Strong quake strikes Death Valley ■ INDEPENDENCE. Calif (AIM — A strong earthquake rolled across a wide area of California and Nevada on Monday, hut it was centered MOMIW jn „ sparsely populated area and there were no immediate reports of injuries or severe damage The quake measured (> 0 on the Richter si ale and struck at 4 ^t) p m , said Douglas Smith, spokesman for the California Institute of Technol ogy l! was i ante red near this Eastern Sierra town about 37 miles east-southeast of Bishop Bishop is about f»() miles east-southeast of Yosemile National Park The quake was fell from l as Vegas. ISO miles to the east of the epicenter, to Fresno, about 100 miles to the west. ■'ll shook the heck out of this place." said Bill Woodward, airport manager at I-one Pine Airport Me said sliding doom t ame off the rail, one picture fell off a wall, and hanging plants started swinging. |,o* Angeles Department of Water and Power i rows began inspecting the city's 33f)-mile nque dut t. reservoirs and power plants along the East ern Sierra but there were no immediate reports of damage, said department spokeswoman Dorothy (enseii A dispatcher lor tin* (.aliforma Highway Patrol in Bishop said there wns no apparent road damage Inyo County firefighter Don hun/e said he had one report of a propane leak in Bishop It w as just *if made our chandeliers swing but didn’t do any damage. The castle is so structurally sound that we don’t worry.’ Kate Netlsen. Death Valley National Monument ranger .1 roller, wasn't real strong." Kunze said. Thu quake was strongly full in California's Death Valley but didn't damage Scotty's Castle, a restored 1920s mansion that is a popular tourist attraction in Death Valley National Monument “It made our chandeliers swing hut didn't do any damage The castle is so structurally sound that we don't worry." said park Hanger Kate Nellsen The quake was tin* strongest in California sin< e last June 2‘1 when the magnitude-' .6 Landers quake and its 6 7 llig Bear aftershock rocked Southern (Cal ifornia Those quakes killed one person, injured 402 and caused nearly $100 million in damage Monday s quake wasn't related to those quakes. Smith said The Richter s< ale is a measure of ground motion as r»* orded on seismographs.A magnitude 6 quake is capable of severe damage in the local area Jury rules NY college officials liable in suit NEW YORK (A!’) — A college system's president and chan cellor nre liable for violating the First Amendment rights of a professor demoted for a sp**« h critic ized as racist, a jury ruled Monday City College professor Leonard Jeffries was removed as chair man of the black studies department after the speech. The jury found that Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds and four trustees of the City University and City (College President Bernard W Harleston used the speech as a "substantial or motivating fai tor" in denying Jeffries a thrue-y«ar term as department < hair man It also found that Reynolds ami Harleston, but not the trustees, helped deprive Jeffries of property — his job — without due process of law. a violation of the 14th Amendment The piry resumed deliberations in Manhattan federal court to determine if damages should be awarded, but recessed with out reaching a decision. Jeffries is suing the state-run college system for S^fi million and reinstatement as chairman of black studies. The same jury decided earlier this month that Jeffries, 5fc wouldn't have lost his chairmanship were it not fora July 1991 speech criticjil of Jews and whites. The jury had also previously ruled that Jeffries' constitutional right to due prot ess was violated It then deliberated on who was liable Oregon Daily Kmerald Call 346-4343 Before I p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 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