Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1993, SUPPLEMENT, Page 10B, Image 18

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Broadway and Hilyard
Continued from Page 5B
"It was a very, very intense place to be. There is
all this emotional investment in learning because the
things we talked about, that I talked about, were
realty important, were everyday life." DiFranco said
“It was a great experience with many influences,
which taught me to talk about working for change "
The lyncs of DiFranco's songs deliver such strong
desires foi change that, at times, they are even a bit
shocking to some listeners
"Our lather who art in a penthouse/sits in his 37th
floor suite/and swivels to gaze down/at the city he
made me in /he allows me to stand and solicit graf
fitti until/he needs the land I stand on." (From "Com
ing Up”),
Shocking or not. DiFranco believes her message
is vital and her position as a performer gives her the
ability to deliver it loudly to many
Although her lyrics are hard and uncompromis
ing. she is quite modest and soft-spoken. The soft
demeanor belies what is really a tough, strong-willed
interior for a woman who sings against oppression
and abuse, particularly of women struggling in a
male-dominated world.
"I think it's really important to use the words that
are used agamst you. because they're like
weapons." DiFranco said. "Language is a very pow
erful weapon. III make it big — whatever that is — I
look (orward to that in terms of having the kind of
power, to use as a tool, to make a change "
DiFranco said she has felt a resurgence of the
“right-wing extremists" nationwide, who bring with
them racism and homophobia, and her lyrics often
speak out to those people for reform.
“I feel it's mostly stemming from intolerance and
fear." she said. "Things were getting so spooky for
awhile, with the OCA for example, I thought there
was going to be a total release of pinned-up anger
Now it’s funny, there's that typical American slow
reform happening again."
One ol her songs illustrates this opinion well, "the
system gives you |ust enough to make you think that
you see change. They will sing you right to sleep
and then they’ll screw you just the same."
DiFranco said she finds music to be the most
powerful vehicle for addressing issues and keeping
them alive and openly discussed.
"There's so many things that should always be
brought up." DiFranco said. "Music is so close to
who we are, it's like everybody does it and every
body needs it. It's an excellent way to talk to people
and cross boundaries.”
DiFranco will be crossing her boundaries and
expressing her views through song at 8 p.m. May
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