uNivtiBm or omcon A DEGREE A DEGREE COOLER. FRAME DURING DIPLOMA DAYS. After all that goes into earning a diploma, shouldn't it be displayed where it can be seen? Make the frame yourself Or let us do it Either way, it's the smart thing to do (ffayftfifofTnP Ship! 863 E 13tn Ave., Eugene, OR 97403, (S03)484 4049 Store hours M S 11 a m 6 p m . dosed Sun vOu u«r| it o* *»* MCA Concerts Presents 4AD/Elektra Recording Artist Thur/day. Itloy 27th at UIOUI llall with/pecial 9ue/t/ Heatmiser D> < jfsopen 8 00pm • Showtime 8 30 p m Ticket/ 113.50 advance AvaiiuPk; at WOW Halt. LMU Mam Desk, Face the Music CD World House of Records & Record Garden OP* Pmwia Mottl Tor CrwwMf* IWk Fttt Sf«ul OoHiit 93 Hjrtndi u«n~ WAS HO-ACW SJ« » FREE $15 SfKUi (Mtm S3 Rutters wasstn-nowwim FREE tt5 Sncal Wild S3 StKmf|*m»€f' WAS Jfit) —ROW J7M 99 FREE U5 Special DolUrc 0*1 Mr* II Bar Eatfs WASS2S-WOW$U» Trial FmM Stan WAS $W—NOW $18 99 Trrtik (Wme" Titjuw* Hal SUmn WAS $tl—NOW $59 99 82 Fatarc Stott’ Suftauta Fwt WAS $325—HOW $199 99 FUsMua'* TatilifM WAS {IS—NOW $12 99 L Extra Air Font* HcUmI WASS90-NOWSW99 Frw $5 Shod Dtftan S.' I'*'1? °i,he l’a< - IDs, which also hegms tomorrow. 20 TANS. ^0 DOLLARS! Oregon \Vest LJ T N t s s [485-1624 » 1475 Franklin I thousands of m. 20% OfF UofO STUDENTS 4 FACULTY / nuMKs*pwvrs iv. SI. W3-4119.9*i*^on MOW-MT RECORDS N ■ W A UIID SPICIAL ORDIRI CD'l*LP'f»TANI HARD TO FIND ass 1.13th ■UOINI, OS 97401 3 4 3 • 7 9 7 3 FAX 344-7243