DISAGREEMENT Continued from Page 1A er community and University resouri es to put on seminars and workshops. I he workshops were to he every other week through May and were to be attended by no less than 80 percent of Phi Psi's live in membership. The seminars were supposed to address topics such as sexual harassment, alcohol and drug abuse and sexism • Perform no less than 100 hours of i ornmunity services on two weekends per month during win ter term at one or more of the organizations, SASS. Women's Center, Lane Community College's Women's Center, Saferide and the District Attor ney's Victim's Assistance Program In the resolution agreement. Rauch and the oth er woman agre**d to develop a list of resources avail able to individuals who believe they have been victims of sexual harassment or rape and provide copies of this list by May M to the University Women's Center, the University and Lane Com munity College o fTu.es of affirmative action and stu dent conduct, the Oregon Daily h'merald, the Incidental Fee Committee and the Panhellenu Council. ' Both parties agreed to "avoid initiating direct or indirei t contact” w ith eai h other for the dura tion of the agreement, from Nov 18. 11)‘)2 to May 15, 1993. Fluine Green, student conduct coordinator, and L\ erett Wells, affirmative a< tion dins.tor. will meet next week to verify whether the fraternity and the women fulfilled their agreements b\ the deadline Rauch said the fraternity hasn't kept any of the good faith promises its members agreed to when the\ signed the contract She's spoken to a lawyer about preparing a case against the fraternity Rauch said she has i ailed the five organizations where Phi Psi members agreed to volunteer and organization members said they have not volun teered. "It doesn’t make sense they'd sign something they wouldn't honor." Rauch said. “I'm just so frus (rated. I just want it to be done with. I'm transfer ring schools. I don't want to leave until this is settled and it's not." The fraternity also didn't retain the servii es of Collier. Rauch said. Collier said she only conduct <>tl one workshop at the fraternity and was never paid "The only thing 1 want to say about this is we at SASS recognize Niki's feelings of frustration," ('.oilier said "We're saddened and disappointed that our training and expertise wasn't used more " Green said the fraternity has complied with the provisions of an alcohol settlement signed with the Office of Student Goodin t Hei mise the alcohol set tlement and the resolution agreement shared some provisions. Green and Wells agreed the fraternity could fulfil similar provisions on both contracts at one time Phi Psi signed an informal settlement in Novem ber with Green after pleading guilty for violating the Living Group Alcohol Policy "The fraternity has complied ltM) percent with the provisions mandated under the conduct process,” Green said. "They've been very diligent The alcohol settlement included a provision requiring 100 hours of community serve e during winter term However, that provision didn't sjiec ify the organizations where Phi Psi members had to volunteer Wells said the five organizations in the resolu tion agreement between Ranch and the fraternity were merely listed .is examples of suitable orgaru z.ations Si hvveitz said the fraternity has almost i omplet ed all ol the resolution agreement's provisions He said Greet) told him the fraternity didn't have to ful fill the provision requiring it to pay Got her 51.000 for workshops at the fraternity Si hvveitz said Rauch violated the agreement by sending letters to Gov ro and himself S< hvveitz said he will i omplain to Green and Wells about Raui h's letter Rauch sent copies of the letter and resold lion agreement to ull of the greek houses Rauch said she sent Si hvveitz. and Govro a let ter to warn them she w as taking her complaints to the Emerald. She said she interpreted the provision prohibiting any "indirect or direct contai t” to mean phone calls Si hvveitz said the fraternity members |ust want to complete the resolution agreement bv Mnv 15 and "put this whole thing Ixthind us "Basically, our house is slandered." he said "1 don’t know where she comes up with those aci u satioiis It s too hail Niki < an t let this thing die.” ET ALS WH TINGS M|»h# Phi Omega u ;i have n pledge > la*’ meeting tonight at 7 at Th« (ilenwood For morr information. tail *4t» ‘1704 Student Health t enter (Committee wm meet today at I to u m In the Student Health Center Medtt al Library F or more inform* turn. ( ali 140 4447 AM () Student Fteallh ( enter ln»uran«« Committee will pieef todav *' 2 )' m in the Student Health Camlet Mmlnal library F ur more information. i all 140 1702 KF.l K.K1N ( athoiti Newman ( enter will have nw^ <*% Saturdav at 5 j> rn and So inlay at 4 and 11 a m and 7 30 and 10 p m For more inform* lion, tall 343 7021 MIS! F I I ANFl H’S Spnngfeat Show and Shme w.il l*p Sa? i da> ui Alton baker Park The < ar show wi! \n< at 0 a III and tfu» p.'kr-r fun will he jI J p m Fur mum information, ( ail 2WiS liiftma i Ku$ht lu Self IMmar rally will t«r Saturday at t p m at I ha f-mlorai Budding Baltv Tutulja anti I'rofwmf Kofi Wismati will *jM?ak for mor« information tail 4fty 1124 Muslim Ntudrnl Asst* lalion wd! havt vidoo* and lilaralur* available on Bosnian war aimm today from 11 10 am to 3 30 p m in the KM I lor mnrv information. tail I4t> l?'J» Muslim Stmlfiil \*mm i«lioo will show 0mb film I itn.’f ts fima today «l im«m in 1 .Ml ( »«l#r Koorti A f ur more information i.all t4t» ftology Program wd! tponsot Hruve Mi Douaid * prtwifiUliMfi Natural S«d«* ;ti*m of (ftuive Flow in Po|>olalions of Fungi loda* at i JO (i tn in Room 113 WillamsrtW* t nlrpprrnrurship t lub will present a workshop on how to iik orporsle a business today at 12 30 p m in Room ♦ !7 (.dbnri For morn information • ail )4l> 14‘Wi FMt Buaai of Dtrnlon liandiitK* ktt I Ml «mi AM 'O progrAm ri?pr«*»mi Alive pi wit urn* it iihUv At *» p in Fur mono tniurtiution. call 146 0007 Pw krt PUthouw UtMirtf I luliom « ill lw today from 10 a m to S p m m tho ImmmmimimiI of ViiiArd Alt ilmtciili nuv Apply 1 or more information. < dll 34 \ l'l»W SI mini I lldtur (muni Mill lie l.xby till) Saturday a! 6 p m and Sunday at I p m in the (Mtrhnttnr Anmx Fur iwir» mlmiiiniiim, (dll I4(> J tar. Aimm iAil'd S4ud#rtl» of Mutton* 1'imiv* Immi will ipttiiMir Donut* Sun KIunIh lm i.irw Sa» ml Silm on llw l4itKu4|>e tonight aI 7 30 in Room £79 lawnmre 1 or mow utiar in Alton idtl ,I4I» iO 77 1 riUmihtp 1 or In urn lit Alton wii i *}>« tor l,ut mu Kli < miib i prawni Alton M«« Inet tidbiht v of Fee* t* tonight aI 7 Al lh»* (hufih of I ho ilrrri bran. 10?* Main Si in Spying! told Fur mom information. call 144 »3 ROM THt OVtRPAH* ^snrEsssrsrrrnu^r3oi5rT4^KnsaTrHB5iTTi?^T