m APTS DUPLEXES 3 Bdrm. 2 beth dup*** wwasher & dryer 2&hMmrn Av*l July ' 6*3 $1*7 Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Living With City C*nwnl#fic* UnfumithMl 1 Birm *3*3 lo *3*3 Low UtMitlevOn Busline Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Par* A Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furnished tulles Studio. 1 A 2 B R *600 to **73 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cat)ie TV to Linens For Bed, Bath 4 Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 Walking Distance to Campus Spark img clean, bright, targe *tud*c Covered parh-ng Laundry Lie • r*' Great location §3te> 4f-4-3633 Sublet 4 summer. Padukly furnished 3 Lg Bdrm. 2 bath house 3 Oiks from campus SCGO'mo metudea everything e*cept «wectr»c»ty Gaii Shannon 40S8l34e*ves tv mess CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Walk to U of 0. Safeway Pr vate rooms, utilities pad. laundry Sum mer from $ I 70 CALL TROY - 6*3*599 1750 MILVARO Walk to campus from th«s* furbished quads Private Entrance t nce«ent Location Share battvtutchen $209 ♦ dec Real fc state Northwest _{ ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT fc ommunily ,. .."rtSkc* place kCclfbialion Aj ^^lahirday onthe Marie! Stage ^ i«flShoshannah CrowSj J Cofnpdlmf now luIk mu»K k V*Save the Earth! J MuikiI by Mopwi Art* Schuol k«4* I Jw Glenn Falkenberg5 1 C«fc»c hep A K*rr*n*c»d duktfnAt k LaIDS Action 8 2 Celebration J k ipmoimn. 4 lo Spu • RAW 0« SHWE»Wi t OW S LMJtisiiA ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT ART CINIMAS ■392 t I 3lh • b8<> 2-158 !U5l i *»»»*■* n MiaimiM Tm lw MUM 4m A ML A woMimiwwi uWHwftmu UHL JoA. Tw'rf fro* MAC « it ita. tm mm mm <» WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln fyuticuf, M&tf 14 leftover Salmon The Laura Kemp land bluegrass/foik Showtime: 9:30 Tickets S5 advance $6 dool available al Balladeer. CD World. HMU Main IVsk. Happ> Trails. House of Records, Record Garden, WOW Hall Sab+uhnf, 15 acoustic jazz Showtime: S:30 Tickets $7 advance SX door available at Cal's Meow, Huse of Records. WOW Hall. Off the Wall production l II l c* * ff i /< mm r.s’J’J h 245 ROOMS WANTED Fung ««>p(»-.af>on* *a 4 o> •»' n«ar cam«u». room 4 board na»»> tood. t-jKw mudw mo a..» ar-o 444 1009 Maryam Ntc* tvmlabad room jMn «» aumS* non amoum*}. S2S0 • d«K> >or»«jp *tu 3* Townnouan or» Marto* ftd Cat* 44» ;W4J__ Sum m or tubtM ' 1 ,(V’-*n lum b*dr p*u» tl? bam, •«urx»». baautrfcii noma. sooo. jk tm ;>39c 01r«el • to (toot ion 100 »5 ROOMMATES WANTED Room for roof ** 3 BtJrm bowse Or** toe«t*on (t9**- aacXk s A*«»sat>*# X*y t«Hh Sgjfrmp COH >4^0/46 _ SHARE A CCXX SUMMCR MOUSE’ l ooamy for 1 roommate to sfwve bouse *tfb ? fr*ndty Vt! Mdl •Offs*'1 **U <)©n!ft 26^'H^r "«# C*mpV»* R"\J rooms N#*:! person kw X,vc end Of August June $260 JWy Av«| $?00Ca»: M4 v me** LOW SUMMER RATES! $190 and up’ Room* to house utwcl kiich*n A bath All utility included to rent Caff 345-41M Need 3 Roommates • v erg*. &»* ‘ • rvouae to Mendrtcfci Par* area fu* ntfhed «* witshAjrye* dntfvaewtfser bog* deck urtchpn betbs private rooms easy go*ng houKtooNI A*Job* 14 f,«i Aug 3* l.'^VsaiVQ 4A4 1409 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES TRENO COtLEQE Students » dents oarage saw* Sat May istb 9an Ijpm. School Parking lot '■'#»? to Gt JO€S 275 ELECTIONS AMAZON F AMI Y HOUSING ILCCTONS +ti* tm Mary 2© If you wcMd *ifc« to 13* ar ol*«car ex nr araa ftfpr«H»r!aDii*. -'orntnafron.* *' t» '-4A#r by cu'*»n* council ^ampa** ur.W M#y tWf» f o* nlcrmatoon v Weasel's World by Kraig Norris Iso W)C CAN TEi Mfc THE. I 3 awNOCCf avCTNucr? UAflS. A0(JLT£tt*5, AND CNEATS. 5 WHAT D0E3 TCUfi DAD DO FOR A LIVING ? 315 COUNSELING problems to** ix) ufeng Af\J •«*«*’*» M f .’4 »KV'» 3;o SERVICES RESEARCH MClP 11 e* «** —*1, tv pap* f o» we j ! .jRtatf’i a* 60/ ."Mb ! 10 A . M TH KMKKAI.lt CI-AKSIKIKltS A grm of n deal! Ff*# Prwgrumcy T#«tmy f ^Jor># Prwgr'tVX > ‘ »*X*X*1 ( A 4* ri t ««• •:•■-«» ’ ..on -■ ’ ' 4 US - 4 * Pt#nn# ■filtscfcon cNstfci. Z*rtr- p vfcrtatKv tfcrmngP’ii. 66/ 66?>* CAM I’l S RECYCLING NOW HIRING fix Summ*f «nd WM PoNt»on» POSITIONS AVAILABLE Dw*ck* o< Sludaol Aacyci*^ Pfog##m Svmt** Dwoctcy EMU tocycftn? A»»«U*t Var Coo*&*sken R**da*<* Hafl CcxxAnaCv 12 R«fci^ SovctafctU {Wo*tS»u Hovutq Ou# by H** Tftday May 21*t’ $«*att*J .*iacv*»»**% •*« E* CO* UkM oa T«*a A VNO V75 A S-26 To# fnc#* *nfo cootocl Ca#npu» Racyc&no MMi.'l Th# ASUO «» ar A A COE No#«*r p*ot 2$ Symbol oi mamaga 27 Rapaal adty 29 DatlfOys 31 With i«Ja 35 Ha may go soul taaichmg 37 Niganan bom tmgai ItOnaol lha Savan OaarH 41 Crfcbaga %co>m k aapar 43 imutata * Wiika Sutton 44 Hava — tn on* * bonnat 45 Corny 64 ^ 47'Tha Bar afoot Contaa&a* •tar 49 f- lirpsa* 52 Gh •ntarl am m#nt 53 Ltd . *i tha Stataft 54 Unruly co4ft 55 Yat. m varaa 54 Bud ft buddy 57 B« a pfuUnUuo p«ftt DOWN 1 Old Bf« gold com 2 Guitar't coutm 2 Shift o< skirt 4 Bai'U j a#aa 5 l aughmg • Aquatic plant •at •» 7 T#nt mak»f'» nama • Childrens card gam* • Natvatka matro pofcs 10 Baapmg dawa 11 Neighbor Solution llm«: 2* min*. Y**l*fd*y'* S-14 hOO