Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( LASSII II I) POLICIES Payment • All Ah must Ik prepaid unless billing hits been established ( all *46 4 <4 \ 1,t frilling arrangements • VISA M(‘ aie accepted Deadlines l.inr Ad%: I pm..«nc tHjsmcsvdav pf»«e t<» mucfiMm Dhplay Ada: I p m . two business diyi prior l«* insert h*i Copy Acceptance • The (HH; reserve* the right t«» revive reclassify. reject *u cancel any ad ai any lirrvc • \.i advertising f««r term paper sales «*r editorial writing and research writing will he accepted • Pie OIH w ill rw H .fe < c{>i ads ovttaining a I ‘*00 phnne number Do you have vivid dreamt or night marat? M to piaaaa contact Tricia lor Ptych retaarch at HC 1606 PAM from MAUJHN i '**»y <*CM1 moan to »t«p On yOU* loot t^at night montht ago I have once MtdHtd how that n«»t danca would har*© gona Wc*Ad you coftffda* maaftrvg me to tWjfxJer through !h© two stop ogam't I w*ti t»a at the Uoc* ■*> Rodoo lKit A \ n rvglht RANDY tha Bio from BURNS no LOST 4 FOUND FOUND SungUuuww. 100 WOtomatla Mol. Monday. coft and dose* too evea FOUND: eery cut® A Jovwtwn mart«*r> child, 'soar tc»«mc«ft fouAdwsg last M moon. c.oH and identity. 4d6 6S/4 115 TYPING SERVICES A! >44-0)66, ROBIN <« ORAO SCHOOL APPROVED 20-yaw fNiviiiw bacA ground T«rm paper VFuS return© tar wca Edging latarpr ON CAMPUS' X) TH€ TYPING PRO Word Procatt*ng/f dtttng/'T ypnng Thatat Dtttartaliont on Latar _ l .v. M>«OM anytawg " TYPING UNLIMITED a«M>i Land — 4»M43 S*>v«vg OO we a ttnea '981 20% OFF all typing services now until end of the term * RtIMMI * WhI PlMlltil) * T«r* Nf«rt COMPUTER , PROCESSING V UNLIMITED L 689-7565 115 TYPING SERVICES A PtAftCT PAPtR S**mmr* t)QH) a rm. fma.1 w ■wacwiWi mutrntm _ 125 lfiSTRUCTiON WRITING HELP Fo> a* youi pnwrt, projects, Me Wrtdng, adlting. proofing AM *ut> tacts and styles A nor debts and consantant PRO/EDIT 343-2747 Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-2S‘> t JO FOR SALE MISC Brother vkKttK type##*#*. #*C COhd mcAtlM *> correction lap#* A manual, secobo 687 FSqu w# Bull#! w ceaa 4 mini amp $700 obo $46-7631 FOR SALE Brother WP #« $176 COUCH $7$ obo cm 18S6 RoU#r BiKtot mer* wo '0 j^movl »v»#r loo* greet 530 obo Mon* a 687 $626 Twin Bed ma*Tr#*s bo* $pr.ng UfKJ frame y»at cfxxWijx'. $60 obo tm 10 Color TV 4 head V( M $4*> k* txjW- PHI Skit Mi# «* M. < BrfvCfcng* Knber Boor * $* 60 346 9660 or 3466799 140 PETS DOG FOB SALE. Au»Qe< Sh#ppard 6 mk* o*d. mala. hat ahote. $60 obo 342-4630 or 647 $676 Young Chinchilla '’#**1* good house comae *r-t*g la/ A tood fun eaobc animal. moving A mufl aeA $7$ 34? 7374 145 CARS TRUCKS Reconditioned VW engm# fUa bug or but. $350 aachanga 346-6126 77 Saab 90E MS on# o## o«c cond. n0,000 $!»96 46$/n? 78 VW CAMPER r*w* engtn# uphol *!#ry. crudk# *u%o very n*«. $3400 663 $65 V 143 3679 m# 7* VW Rabbit MAK& lap# *#ry r«* at## 4 tpd run* muffler $700 obo Call Mk* 343-2 lQt tv* mag_ 63 Cel tea n*a engine, 40000 ma a pw» *hN#*ng. alarm .A**#**# meg wheefa. $2660 464 0163 after 3 pm 63 MitautMahi Star ion If ml. •unroot, low m4#» <*tf option* «sc«p hooal comMoo. $3900 663 4030 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 72 Honda CBSOO'xrf ortg tXacfc A gold i>gni clean urban $600 667 2606 A am 155 BICYCLES MT BIKE HARO l rtrema. tufl door# bar end*. B#« nacfc land##* juai tuned, over $700 nm*. $300 now* 34? 