‘Dr. Death’ arrested in Michigan NATIONAL DETROIT IAP) - Dr |a< k Kevorkian \v,is arrested ifter ln> assisted in .1 suicide Sun day fur the first turn* since the practii e was outlawed in Michigan in February, his attorney said A 54-year-old man committed suicide in Kevorkian's present e al a real estate ofTu e h\ breath ing rarhon monoxide through a mask, said Kevorkian's attormn Geoffrey Finger. Ron Mansur, who suffered from lung and hone cancer. was the 16th pinson to die with Kevorkian's help. Finger said Kevorkian was arrested on nil open ( harge and released into his attorney s custody, Finger said There's no wav they < an find any jury that will convict him. it's not a crime to he present when someone commits suicide." Finger said Assistant Wavne County Frosts utorGeorge Ward said Kevorkian would lie prosit uted under the new law against ussisted suicide il homicide investi gators del ided to seek < barges "Dr Kevorkiun proceeds at his ow n risk or own peril m Way no Counts. Ward told W WI AM radio Kevorkian had said he would wait until a t on stitutional challenge to the stale law lianning assist ed sun ide was de< ided fie fore helping mother per son to die Fiegerdid not know win Kevorkian went ahead w itfi Mansur's siiii ide. hut the judge hearing the i ase had iieen expei ted to rule by last Friday "Knowing lack, he t ares about suffering people and believes suffering people hove the right to det ide their own destinies. F’ieger said In ,i departure from earlier suicides, none of Kevorkian's assistants worn present. fii'ffr'-fid Before Sinul.iv. Kevorkian had assistixl in I e> sui c ities sou « |un« lo*io The last two o* * urrvd Feb 1H A week Idler. (>ov John Kngler signed legisla lion making it a felons punishable In up to four years in prison to assist in a suicide Kevorkian. M, a retired pathologist, vv as c h.irged with murder in his first three assisted sun ides Hut charges were drop pod bet ause Mil higan liad no law against the prat tit n Finger said tie did know how long Kevorkian had Imsmi counseling Mansur, or whether Kevorkian It.id supplied the gas and apparatus usetl in his death Tile suicide was reported it) the medit al exagi intir's offit e before Kevorkian left, investigator Allen Brandeau saiti Kevorkian and Fieger left the building al«iut tvvo hours later and went to polti e headquarters to f>e questioned by homit ide investigators l'elephtme numbers for Mansur and Ins mother were unpublished Mouii a Arnold, who bought her home from Ford Mansur (.0 vv here Mansur tiled, saiti he hatl t>eeii working there vv ith Ills mother for about one and ,i-half years' She knew he was sic k but I never thought he'll tin anything like this California suspended Kev orkian s lit ruse April 27, meaning he ■ annot pr.u tn e any " here in the l billed States tbs In wnse to prai tu e in Mu htgun was suspentted ill 1*I‘H ‘Kojak’ cop says killer another man FORT l.AUDFRDAl.F. Fla (AP) An ex-New York police detective viho inspired the ka/nk television series s.t\s .1 man he arrested tn 1963 committed some of the infamous 'Boston Stran gler" killings the previous sum mer "I don't know it vve 1 an prove it. hut morally. I know that Fin right." said Thomas Cavanagh. who has assembled retired dotei livis to researt.fi the ease Cavanagh. 70. said lie lielieves Charles F Terry. who died in 1961, committed four to SIX of the Boston stranglings Hi' said Boston authorities may have fieen relm taut to admit tftal New York polii e solved their biggest i ase Albert DeSaIvo confessed to the 1 t Boston strangulations and died in prison in the !‘l70s His lawyer, famed defense expert I Fee Bailey, said police had the right man Bailey characterized frequent spot ulatiou otherwise us atten tion-seeking efforts exploiting one of the nation’s most sensa tional crime sprees. "As time goes by, it het omes easier to stir tire pot." fie said last week John Donovan, former Boston 1 hief homicide detective who consulted with Cavanagh in 1963, agreed with Hailey. MCAT, 1SAT, GRE, (.MAT lest Your Best! Kaplan is # 1 in test prep! Classes forming now Come in and take a FREE Diagnostic test! (.11345-4420 KAPLAN The answer to the test question 140 West 8th, Eugene Actor joins migrant march HAKKISUUKO. Pa. (API \i.tor Martin Sliwn on Saturday joined the Inst stag*1 of a 100 mile man h organized In migrant workers seeking belter working conditions and union repre sentation About r»0 Mesit.uii and Puerto Ku an workers walked all or part of the trek from Philadelphia to the state t apitol in liar risburg to r ail attention to their union •organizing on Pennsy I vania's nnishroom larins 1 hey also are supporting a pat kage ot workers’ rights hills pending in the PennsyIvania I .egislature Workers t amed II S Menu an and Puerto Ku an flags, and large pictures of the late (.esar t .hat ez, w hose t tniteil I arm workers Union w aged lioyi oils in efforts to will Iletter pat and conditions for farm workers Sheen, w ho was born Kamun Kstesez. said fie led a i atldy strike when lie was t^ "I’ve fseen working since I was tune sears old be said tlur ing a rails at the Capitol I know svbat it means to work lor lis mg I know svbat it means to has t'an Hispanit name It was tak en away from me by a gringo soviets Plus is part of my effort to get it fiat k. ms identity 20 TANS.... 40 DOLLARS! 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