Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
TUESDAY. MAY 18. 1993
Norwegian celebration
Photo by H*rv)y TfeoMo
Students celebrated Norwegian Independence Day Monday by marching from U-Lane O Cred
it Union across campus to Alton Baker Park
Lee resigns
as president;
picked for IFC
j New president nominates lame duck
to fill Incidental Fee Committee spot
By Chester Allen
Ort’«j(*> 0.#.sy /
( iting it desire lo improve the student Itm system.
AM U ) President Holdiy I.ee resigned Ins ollii <• Monday
.uni .it (opted an appointment lo litis lot (dental l-ce l om
ASI () Presidentelot I I'ru Itovven assumed the duties
of president and immediatelv nominated l.oe for ilie
The AMl() ( onstitulion sillies
I he AMU) president elei t will
Ih'< nine president it the i iirrent
president resigns from offic e
1 he ASt () president is respou
sihle for iippointing replete
merits to v.n lint Im idenlal l ee
(iommittec seats
l.ee, whose nomination to the
IFC must first he confirmed h\
the Student Senate, said tie
resigned his post to ensure that
new amendments to I lie AStU)
Constitution approved during
April's election go into effect
Bobby Ln
Tht> two now iiimintJinnnts rtiquirti tint ASIJO Consti
tution (iourt to rwviow .ill U ( I ruins and policuis uiul also
mjiiiriHi tho commitlou to ithk'I <it Ituist nmrv llirtst wools
during a turin
Turn to LEE. Pngo 4
Brand nominated as
Wisconsin chancellor
j University president is one of three finalists at
the University of Wisconsin at Madison
By Colleen Pohlig
University President Myles Brand, who ('.ante to i ampus just in
tune to inherit |>art of the slate's higher eiiut ation Budget ( risis. 1:011
firmed Saturday that lie is one of three finalists for chancellor of the
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Brand, who dei lined further i onuneut other than an issued press
release, said no decisions have tieen made by him or the University
of Wisc onsin.
"The University of Wisconsin is searching for a new chancellor for
its Madison campus," Brand said in the statement Its search com
mittee has notified me that I have been nominated for the post
"Although I have not sought this nomination, i have agreed to talk
to them.” Brand said. "Obviously neither they nor I hove made a
The University of Wisconsin has 45,000 students and an annual
budget of Si 2 billion, which is about equal to the entire eight-cam
pus Oregon system of higher education.
Turn to BRAND. Page 4
Paper asks controversial question
j Student Insurgent
lists five professors
as possible racists
By Sarah Clark
I (rated debate aver the new
race, gender and non-Kuro
pean requirement continued
in the Student Insurgent last
week when editors listed five
professors' names and office
numbers on the paper's back
page under the headline. "Are
they RACISTS?!? Ask them "
The entire May It issue of
the monthly student publica
tion was devoted to support
ing the new requirement
Insurgent editors said the back
page was part of an effort to
help people understand the
reasons for changing the
requirement ami make them
i art' about the issue.
”1 don't care i( people gut
iifigrv." said InsurjfMtl ussch i
.iit> editor Cinde Kosanbalm
” T his i umpus has lieen so
apatltetn I don't know what it
takos for |ieople to gut engaged
in discussion about this."
Three of the live professors
hsti'd returned h'mrmld phone
i alls They said discussion is
fine, but the insurgent stepped
beyond the bounds of good
"They revealed themselves
to be emotionally handi
capped when they chose to
implicitly libel and intimidate
five persons. including
myself." said physu s Profes
sor Paul Csonka
insurgent staff members
said there is nothing wrong
vvilli exercising their right Id
free speech
"1(1 like to know (he proper
wav lo handle llie viuleme
I ve experienced on tins < am
pus." said Tonija Edwards,
who has worked with the
Insurgent editors said the
Iwu k pane doesn't say the pro
lessors are racist, it merely
asks a question
"This is one means of chal
lenging people to determine
what racism means to them.”
said /riMirgnnl iissim into editor
Brian Hoop, who helped draft
the new requirement
KosanUilm said the five pro
fessors listed hove been some
of the most outspoken people
during the deflate over the
new requirement
Turn to INSURGENT. Page 4
Fairly good weather continues
tod*> Warm temperatures
remain between 75 and B2
degrees The sunshine may be
blocked temporarily throughout
the day by clouds from a storm
that is mov ing toward the < oast
More clouds are expei ted for
Wednesday. and showers are
forcast by the end of the week.
ALBANY, N Y (AP) - The snows have melted, temperatures are rising and
that woman you keep seeing at the tops machine is looking kind of cute
It's mating season - and not just for the birds and the bees
Most people begin to feel happier and more energetic in the spring And
those feelings usually translate into more social behavior Marts Marram a
clinical psychologist, calls it "the elation effeil '
“Coming out of a long, tough winter gives people a lift." he said "Starling
with the weather change, you can see a sequence of behavioral changes from a
lighter mood, to seeing more people, to Marching out what we re all looking
for in life - a spec iiil person to fall in love with and have a special relation
ship with '
Oregon announced its wrestling award winners a! its annual
banquet Sunday afternoon, with Cory Sonnen. a lH-pound
sophomore from Woodburn. earning the Howard W« klund
Trophy a* the sauad s most outstanding wrestler
Pat (’iraig (ISO), a senior from North Bend, was awarded the
John Miller Memorial 'To he the very best I tan' Trophy Jeff
McCoy (190). a sophomore from St Hellens was voted most
improved, and Kevin Robert* (11H). a redshirt from Spokane,
received outstanding freshman honors