Women golfers qualify for NCAA tournament By Steve Mims The Oregon women's golf team finished ninth at the west region al Saturday to qualify for its first NCAA < hampionship ever The Dim Is shot 300 in the final round at Randolph Pari North Golf Course in Tut son. Ariz . to settle into ninth plate at 885 The top 10 teams in the tournament advaw ed to th*» NCAA championships, which are in Athens, (.a . May 26-20 The Duels were led hy senior Shannon Miner and junior Cappy Mm k. who tied for 20th pin* •• at 221 Maier got the l)u< Is off to a strong start with a 1-over-par 73 in the first round Thursday and followed that up with a 72 in the second round Mack opened the tournament with a 7r> before blistering the course with a 3-under-par 80 in the second round Oregon o|H*ned the tournament with a 20H and was in an 1 lth-plai e tie after the first round In addition to Maier and Ma< l s m ores. sopho mores Karlv Mills and Shannon Hare added rounds of 74 and 76. respe< lively, in the opening round The Due Is made their iiig move during the sei ond round when they slmt 1 -under-par 2H7 as a team to move into a seventh place tie Mills matched Mniers 72 on Friday, ond Hare added a 74 to go along with Mock s HI) Hare led the Dm ks on the final day with a 73. and sophomore Leigh Casey added a 74 as the Dm ks shot UK) and dropped into ninth plate Mills and Hare finished tied lor 44lh plat e at LIS. followed hy Casey at 22H The Pat ifit.-10 Conferem e dominated the tournament, qualifying sis teams for the NCAA i hampionships. int hiding tournament-win ner Arizona State. TWILIGHT Continued from Page 9 Sun Hamilton, won her sea son debut m the 1.500 with a tune of 4 20.2. Cynthia Bayles finished s<« ond at 4 23 2. fol lowed by Klein. 'I feel good about mv run," Hamilton said "The first lap w as slower than I planned, but I was pushed more in the sec ond lap I should have made myself go faster." The Ducks finished 1-2 in the 200- and 400-meter races, with Camara Jones and Nilka Thomas picking up victories Join's won the 2tio with a wind-aided time of 23 5. fol lowed by teammate TaKeina Woods at 23.f*. '1 ran a little tight." said Jones, who won the race on her 21st birthday. "1 am just trying to be sure each step is faster than the previous one " Thomas won the 400 meters at 514 50. just ahead of team mate Shawm Krasowski. who finished at 5f> 5fi. P»w«o by M» Pmay Former Oregon runner Annette Peters congratulates Oregon 's Nicole Woodward al Saturday s Oregon Twilight meet. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Placcnwnt Ads may he placed at Ri*»m VXi. EMU (mam office)** Botiilntc, Mam Rauf Errors/Refunds Pirate check y»«ur ad" The ODE will run a classified ad one additional day as a result of any typographical cm* that changes the meaning of the ad. d reported hy I PM Refunds noil be limited to credits only No cash refunds vsill he issued alter the ad deadline Credits must he u within C» months of issue 105 personals Do you nave vivid dreamt or night maret? If to pleat* contact Trtcia for Psych research at 3U-UW6 We taw each other in the ton last Thursday at Alton Baker between noon A tpm You wore blue thorn A joined 2 friend* Vow looked at me white I tried not to look back Your friend* let! on their bike* after 1 while you stayed I left shortly after l should have Introduced myself Call MMM. 115 TYPING SERVICES At M*«n«. 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Slones and art accepted lor 'pn# Them* a SUHVIV IMG The VIOLENCE Turn m al Won an'tCantar EMU by May 19m 2M OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT tarn $60CV»fc * ciwvttl <* S400(ymo qa kv*>*ng tx>at» f *m t»an^ podi***'1 Room A Board* Ote* 8000 Mate Of Fema* f cx »mp*Oy mant program csM ' 206-S4S-4I56 #*t A 6069 210 HELP WANTED SPORTS MMOCD? Af*»i Mava monm* ol p*r^Q <’'• ’* fcon* game i Iowpk! a company mo«• cxmcmnaO mm paop*> <6an p«t»> He CWX QtO*m 6«* U» MUKC^-nfl to* an tnuMk*t>c tMuaK to •«> m»i A m*rMKje»ta( poftrtax’* 687-MM) _ r 210 HELP WANTED Cruise Moe Entry lev** on boardAand %*d» Poertion* a vmi summer/year round 7!4 54*1569 University Housing at the U of O it hiring dee* assistants lot the "93 94 •cadam* school ye* Applicants and adObonai ^formation may be ottamed at Area Desks *n Carson. Mammon. UttrvSrsAy Inn and the University Hou» mg OWic* 0«* Assistants must be futt'bm* student* at the University 0< Oregon and are required to tar* «n Ur*» vtuvty Housing *hde employed Com penMbon tor lh« posrtron cs $5 i5 $6 45 per hour, depending on espen •nee The dteadhn* kw comparted ap pfccabans to be returned « Tuesday. May 18th at NOON to the Urvvervty Mousing Office m the Walton Compton NOT! There It a mandatory Group Process Revteer on Tuesday. May 18th. 5.30PM / 30 PM n the Rttoy Hal lounge Attendance *» 'equrfed to be given consideration for a Oeefc Aaa*f tant pos-hon An AA.tO ADA Institution committed to cultural Over vfv 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 210 HELP WANTED LIVE IN APT MANAGER kx very rxce apartment* across from UO campus Compensation includes fum*sh«d apt unities & salary t*pe f>ence not required Send resume to Managers Povuon. 2060 Harvard D». Eugene, Oft 97405 ASUO WOMENS CENTER NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS foe aU 9)>N positions Student Director of Women s Center Women's Resource A Referral. 2 co directors, volunteer coordinator A re ceptionists. SAFE RIDE 2 co<*»ec tors, volunteer coordinator, advert is m^iundraising administrative as** Uirtt, WOMEN IN TRANSITION F» nanpal coordinator, support group coordmaktf. volunteer coortknator Work Study or STIPEND Women encouraged to apply, lestxans. moth ers. women of OOtor, alternatively abled A international women are* comer JoC descriptions and apptea uons in Suite 3. EMU Closing date May 2Stt> 5pm _ 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 1 The School of Journalism and Communication proudly announces Communication Studies a new undergraduate program of study at the University of Oregon accepting students for Fall 1993 Beginning in the Fall of 1993, Communication Studies will open as a new sequence in the School of Journalism and Communication. The Communication Studies sequence focuses on the understanding and appreciation of communication and communication technologies, historically and in their contemporary forms, as key social processes involved in the production and maintenance of societies and international relations. It provides the critical background and necessary analytic skills for making sense of the proliferation of communication products and systems as the industrialized world moves into the information age.