1132 iGi COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Brattwr Word Ptdcmkx «*> »C0 $175(1 rr o»J($450 w>| 3433956 Compaq computer iHW comp n#d dak. portstM wcas*. Wf 5 ' h lotus. $350 657 8217 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Macintosh Poowtiooti «rth Ritenttod w*n«nty H tortmrnt l>500 C»* Rv4r>ng* 34349/3 Packard Ml 7*6 oomputar VGA. ?CMB Hard or** } *ofS*n 1400 ofto Ca# D»nd 6MV9949 Saga and 1 gam** flSOobo Marcy 343-3907 r.o SOUND SYSTEMS CASH?*’ M««nd aerwce VMS VC*?’* aryj atereoa Thompson Ftec trorvca. 1i?2 Oak 3CMDT3 ___ P%OOMf RX-710 bOGfcahert «SfK#0 dual cttMlte. 1:0 CO. 3 way *50 wen H****»a ttOCobc Can PM 346 3712 175 INSTRUMENTS Cleaafc Kramer Guitar w Floyd Rom Chrome fr*rvj*i> Grp**! action' Graduating wi taorSca ** $200 060 4H4 ?324 Fender Strat ft^d hard c*»« EXCELLENT CONDITION' ShOC w tw*t o«er Cai 464 5621 Yamaha S*n* si»>r*Q gu<4ar and caae $? 76 obo Ca» &wa 3430746 165 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Conwntml Location* 76A E 13th M5Wlll#m*flr fcampu*} (dwenlown) $46 1051 343-4717 BUYING HOURS Fl.til Fi.24.tif 6?. S#1 Smith Family Bookstore i*0 SKI EQUIPMENT Rot at Stralo Skitivjc 2001 look /P bmtVtg* Rahai *1 10 Poi*. RadM MX Arf boot*. S?00 lAthael 667 7049 i95 TRAVEL HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUM MER? Or% $269*" .Jet ***<• ANYTRM kx $369 t»om srw W«*«l Co*** $'69 t»om the I as! Coaat w»th AiMMiTGHfc (Reported in let's Go* A NY Time*) 1-BOO-307 *096 204 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT hahene* T arn $0006* m cawwai or $4(XO‘mo on Nhng boat* F*«w liana pohahon' Room A Board* Over ftOOO cpenmqa Mata or F emate F O* employ mem program call i 206 646 4156 e«i A 6069 ALWAYS WANTED TO FLY? Oaedvar ftysng now kv only $?6* Cat* Sc oh on campus 663 6496 I AA Cadilwd I hghf Instructor Cafe w heavy loot 1 rathe located neer RR Depot. Milton, Poat Office A Huh Center *60.000 for buaineaa $1500 mo for equipment taaae and building apace 401-0399 Reaponaible driver wanted to take cat to Boston Mtfa tottwrxj eany June i 762 6061 RIOT GRRRL • Poetry atcxws and art accepted lor xme Theme «t SURVIV fNG THE VKXi NCI Tu#n »n ,»! Worn en'a Center E MU by May * 9th ummer Internships Interview signups END TODAY at the Career Information Center—247 Merkinckv f-or more into, call 346-6011 WTTRMATIOHAL EMPLOYMENT Mmtt mooty teething (MUMC 00nver*e !*y>a< f nghsh abroad Japan A T »war M^r- $2000 $4QQO* pe« month Many profit room A board W Other benefits’ He previous tramng o* teaching cert>?> cat* reQu*red F or mtarnalion* fm ptoyman! program ca* the Intemabon a t mpteymerrt Group (206} 532 l1 4ft *«• J6069 MEGA WEIGHT LOSS rm looking for people to try a phe nomenal new herbal diet product Can aam % CaM 464-75*4 _ — POSTAL JOBS’” Start 111 41 hr ♦ ben«*«*. lor app*»ca torn & «nto cad t UM8) 324 ?1Q? 7am to tOprr. 