Weill Beat AnyoTrP ( coupon ON SCRffN PRlNTKO T SHIRTS JACKfTS SWF AT SHIRTS CARS ANO OTHI R Tf XTtlf axiom for GREEKS • DORMS • CLUBS , 3RD & LAWRfNCf (NIXT TO Rfl) I 344-7842 a N - i •» a :» r f a', rMf.' COSTS ARE UP! l.ct j-Mar Biological Plasma Donor Center help with your tuition. By donating plasma, you cam $20“° for your first donation, over 5>I2f* pci month, ami help save a life at the same time Open Monday Saturday Call 683-9430 lor more information. tool W Hth Avc. Huge no MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL A.Y.C.E. PIZZA (AlA. YOl CASEAD & SALAD BAR That's Right! All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere. :2> Plus Soup and Salad Bar TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1K**» * *Aki At aico*o* f A common ream* o# addktrv* taHMSAOr ft f’tlu* DurfcSng Pertwd* «rAft Io«C DOWN t A drug m*t open* mo door tor gtfv drug /*t.m a*co#>ot being the rrtosl common ? The alate 0* not be»og At*» to Kmchcn normally wtih&j* a CubiUrve 3 Pt4u%<»» 'e*u« o» DAythoacfcve drug overdose 4 More m*n 60% 0* ffw» type 0< incidence mvorves AK(JtX)t ft Near»y net* of m*»e modenc#* eyoM alcohol 6 BoS me adr*rt«c ere ma»or drug* o* aduc* among athtote* 7 The moat popular sttm«Aftrt n me *orid ft ft >t atftmaiad that afe-nop 90% Of mtrav*nou» drug up*» may develop thi* daeaae « Th*» proceaa of drug .ntroducKm can *ad to v«v*i hapaftbi fit Northwest In between fair", and during the red of the year he interviews serial killers and their friends The interview* are part of <) Mora s work .is a researi her for |a< k Olsen, the dean of true < rune writers and author of such books as Son A /’m i liopoth ami Ih.% Vn fi/ris. Dor. Give a Hoy n loin and Prviiolor I wake up every day and ask what hat am I putting on today." said O'Hara, who ran Ins kaleen ka liootli in VVenatt hee during the rei ant Apple Blossom Festival "They ‘re two complete!) differ ent things I'm glad I'm a Gemini. “There's something mentally intriguing with what I'm doing right now and with whom I'm doing it. he said For the pasl war Olsen has been working on a hook aUmt George Russell. u Hellevue serial killer convicted in 1091 for the grisly murders of sev er al Seattle-area women O'Hara. H. has interviewed Russell, who hap pens to Is- a lormer high school < lassniote. and about two do/en other people i outlet ted with the i ase I he (.7-year-old Olsen should finish the as-vet untitled iKK.k later this year O'Hara said he'll begin resean Ii soon on Olsen's next hook Olsen hasn't itt-t ided vet what the suhjer! will he. hut O'Hara sau! the Hainhridge Island author is i onsidering three ( rime «.asi*s in Washington. I feel lucky and blessed." O'Hara said "He (Olsen) is head and shoulders ilbov e every one else, lust work 114; (or him -- its ovvn n-w ard And to my great surprise, lie likes my stuff "I'll work with Olsen until the day lie's through writing true «rime books - if he lets me - even if it doesti t mean a dime That's how much it means to me." tie said I or a good part of his life, O'Hara has followed other paths As a child, the Gastine. Maine native lived in New Irrsev and 1 lorida. mm mg to Washington witfi his family in t'M.'l He graduated from Men er Island High School in I‘t7t> ami attended Washington State t ! diversify before landing a job with an insuranco i ompany and getting married (FHara soured on the insurance industry . how ■ ever, and eventually returned to Washington State for a journalism c lass He began freelatn e writing and then Us ante a reporter and editor with the IVil ‘The actions of these killers is very repellent to me. If it doesn’t get you in the heart, then you’re missing something.’ Mike O'Hara, serial killer researcher lr\ .Vensin Mon rue Ho also got divorced In h<‘ started working for Pik«? Place Mar ket Fish in Simula, a job that had O'Hara throw mg fish ami shouting to shoppers Liter that same war. he and .1 friend. Richard Bar rett. dm idi*d to enter the food-coni ession business. Barrett s mother, Fvdin Barrett, owns Kaleenka Restaurant near the Pike Place Market and operates small Booths at Seattle festivals. They have two booths today and attend about 12 fairs a year O'Hara hooked up with Olsen in 1901. When O'Hara learned Russell had been charged in three murders he dts ided to v\ rite a hook, in part because he was an ai quaiiltance of Russell's during high school The murders were partii ularly gruesome. The women were either strangled or bludgeoned and then left in posed positions Hut a family friend, who also happens to he (llsen's agent, informed O'Hara that Olsen was inter ested in the same case The agent arranged lor the two to contact each other It was then that () Hera agreed to help Olsen do researi h Shortly afterward, t j'Haru began sending tlie author some of the more than <>ot) pages of notes lie took during Russell's tri al "When lack Olsen gets into a storv. it's like an elephant walking through a forest.'' O'Hara said "And when an elephant walks through a lorest, you either get trampled, get out of the wav or try to swing by his tail. "I tried to swing bv his tail." In tlie future, O'Hara said he wants to continue with the (air booth business and work for Olsen The fair business satisfies his desire to be around people. O'Hara also would like to write his own hooks some day. although ones with perhaps a more soi 1 ologica! or cultural bent than tfie true < rime types "The .11 lions of these killers is very repellent to me." (J'lfara said "II it doesn't gel you in the heart, then you're missing something” ET ALS Mi l TINGS UiuhU llunoi W •.* i : : ' a \ a! ? t* m fOI !«*»% (fiftCM elflC liOMI ill IlM* i Mi 1‘oAivt KtHim Kar itu«r inJcmtM* ><*u C»)) 346 •*»: i I alin Vmirii in Supporl (ommiHn v»ill mnr! (uiiighl a* 0 :t» I Ml t «nlar K«hhii A h» UHUB uiktftMlion 140 SfM»7 Wmnrn m I ranoiltuii »|><> »<>f« .« iuMi Who Kuo With WoU‘P4 *!mt> >;;oup tiuWing lml*> *i noon m I Ml < ««i lory KoOdi f ior mare inloraiMiun, mil 146 40M MlM > IJ.ANtg U S Muharl |«hn Pmrirr will 4 to ; «-rt Ionian at 7 to #t tt>«- Sewing) tamlnr I if DK v% , i haw-.* •hut* lot IM At ami ^fadualinji Mmiort in V aj/liit th •-.(if*. th»» ttwk A ;* v Iwnluhr*! (ftim 7 to ‘i tonight Art etliH iimn department will ha*vt* a uuilt riiuliiliuii thi* wwA Mown aft Ihovc that the IwrwFth «* il|Wli III R»*uiU 2t*& lawrurttr Fur mart* iiihrtJiidtlou tall J44> l iini Planning and Placement Srr %ur Mill hat-ct an olfst « orientation i<*U\ from 2 io t«» » 10 p m it) Rourn 221 Hen tkradline fat submitting f t Ah to the KmmrtM front d*-\i tKU Smtr .WO »% /!,>,./I f/»«- /at before ptibln at ion fhe ttm% editor doe* not have n time nun hint- l.i Ah run the day of ttir