Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, MAY 19,1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 160 Interest in tunnels leads to citation j Three men were cited for attempting to enter campus utility tunnels Friday By Matt Bender Oregon Daily Two University students and a 20-year-old man were cited for attempted burglary and criminal mischief early last Fridav after attempting to break into the campus' underground utility tunnels. Students William Travis Miller and Daniel William McKenzie told police they got the idea to break into the tunnels after reading David C. Zartman's May 10 Knutr aid article detailing an unauthorized exploration of the underground passages. "Wo nisi road the Kmtwald article and thought it would Iw cool to i heck out." said M< Kenzie. act ording to polite reports Mt kenzie'* younger brother. Andrew David Mi ken /it*, was also cited in the incident Andrew Mi kenzie. 20. is not a University student The three men were using Imll t utters to cut though a grate on the 1400 block of University Street when a Uni versity Office of Public Safety officer apprise lied them about A 24 a m The trio fled into Pioneer Cemetery on foot, and the Kugene police department was i ailed OPS and KPP offii ers searched the area and found Turn !<> TUNNELS Paije S 1 Fatherly time - -—•“' t*rv#a t*Y Arimotiy f om*, Earl Thibodeaux, a sophomore English ma/or. plays with his two-year-old son Marcel Tuesday in front of Condon Hall Thibodeaux says he enjoys spending time with his son between classes Senate votes Lee to IFC j Former ASUO president hopes to implement reforms in committee By Chester Allen t-V ( t.i.y f mt'f.ik1 I Respite opposition from i urrent lm idental I t’** Committee ftiaiminn Sieve Masai, fhe Student Sen tile voted Tuesday lo con firm former ASUO I’res nielli Hobby I ee lo I he committee l.ee resigned .is )iresi(li’iil Monday ami was noni milled lo (lie committee by former I’resident-elei t I’.rii Howen, w ho replat ee paid hy City University of New York, the state-run parent institu tion of City College. The jury assessed punitive damages of $50,000 against City Univarsity 's chan cellor. W Ann Reynolds, and S30.000 against City College's president. Barnard W. Harieston. A day earlier, the jury found that the trustees used the speech as a "substantial or motivating factor" in denying lalfrias a three-year term as chairman of the black studies department "We've been vindicated," a smiling jof fries said outside of the courtroom "We're elated that there has been trial, tribulation and triumph The message is clear that there is freedom of speech, that thill umbrella stretches to African Amer icans." litl Hiirlmii. spokesman lt>r Attorney (.enernl Robert Abrams. suid tht» stnlii will appeal. "The university still imiiiitiiius that it acted in good faith, and they should not have to pay," Bnrbini said Now that the jury's work is done. U S District Judge Kenneth (audios will hear arguments on whether Jeffries should he restored as chairman in a process that could take up to a month Turn to JEFFRIES, Pago b WEATHER The spring weather may not be around mut h longer Partly to mostly cloudy today. Scattered showers expected throughout the day. More clouds Thursday through Friday with showers and thun dershowers in the afternoon and evening. Highs today near 71) degrees PASTA PLAGUES PAPER GRANTS PASS (AP) - Eighteen reporter* and editor* from the Gmnh Pots Daily Owner fell ill Tuesday with intestinal ailments, two davs after eating together at a staff retreat Gwen Bowman, county health department administrator, said the illness could come from a variety of sources and may not be associated with the food at the Galice Resort, w here the staff retreat was held Courier News Editor |im Mitchell said all of the people who called in sh k had eaten the pasta salad, and the sis people who felt well had not "I can't imagine what it was." Cilice Resort owner Mars Lou Thomason said of the outbreak among Courier employees She added that no other customers had reported feeling ill SPORTS Freshman all-pacific-10 Conference selection Kaths Stahl and |umor catcher Laura Schmidt were named to M VPs of the Oregon softball team. Oregon head com h Tami Brown announced last weekend On the season. Stahl hit not with 42 hits and five home runs, and Schmidt led the team with a 411 mark and seven home runs Sophomore first baseman Rose Imbnano pu ked up the Mint Improved Award after having a 978 fielding average and com mitting only su errors in 277 chances in 1993 funrars Schmidt. Laurie Fleu-haiier and (enmfer Piper were each handed Tapia in's Awards for their roles as team leaders