7 day* 210 HELP WANTED Ara you interested m education? W# ara search**g tor someone to ^ood up our pubkc SChOOiS drv*S»On tor ne*1 year For mar* information coma »w u% at F MU Mil 1 or C«S u* 3454351 Ns> need to bn shy ESCAPE F*e»d Stud*** >% an EOF AA_ Crutaa Una f ntry tavai on boardftand &«»*> summer,'year round 714 549 f569 _ WESPfTl PROGRAM COOROMATOft Energetic A ctaabve RecreMlon P*o gram Planner F apenenca work *ng w»th eftedren o* ad ;»gn* (diaabkavnon <*s atxed! Easter f>«aia Par an? s N*ght Ojt" PreyarT 30hour» per month $/ OQAv Sand resume A covar tetter to PNG F aster Sash 36/5 Derate F ugene OP $>/4tfc DsadteeMon U*> 17* SPORTS MMDEOT Aft«* uMrw month* ol playing tha ra turn* game I found A company more cone a* nad w*h pnopte than papa* Re (an! growth has uS searching *0* an thutiastx mdMduate to M$ wstes A manager^ positions 6ft/ 4030 Assistant Manager naadad ASAP rant traa through Juna 15th. pleas* call Rhapsody at 666-*499 or 4A1-Qttt ______ Applications ara now being ac cepted tor matructen «nc« tn strutbonaJ lab ha* one posrton be fprvsng FaH term m (X)S Computar lab Musi have Krx/^nedjo O* DOS. networks, statistical and sproadshaet sonware CX4»«s *nvOhr© consulting, trwtiv.Mg. ma.nirtxxng a Movikte '*«< arxl troubteshootmg hard ««f»software probtenis For turtf-tnr mk> ca» CtMhtean laue 346 4642. ,346.64/. dPlC The U 01 O *» an AAT EO amptoyer __ OTF Positions. The Data Sarvues lab has ona posrbon txsgmnmg Fa: taim i993 have Knoa4«dga o* UN<* w4h VAX VMS »xJ SAS eipananca working with large data sets and 9 trac* ’apes Duties »nv©*ve managing and transporting tenge data s*as and ffoufcteshoobng hardwaresoitwore proPtems For tur the* mk> caa Cafhieer le«a? 3454642 >46 254/ 9PtC The U Of O it an AA't EO__ Job opening Health Officer Boy Scout Summer camp located Oregon Coast Cert rfcahon regu-red Aral aCxe June tfi Aug 30. saia'y &900 StJOCVseaion Info 346 675/ after /pm au tor Damcfc l OF ^JVC|N Ar^ MANAGER ft> very nca apartments across from UO campus Conran sabon include* furnished apt utitrfes A salary i «pe nance nol required Sand rasuma to Manager* Posrt»on. 2050 Harvard Dr Eugene OR 97406_ 5x5 = SOLD!! Sell anything under $500... Advertise in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds to sell almost anything Run your ad for 5 days at regular rates. If the item doesn’t sell within 5 days, call us at 346-4343 and we will run your ad for 5 more days FREE! Place ads at our convenient locations: UO Bookstore Room 300, EMU or call 346-4343 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. * Private party ads only please ★ No copy changes t 210 HELP WANTED lt*J International Cover Mextei Saarch local aoout. Bruce B*»rg ! >ng open c*0 May 20th and 21 at. 3 16 30pm dress cjttua.1 Into cM [ 7?MUi9_ Untvecerfy Mousing at th# U Of 6 I* hiring dee* MkiUnti for to© 93 94 academe school y«a Applicants and adekfeonai information may be obtained at the Area Oes*s Careon. Hamihon. (Jrwerarty loo and the IMwararty MouS »ng Offca Oea* Assistants mu« ha Mi km# students at the Uarvertrty of Oregon ftncJ a/a reourred to kve n Ur> versrty Mousing white employed Com pensahon lor the