EUGENE SELFSTOR SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Call 344-2710 1070 Bertelsen (at corner of W 11th) ■ 1 he Oregon Daily f merald • production department is • accepting applicahons lor ad ( designers and pagmators ■ Positions start in August and ■ in September I THE JOBS ■ AD DESIGNER ■ Use Multi-Ad Creator to • design ads Select type , taces Use scanner and ■ software to input art » PAGINATOH J Use QuarkXPress to build ODE a news pages Follow layouts • and work with editors i HOW TO ! GET A JOB ■ Come to Room 300 EMU and ■ till out an application Deadline J is Thursday May 27 Eligible ( applicants must be enrolled at ■ the UotO lor the 1993 94 • school year I - .- . Emerald ■ Room 300. EMU • lh*Oi«gnrt (Wy IwW n muju* • C.•* m%****< M. • ************** WUNDERLAND ~ 5th STREET © 'video PUBuCMARKr FOAMf5 683-8464 - VIDEO ADVENTURE k VALtt V mvcW Pi. 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Too bad Von re just not politically correct itnough to lie given free privileges that go along with attending a '< ultur nlly dtverst* university. 1 lie moiii argument the Ini i dentil. e Committee used when it decided to cut the nth let it depart nient's allocation, thus forcing the alhletii depart ment to institute the $2 fee, was iliui many students are paying for something they never use There's no question there are plenty ol people who could i are less about sports Hut there are also thousands of students here who could core less about any of the student unions that i« i upv the basement of the EMU. But did any of them get a cut this year' No way You want to know why? Well, it's because jocks (the people who an1 the majority of student spectators at athletic events) ore the furthest thing from tieing PC on i am pus. I'm not trying to make a case against student unions, or any group the IKC gives money to. I'm saving is it is popular to support “culturally diverse ' groups Groups that make the I of Zero appear to tie a i ollege that promotes equality Unfortunately, sports, athletes and jew ks do not fit under that heading. Associate athletic director Sandy Walton said it best when she said. “It's very popular to hash athletics Ask the PCers on c ampus and many will tell you gports are for the feeble-minded, bac kyyfnrd hatwearing, tohacco-c hewing. 20-lieer-drinking hu ks Hashing athletic s is, indeed. the PC thing to do. So, my plan is that it's time for |oc ks to become PC. as defined by everyday observa tions of the t! of Zero campus Hold cm to your hats, this could get ugh 1. Inc ense — Joe ks must make it a point to burn incense in the stands at all sporting events This will prove that we are try - ing to cover up the smell of ol our bodies that haven't been c leansed for three clays. 2. No Showers 3. Protest — Jocks must protest Yes. we must make signs, get 100 marimba and c on go players, and stage a “celebra tion of sports" rally in the court yard nt the EMU. 4. No Cheerleaders — Next, locks must demand the removal of cheerleaders, because every body knows c heerleaders in their skimpy outfits only add to the tnisogynistic: and chauvinis tic: thinking of the sex-driven male ego Ask the PCers on campus and many will tell you sports are for the feeble minded, backward hat-wearing, tobacco-chewing, 20-beer-drinking hicks. 5. Vendor* — jocks must demand gi\ ivendors die right lo sel ii|> stands outside of Autzen Stadium and McArthur Court to sell various beads, tnpestrvs. cooky hats and joke books before and during games. If all of the jocks on tins i am pus will come together and fol low mi plan. I argue that come tail 1994. you will have proven to the II-'C that you are. indeed, a politically correct and culturally diverse group that adds to the whole of the l Iniversity conimu nitv Thev w ill have no choice but to raise the athletic depart ment's allocation, and we will no longer have to pay for view ing games. keep in mind that turning PC will be a permanent thing, and you will have to continue to demonstrate your cultural diver sity after the $Z fee has been abolished. I have a feeling that after hear ing that, you may just think two bucks isn't that bad after all Dave Charbonneau is sports editor of the Kmernld Savor the Flavor of Espresso! S A F E W A Y Espresso Coffee Bar Enpy tfie nch, authentic flavors of Espresso Coffee at Saleway s Self Service Espresso Bar located in the Spnngfield Pioneer Plaza Safeway. Self Service allows YOU lo be your own Coffee Master to mi* and blend your own deloous coffee drinks, lo create such scrumptous favorites as Cafe' Latte', Cappudno or Cafe' Mocha With complimentary Double Shots and Flavors you can easily create a masterpiece unique lo you own personal taste. Just add a shot of rich Hershey Chocolate Syrup to create a Coffee Mocha or one ol the many other flavored Italian Syrups to create something new and deloous Our Iriendy staff wil be happy to answer any questions SafewauDeli Espresso Coupon { Coupon Fttectve May 19ffi thnj June 1.1993 at your Spnnghetd Pioneer Plaza Safeway De*. 1891 Poneef Partcway E Buy One Cafe’Accoido SmalfEspresso Coffee Drink and get the Second One Of Equal or Lesser Value... FREE! (V)SAFEWAY Springfield Pioneer Plaza 1891 Pioneer Parkway E.