Adefua main attraction for Saturday The magnificence of the Adefua African Music A Dance Company spongs from a magical ability to simultaneously excite and relax. The music appeals to all tastes while maintaining a unique quality that is pure African culture. The group includes drummers, dancers and singers, rep resenting West-African cultures of Senegal. Nige ria. Ghana. Zaire. Guinea and Haiti. Formed in 1986, Adefua is founded, directed and managed by Adeyemi Harris, master drummer, and Afua Harns. master dancer Based in Seattle. Ade fua lours across America teaching and performing traditional arts for all ages. Adefua African Music A Dance Company is the Saturday night attraction at the 23rd Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival (May 21-23) and will perform at 9 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom for S2. Those who have seen Adefua say it is a terrific experience. "Adefua shares incredible dances and music of West Afncan cultures; their energy, talent, costumes and audience inter-action made a night for all of us to remember." said a spokesman from Wallowa Val ley Arts Council. Adefua was "a hit at each site, a program where the young and the elderly could participate and en|oy Adefua shares incredible dances and music of West African cul tures; their energy, talent, cos tumes and audience inter-action made a night for all of us to remember. ’ — Wallow a Valiev Arts Council Spokesman something together," said a spokesman trom Wash ington Library tor the Blind and Physically Handi capped. "They were a real up-litter to a sometimes dark and dreary day " Adeyemi and Afua Harris will also be teaming up with Magatte Fall, internationally known master drummer and dancer trom Senegal. West Atrca, tor a two-hour music and dance workshop beginning at 3 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom The workshop is tree and all are encouraged to bring their drums, some instruments wtfl be provided, Jenny Hcaumoni COATS Continued from Page 4B This quartet is sure to impress you with sounds ranging from squeaky falsetto to booming bass all produced from the style and imagination of its own voices. The Trenchoats characteristic spin on songs is produced all with out the help of instruments, but with this “a cappella extraordinaire" you won’t feel like you're missing out on the benefit of instruments. The group's voices alone are enough to leave you humming catchy tunes and melodies all of the way home. In fact, The Trenchcoats style is reminiscent of the Nylons and the Manhattan Transfer, only you may find a little more novelty and diversity in its performances The 7 cannot emphasize enough how everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves! The response of the audience was full of compliments and the upmost praise.' Gina Gilher Central Washington University, performing arts coordinator Trenchcoats repertoire spans the popular hits of over four decades and includes everything from 50s doo wop. jazz, country and clas sical ballads to rap The Trenchcoats started this vocal synergy by bouncing har monies off of the walls of the Uni versity of Washington campus and to the patrons of Pike's Street Market. During the past five years the group has performed at such famous events as Seattle's Bum bershoot (estival. Seattle Manners games. Seattle Super - sonics games. The Bite ot Seat tle. King T V's Evening Show and at a myriad ol colleges and private parties throughout the Northwest Soon the University will be able to hear the sweet melodies ot the Trenchcoats on its very own cam pus during the Willamette Valley Folk Festival May 21-23 Jenny C arev FREE i SPECIAL ? DOLLARS. WHEN YOU BUY SPECIALIZED BIKES & HELMETS! 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