p©M«on i» $5 15 16 46 p*v hour. depending on aapon anca The deedkne tor completed ap pfacabon* to ha returned «s Tuaaday. May i*th at NOON to the Umvgrarty Mouajng Oftce m tha Walton Comptes NOTE Thar# la a mandatory Group Process Review on Tuesday. May 18th. 6 30PM 7 30 PM m tha Riley Na# lounge Attendance «« reou*r*d to ha given con axle* af>on tor a Den* Asms tent potrtioo An AAtOAOA Institution Committed to Cultural dverruty Resident Manager tor 32 unit apart mant bu*k*ng Fu° 1*m® employment during Summer'P»r1t>me begtfinmg m Fa* Apply a! JENNINGS A CO. 488 fast nth. Eugene (Below U Lana O Credit Un*on) SUMMER JOB ; I ha Oregon Oarty Emerald has open inga tor both an office assist am and '>ew*pape* oefrvery th*s summer ! The off*© aaa*ai»nt wd t>© needed from June 15th to Sept 15th. hours mft vary horn IQ to ?0 p©' wee* de pending Oft the workload Newspaper defcvery *s a/' early mormng job Tuesday* 4 Thursdays during the summer season. tf*» position re quires a refcabie veh*de. drivers i» cans© and insurance We are hoping to fcod one per so/' who w*U be able to tiH both poartKjns APPl Y IN PER SON FOR ONE OR BOTH TOOAY” Su*e 300 EMU .is* tor Kathy Car bona__ 2i5 WORK STUDY WORK-STUDY POSITION AVAILABLE AT THE NEW RIVERFRONT RESEARCH PARK Position includes genera! office tasks such as phone back up, photocopy. CktsemiftShOft of materials f»ung. computer work and running office «< I rands lnt»estacP Calf Mxihefle j Wygto m 346-6133 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Lovely, huge older home tor 4 stu dents ,js! d*s from campus 4 bdrm d*thwash wash'dryr ig porch prkg for 5. $t?0(Vmo. yr *se starling 6/15, w*!l vaeneaw on V1S.16. t 399 8091 after You a/e welcome to slop by our of t»ca tor a tree ‘sft of our present and tutor© vacancies Navtmentt duplexes and houM» wth speciai summer rates Than Jrvo by arty kxakons the you and cal ou» oihca tor an appartnerf to mw the rtirfde SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th Avenue 555-1130 225 APTS DUPLEXES CHEAP LIVING Buy my co/y traiier $4960, «n a nearby par* by the "v«r Pay St 60/mo space rant ar-d set* when you graduate CM >m 344 8824 2i j 1ELP WANTED 225 APTS DUPLEXES Apt to root IftAO M.S 5upe* ctn. Oui e< woe Upeto « 60"!’ (VW prttg U3&. {iSoompoteo.- 3*3M04 AveMabte Juno tj|h For Summer 1 C*»m aft. Sirs Geer. Quiet, turmeherl t f> b*ock trom compui (Wtiervmg to< fat S3S0 ' bdrm lease >eou.»oa -’36 E t r*h. 343-J1U Cam put Apartments Furnished 112 Bedrooms Summer roles. MOOSeOO «B6-2«23 LOW SUMMER RATES! 2 A 3 Bdrm Apts Available 2 Mocks from campus. dean A Quel Off Street parking Available June 15th C«H MW155 Pre-Lease for summer 3 bedrm, S35G Pre-l 0aM> for fan 1 mo free' 3 bsdrm $696 Both less than i Mock from cam pus w/covered parking 686 9499 or 461-0199 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment ava»t now. qu^t country atmosphere w/oonveoteot oty location, other features include pool. t©nm%t>aakett>a»» cts. rec room and playground nght past ?5th and Cham bars 464 6663__ Quiet furnished 2 bedrm townhse. available summer. $386. and fall, 1695, 2 b*s from campus on M