L .—- ".5l--— Courtly pftofc> Anl DIFranco, who has boon callad one of tha moat powerful feminist musicians of our century, will per form Friday, May 21. Poet/performer embraces struggle Considered 'by many as one ol the most powerful feminist music and poetry writer/performers of our generation, Am DiFranco, will be performing next Friday on the EMU, East lawn's mam stage Independent and vocal best describes this young folk singer from New York, who has slowly been mak ing her way into the hearts and album collections of new fans throughout the country DiFranco, 22, has already released three albums and developed a musi cal presence that both provokes and captivates audi ences Her songs are based on experience and convey strong, forceful messages She seems to have it all a clipped, edgy guitar style, forceful melodies, stingy lyrics and an amazingly flexible and dynamic voice, which make it difficult not to be affected by her message From songs like "Gratitude" (Irom Not So Soilt. which depicts a man pushing himsett on a woman in return tor a favor, to "Coming Up" (Irom Imperfectly) about corporate greed and urban blight, just about everyone can relate to something she says "I figure, what do I know better to write about than myself," said DiFranco. who has been living on her own, establishing her singular rules of independence since the age of 15 "I think of myself as three-dimensional and normal because of my experiences and so my music has me in it Music is so close to who we are," she said DiFranco attended the New School For Social Research in New York, where she was confronted with a lot of social and feminist issues everyday Turn In ANI, Page IOH tAI ntKt Ik IWC \_MJ I LL/Urv/ll SERVING DELICIOUS NEW YORK PIZZA 7 DAYS A WEEK By the slice-Of by the whole pizza Choice ot irjj crust or deep dish Sicilian '^r Something New - Italian Ices - Lemon & Strawberry I Come down or call up Sy*s and order these great specials. I 1 FREE SODA ‘I00 OFF ‘2™ OFF I I PLUS 10< OFF 0R ANY SMALL PIZZA ANY LARGE OR MEDIUM PIZZA | ANY SLICE PLUS 2 FREE LARGE PRINKS | S/s New York Pizza *1211 Alder on campus • 686-9598 | 11:30-Midnight Mon.-Sat. 3:30-Midnight Sun - AIK SMI! FRIDAY SATURDAY MAY 14-15 20% oil all products BODY DRENCH System Biolage l/l/l ATE CALIFORNIA TAN* N€$US PRUL MITCHELL “SPECIALISTS IN CUTTING HAIR 609 E. 13th • Eugene • 484-3143 S2 OO OFF Converse Shoes Sunglasses • Pipes SI.OO OFF Posters 24 Pk ISI Whip Cream Charges 51099 Lazar's Bazar Cards £> Gifts ^7 W Broadway Downtown Mall €>87-0139 Don’t wait for it to go away Minor aches and pains could be a sign of a serious problem so don t wait Come see us We cure about student budgets' * 5tudent Rates * •fret (MM consultation •Close to campus SOUTH EUGENE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E 18th • 683 9070 • M f 9 12, 2-5 COLLIER HOUSE CAFE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Lunch 11:30 - 6:(X) weekdays Moderate prices • Open to the public Receptions • Weddings * Banquets 13th Avenue and University Street • 346-5268 i Celebrate Spring I c-;i(iif'iiiv* .i w iik- si li’i lion <>l tmii|iu . \ intake si\K- anil ioiiicm|)oran i lolhin^, ji \\i lr\ X ai i ism>rii s // / i iin I iliiili r / i*m SI JNOANC 'J-: MKttl \n i ii a: Jill HIM \K1) • ’> < i 0 (SO