Early Bird Specials 50b WASH MSnam MR. CLEAN JEAN'S COIN-OP LAUNDRY • Close to campus • Clean • Handeap accessible macfwies • Serving me area for 17 years 240 E. 17th (BrtWMn Mgh A PurO full game room with pool table!! 13th 6 Alder* On Campus • 343 0681 FREE MUSIC BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* One coupon per customer per day. We Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes & CD’s •(Free used record or tape ol equal or lesser value) Expires V31/93 361 E 13TH • *185-3351 *A Sis »n son »/ In I o/ (> Siiult til H, .ilf/t ( « rm t I m\« r\il\ Mousing. l\„n o/ s ( mi It nls \M <> (. UIM \ QUESTION: What would be a really cool way to die? “Flying off a cliff on the Oregon Coast in a 69 Camaro." BRET VANDERBERQ sophomore, english “Being hit by a car because your last minutes would be spent lis tening to all the wit nesses' different ver sions of what hap pened." AUDIE LUKASAVICH sophomore, romance lang. “Jumping into the Grand Canyon. The last thing you ' would look at was beauty and then bam." CHAD MARSHALL junior, pre-medical “Falling onto a stake and being impaled. It would have to go through the heart so I wouldn't be flailing around on a stake" HUGH JENSEN juntor, finance “Going skydiving j with no chute. Not too peaceful, but it would be quick. MARIEKA FARRENKOPF senior, sociology “The best way would be to die while saving someone else’s life." PAMELA OLDFIELD senior, biology/chemistry Language center plans By Jen Ellison O«0Of* O i 'y [menakl One of the best Japanese pro grams in the notion has just got ten better. Flans for the new US West Center for Japanese Language Education, to tie open on the Uni versity campus in fall 1994. were announced Inst Thursday at the stale Capitol. Funded by a S'ttl.MO grunt from tin* US West Foundation, the new language center will bring a Japanese language teacher 11mgr.)m lo campus The center wilt train I a pan use tea< hers in elementary and see ■ ondary schools, design a kinder garten through 1/th-grade cur riculum in the language, and produce new materials lor teach ing Japanese The center will also adminis ter a new Japanese language teacher certificate program to start in fall 1043 as a part of a master's degree program in the language. The demand for mcxlem Japan ese instruction materials and pro ficient instructors of tho Japan ese language is on the rise, said Kathleen Bowman. University vice provost for international affairs. "American teachers of Japan ese in elementary and secondary schools struggle with a lack of both appropriate materials for their classrooms and carefully thought out curriculum models." Bowman said. The new center will operate under the University's Depart ment of East Asian Languages. COMMUNITY UPDATE Overpass gets federal funding A project proposal to construct a bicycle/pedes trian overpass at lHth Avenue to connect the hike paths on each side of the street was recently sole* t t-d to receive a federal grant of $490,000 The project. expected to cost a total of $012,000. will link the two sections of Westmoreland Park that are now separated by IHtli Avenue ( onstrm ■ lion is expected to l)**gin in the summer of 1994 The new overpass w ill l>e located alxmt 500 feet east of Chambers St met The projet t was seventh on the original list of projects submitted to the Oregon Department of Transportation for this region and was not chosen in the first round of funding The project was select ed when ODOT expanded the amount of funding for each of its regions. Cancer society sponsors fund-raiser The American Cancer Society will lei locking up "jailbirds" Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday in an effort to "put cant er behind liars." To help donate to the annual event, people tan file a complaint and take out a warrant for some one's arrest An official jail-a-thon "sheriff” will serve the warrant, arrest and transport the arrested person to the jail, located this year at Rock 'n Rodeo. While in custody, they t an call friends, family or business associates to raise bail, which will be donated to the society. Hail will lie set by the per son who filed the complaint and can be anywhere from $300 to $3,000. hut the judge ma\ alter it A $5 arrest fee is charged for each complaint. To Till out an arrest form, call the Lane County of the Amer ican (ant er Society at 4H4-2211. I Prepare your skin for ‘ summer fun and sun! ~A vida Aromatherapy Facial You won 't believe how good it feels on you! Reg S3S-NOW $25 -Body Waxing Silky smooth skin! No more imwanted hair. v. 15% Discount (. 01 IK.’ to U" toi the .lll;j! on .1 Iv.iutitul \ou' ANGLES 539 East 11th *343-1637 SELF SERVICE COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY The Copy Slop Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Botiixin Pxmrson S fairy ■ Ration t3Ti 485*6253