June 1516 For Summer i bd»m apt 1275 Dean, qu4M. *u«mahed btoc» from campus Re*©fv*ng kv FftS $350 i bdrm lease required 736 E im. 343 2114 LOW SUMMER RATES! 2 4 3 Bdrm Apis Available I Moca a Worn campus, ctaan & qu«t Oft snaat pannng AmwaMe Aina 15fh Call 345-41$$ Naar Campus! t Bdrm n small Quia! cofflpai Summat suMaaw onf, Carport laurcm Nenh W t«3;ngp 3M 743a Cula on# bedroom apt nary com to campus, no pals $360. avaaaMe Juna Bin Cult 34Stai __ Pra-Laaaa tor Summat 5 Doom, V350 Pra t ease lor tan t mo trea1 3 Pedrm. $695 Bofn teas man t Moc* from cam pua astovarad parang 6*6 9499 or 461 0199 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avarf now Qu>n country atmosphere *wcoovena#f»t c*ty iocafeon. other features *nc*ude pod. tenn(»(t>asketbafi cti. rec room and piftyground r*ght poH 25*i and Cram bars 484-8653 _ SUMMER RATES-NEAR CAMPUS A^a<*ab*e June 30th 1 Bdrm. furnished, carport tunny deck U61 MfU S320rmo Avertable June 15th 2S25 KrfrcAd Furna»ned Apt $3iQfmo .8*1 ifthfiraredSMtoAfl $30Smo No SmoktnpHo Pete 688-1312 Summer Reiet for tumothed un«ts near mute buAcftng. Studio. 8220 Small 1 bedrm $235 1 bedrm $250 2 bedrm. $295 3 bedrm. $350 Cal aner 2pm Rdgewood Apti 666 5769 25 APTS DUPLEXES Campu* Apartment* Fumtthed 142 8*droom» Summar rata*. U0Q4«00 *44-2423 CUOCNC MANOR Hghr.*# living «n»i plenty o> Ctiarm Sparkling clean, argt bngnt *tvOos t 4 2 Bedroom* Irom UBS M ut***> c*a car** rckxM 48* 7*41 msz SUPER SUMMER RATES! R—nHnq Now For Summr A Fall A uvg* clear QuHyt 1 bcfrm 1 bt* from U ol O B*g wi*A««o closet FuBy tur rushed Omar island ttAchen Covered parsing LaunQv 464-4103 1 and 2 backroom apt available. taun dry. parking, security. close to campus 484 9922 3 Bdrm. 2 bath duplex w'wavw A dryer 26thAtarrvs $72S;mo Avail July t 683 5t67 " CLOSE TO CAMPUS r i^mhed on* tearoom basement Apt * prr»it* enhance $29G'morth plus dap 1045 Mi fine; Estate 741 2504 PAY NO RENT •men you reserve now tor Summa or F«« Clean, modem & peaceM 2 bdrm townhouses Patios A balconies overtook the M-.u Race A are pertect tor B8Qs Only 2 clocks away me Mtfi Race »s campus kv»ng's best kept secret Find out wt>y Call 344-5405 Jmnnings-Co RESERVING FOR FALL LOW SUMMER RATES La?ge lurmshed 1 & 2 be?Yms i block from campus ■442 E 1 6th Mg? »20 .? ■ aii (>uc» o? Bonme a! 344 4 760 SUMMER RATES FAU RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW On* ot the largest A best campus 1(77 Emerald • Mgr 6S3-MK K6O-1M4-17S0 Alder (ME 18th Mgr - MS-0743 0*5 Ferry Mgr - M7 MM (30 E 14th 737 E 1(»i 500E 18th MtElHi 1(30 Onyi 1((3 Garden 10(9 Pederson (11 Enih VON KLEIN PROPERTY MQMT 1301 FERRY STREET 488-7778 1 12 SLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Stucko. on vie laundry taciMy. free •rate? ( seem? 343 7093_ 235 SUBLETS Wanted On# Bdrm furnl#h#d apt. *omma# only Contact Eugen# Festival of Mus-c a1 Tr>»ate( Mb£)Q28 Tammy 2 b#drm poof sauna. w#»gnf loom laundry butane. $450 p*o* «tec \ik d«p car# «or cat. avatabt# Jurt0 m*d S#p4 686- 3126 GIUE ME FIUEI Run your "FOR SALE” ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits^