Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 19, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
Miller, 23. hiding in the < emetery When
an EPD officer asked Milter if he was Irv
ing to break into the tunnels, he said.
"Well, it's not like it sounds I made a
large mistake."
Miller told police he dec ided to go into
the tunnels after reading Zartman's Emer
ald article
The EPD offit er returned to the grate with
Miller and found l>olt cutters, a flashlight
and a backpack. The grate was damaged,
and Miller told the offic er he and two
friends were trying to out though the grate
When the officer asked why Miller ran
from the police, he said. "I didn’t run from
the cops. It was a security guard When I
saw the real cops I gave up." according to
police reports.
Despite persistent questioning. Miller
would not give the names of the two other
men he was with.
The arresting officer said he took Miller
hack to his resident e on the 1400 bloc k
of East 19th Avenue after finding out Miller
lived with five other men The officer sus
pected some of Miller's roommates might
have boon involved in the attempted break
The officer found the Mi Kenzie broth
ers asleep on the floor of the house and
woke them up for questioning. The OPS
officer who originally confronted the group
was also at the house and was able to iden
tifv Daniel McKenzie, 21. as one of the sus
After being identified. Daniel Mi Kenzie
told the officers, "We really didn’t mean
to destroy or steal anything. We just want
ed to explore a little."
Daniel Ml Kenzie also said he and Miller
had been drinking and believed that the
alcohol may have caused a lack of judg
ment. according to police reports Andrew
Mi Kenzie admitted to Using the third man
involved after the three suspec Is were
allowed to talk alone
The officer cited the men for Attempted
second-degree burglary and second-degree
i rtniinal misc hief, both of whii ii are Class
A misdemeanors. A Class A misdemeanor
carries a maximum fine of $2.T>()0 and one
year in jail.
The three men were cited May 15. one
day after George Hecht. University Physi
cal Plant tl insert or. wrote a letter to the Enter
aid warning of the danger of unauthorized
exploration of the utility tunnels
His hi also said students who enter the
tunnels without authorization are in vio
lation of the University's Student Conduct
Because of federal privacy laws, any
action taken by the University Student Con
duct program will be confidential
/.artman, a freelance writer for the Enter
aid. was unavailable for comment
Shoveling it in
Bill Lyman ot Eugene Sand & Gravel shovels gravel into the hole dug lor a
new sewer line in front of Esslmger Hall
Continued from Page 1
The |ulv l't'M 'ip*****.Ii in
Albany, N Y attracted nation
wide uttontion after Jeflries said
Jew s and tin' Mafia had t on
spiroil to belittle blin ks in the
movie's and that lows had
helped Imam tt tint slave trade
ItiOitobor 1 ***» I. lat\ Univer
sits s Irostfi's tin uli'd to allow
h'ffrit's to servo a one year term
as hlai.k studios i hairman hut
voted to roplat o hint the follow
ini' Mari It hat It of the trustees
found liable in the ease had
opposed extending Jeffries'
i hairmanship even fur one year
The pirv found they acted
be« ause of tile sjM'et Ii
During the trial. Jeffries'
lawyer. Joseph I lemming, intro
timed evidence that showed
st turn I administrators found Jef
fries was performing his job ade
ipnilelv despite tin* uproar over
the speis li
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Hoy 19 $3
.May 2C $3
inf ufara rffntii
HaHoiba 13
.May 2/ $3
Tha OMMofi
Musi be 21 oro^er
131 i till
^ on interdisi iplinory symposium ^
May 20-22, 1993
University of Oregon (ierlinger Alumni lounge
Thursday, 20 May
4:00 pm “( ompulsory Heterosexuality: the Tngine of Sexuul Injustice'
Toni A.H. McSaroti. University of Minnesota
7:30 'The OenJereJ family and the Development of a Sense of fustier'
Susan Moller Okin, Stanford University
Triday. 21 May
9:30 am 'the Revisionist tampaipi for Tamils \alurs tuphemisms for In/ustkr’
Judith Staeey, U.C.-Davis
11.4)0 “Feminist Justice and Harassment“
James P. Sterba, University of Sotre Dame
2:30 pm “Rights, Raie, and Sative Justice“
Antone Minthorn, Tribal Chairman,
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation
4:00 pm “The Collapse of Theory : Redefining Tifuality and
Subordination after the 'Cold War"
Angela Gilliam, The Evergreen State College
Saturday, 22 May
9:30 am ‘Hostile Envimnmentv and Reasonable Hamm fustue or EsstntwIisnP
Camline Forell, University of Oregon law School
I 13)0 am Panel Discussion with all speakers
Sponsored by the UO Oregon Humanities Center.
For information, call 346-3934.
All events are free and open to the public.
Special runs
all day
and after
10:00 pm
$1.00 each
Two convenient locations to serve you
CAMPUS 484-2799
1809 Franklin Blvd.
WEST 484-4262
2511 W. 11th & Wilson