EMU RECREATION CENTER CAMPUS LOST AND FOUND • Umbrellas • Coats • Sweaters • Gloves/Hats • Books • Mite. Goodies brtti Birjiint—Nothin; over $3.00! Otid Week June 1st & 2nd 9-5 p.m. CASH ONLY 10,000 MANIACS ~with guests The Wallflowers ON SAU IOMORROW OUTDOORS AT THE l. B. DAY AMPHITHEATRE FRIDAY, MAY 217:30 PM Tickets $21 50 reserved 224-4400 l*r°duccd by MCA Concerts Saturday Junt 26 8:00 p.m. 50% UO student discount 687-5000 Hull Center \!. I ■ 111 n • ill -in.; I’ : . 11 . . 'll.III. I M. ’. H I .mi i 11 Hi lu- i n\ n mi n .ill'll mii'ii 11 I s, ■ 11,1 Oregon Bach Festival Tlie fun is Bach! POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the University Offic e of Public Safety and the Eugene police department May 11-17 • A University student reported the theft of a ho v< l« on the 17(K) him k of Alder Street May 13 The student told polit e that she was trying to sell the hike and allowed the suspect to take a "test dri ve " The suspect left a wallet with the student as collateral, took the hike and never returned. The wallet was stuffed with newspaper and nothing else • A 21 year-old Crowd Management Services' employee reported a i ase of disorderly conduct on the 1800 block of University Street May 13 The employee was dins ting traffii on ibe Sim k when a man in a hlai k Chevrolet C.amaro displayed a gun The suspet t had been stopped at the inter sis turn as the employee let some school buses pass though the interset tion. As the buses passed, the employee said he heard a passenger in the Camaro s.n. "nils is bulls --, we ought to shoot them " The employee turned and saw the driver of the car dis playing a small handgun. • University Housing reported the theft of a $150 com h from the Hamilton Complex, 1365 Agate St.. May 13 The couch was taken from the basement of the complex between May 8 anti May 10 •Two University students were i ited for noise (bsturbanie and drinking on an unlicensed premise at Spiller Hall. 1364 Columbia St May 15 An Kl’D officer was w alking In the dorm when he heard the suspect*, st reaming from a third-floor dorm room Ai cording to polu e reports, the sus pe< ts were screaming, ' f - you fugs'' and "All cops are a. When the offit er i ontacted the dorm's resident assistant, the RA told the officer the suspects were chronic noise violators and escorted the officer to the third floor. On the third floor, the officer observed one of the suspects walking down the hall with a bottle of beer The officer followed the suspect into the the bathroom, where he found the suspc* t washing his hands The bottle of beer was later found outside of the building. The officer took the suspet t hack to his room, where the other suspet t was found Both of the suspec ts were intoxicated and abusive, according to police reports. The suspet ts were cited after one of them admitted to "screaming a little ” •Cher Kav ('.ale, 147.) E. 13th Ave.. reported a burglary May lfi. The suspects broke into the cafe through an unlot ked window and stole alcohol, food, a telephone and a wicker basket. The missing items were valued at $210 The susptK ts also did $50 in damage to food while in the building. According to police reports, the suspects took bites out of a hum. chicken breasts, cheeses, salads and some lusagna before leaving the cafe. • A University student reported a theft and a forgery at the University Bookstore, H95 F 13th Ave . May 17. The student told police he left his book bag in a storage bin at the bookstore May 16. Two i.hiu ks were taken from the bag and were (.ashed for $150. •The Knight Library. 1501 Kincaid St., report ed the theft of a $700 teak bench May 17. The leuu h, which was bolted to the cement outside of tin1 library, was taken between Mn\ 12 and May 14 • The University science department. 1210 Franklin Ulvd . reported a theft from a Kotex machine May 17 The suspect pried open the machine, lex ated in a women’s bathroom in Pacif ic Hail, and stole 25 cents The machine's cash box had been recently emptied and only one sanitary napkin had been sold before the break-in COMMUNITY UPDATE Womenspace auction set The Fifth Annual Women spar e Spring Auction and Din ner, lo benefit the Kugene shel ter lor (wittered women, will take {>!<*« t* Sunday at the Valiev Riv er Inn The silent auction begins at 4: t() p.m , followed by dinner al 5:30 and an oral auction at f>.30 More than 800 items have been donated by individuals and businesses Featured items include a Macintosh II i ompul er. mountain bikes, an Ashland theater package and a scenic flight for two over Mount .St Helens The event is the main fund raiser for the Womenspace shel ter and support services, ('.ost for the dinner and auction is $25 For more information or to buy tickets, tall Kay Van Nortwick at 342-3070 (day s) or (4.1-0702 (evenings). Birth to Three benefit Birth to Three. o primary prevention and «arl> intervention parent education and support organization, is planning a benefit drawing, which is its annual fund-raising effort. Tickets are on sale through |unt! 4, and prizes include two round trip airline tickets to any where in the continental Unit ed States, an autographed Port land Trail Blazer basketball and a S2?»o shopping spree at Albert son's. Tickets are $1 apiece or six for SS and are available at all U S Bank locations in Kugene and Springfield, Huphoria Choco lates and participating Albert son's Saturday mornings. The drawing will be juno 5 at 11 omlon, I n^luml 1993-9-4 Abroad mr At MthropologH art history, t poMc* Xkme and ttmtn arts that fo4u Jon anJ mMk K/kmdmlla life Bad cuithte l • kmntays with hritiskfimilies • stwly tarn to rufuvue tht* oursr work •mrtsUgm* credit • usr of flimmcial aid i\ppitc*tton J«vKlJmrs May IS U«ll), Odtibrr 15 (V^nirr), Unu4in IS (Spnn£) * At l vrf (.WpjK. At V**ls» *» W*» AJ*na4 (MlMi tnJ At Kmn%m Hrnuft A>mmi* ^ lw>t»nKMVti » IAHA) for m. a.in. at tin! Fifth Street Public Market NARAL auction The Lane County hranch of the National Abortion Rights Action League will have its first Lane County Liberty Auction June 5 at fi ll) p.m at the Down town Athletic Club The event will feature both silent and oral am lions. Items include weekend and vacation getaways to several Oregon Coast locations, artwork by a number of Northwest artists, restaurant meals and concert tickets Tic kets for the event are $10 and can fie purchased at Moth er Kail’s Hooks, the Feminist Women's Health (enter. Cobble stones, or by c alling NARAL at 342-1022. Unnrt'itV ThaUrv KING LEAR bv VV ilium SlwLsfWIft Robinson Theatre University ol Oregon Fvemng performances ~ ROD p m May 21 22. 27. 2b. 29, and June 4. 5 Matinees 10 30 a m May 26 and June 3 Hm oKior (503) 346-4 Wl k RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics. Suite 300 EMU. 346-4381 9-5 Mun-Fri