Serqeant accepts discharge to better fight gay ban SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A highly decorated soldier who publicly dm In red his homosex unlily says he accepted an hon orable discharge because it puts him in a belter position to fight the military's ban on homosexu als. The Army on Monday approved separation proceed ing* for Sgt lose Zuniga, recom mending he he honorably dis (barged All that remains for Zuniga to teanine a dvilian is to dean out his !o« ker. clear up hi* finance* and close out his personnel ns ordv said San Frant ts«.o Pre sidio spokesman l.t Steven Fredericks The 24-year-old military jour nalist and Ctutf War veteran who won the (>th Army's 1992 Sol dier of the Year award violated the military's prohibition ngninst homosexuals in announcing his sexual orientation That ban is under review by (he Clinton Administration Presidio Battalion Comman der Wayne Agnes* recommend ed an honorable discharge because of Zuniga's near spot less record, Fredericks said Zuniga said he was saddened bv the finality of the moment and surprised that it happened so soon. He had not expected Agnes* to sign the papers for several more days. "It's a sad day." he said. "It just goes to show how deter mined they are to get rid of the people who don't fit their moral ity standards " Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSII II I) roue ii;s Placement Ad* r»u> ji Kt«*ri HU, I Ml tmarn.dfkvi t O Main l-V«*r Copy Acceptance • fhc ODE fCKfvci the right to revitc. ret U»»dv. rejett or cancel anv «tl at iny Mine • Political adi «rc payable m Advance And mart chow dear atJortcmrnl, i c ”I*ak1 for by (Advert iter)*". • A * ample of all mail order nemt rnu*t be. tuhrmued prior lo the publication of the advent cement • No advertising for term paper taka or editorial writing and/or research writing will he ac ceiled • IHc OfHj will ms accept ads containing a I lXJU phone mimhci 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS OON'T FORGET OMk o* OMEGA appMCAllont »• du* (hi* Fnday May 1«W< Any OuMlkmcan Man M34J-S5S0 OCLTA UPSN.0M POTS A PANS MAKE A GREAT ALARM ClOCK THANK YOU FOR BREAKFAST! V KAPPA DELTA GREEK WEEK IS HERE! 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May !8m. 5 30PM 7 30 PM m me Rasy Hafi lounge Attendance ■* required to be given consideration tor a Dee* Assrs tanl ponton An AA.EOAOA Institution committed to cultural (RverMy AN positions are noer open tor the 93 94 Oregon Deity Emerald News Stan Apple sums ere avertable at me Oregon Deity Emerald font desk, sude 300 EMU Appnuanons are due Wednesday. May '?m The Oregon Daily EmeraO * an equal opportunity employer_ Are you interested m educator’' We we searching tor someone to hem! up our public schoc« dv-son lor nest year for more miormaton come see us o EMU M! !t o> Ota us 34643S' No need to be shy ESCAPE fold Shxkes is an fcOE-AA A SUMMER JOB 110 » Retail Customer Service, no esp necessary, veil tram scholarships A Internships possible 1-94A-74SA Cruise line E ntry evW or boarortahd Side Posrbons avail Si.-Timer year round 7 14 _ Disabled man needs handy parson to help vrth home maintenance odwT vsg yard wcvv Musi be good with loots i&Tu 4tM 3'BS GRADUATING? Environmental A Fitness company looking tor A motivated people FT’PT Available 34S-43AA Atatatant Manager needed ASAP, rent free through June 13th. please call Rhapsody at AAA*9499 or 4*1-0199_ International company joking ’or parVloS time Manager* m th.§ area No esp necessary -I you have loadersr.p •kins we o*tei or me job hairing, suc cataM applicants earn SA 96-Tsr lo start NO PHONE CALlS Write E TECHINTf RNATlONAL 1224 ME Wamut rih/A Roseburg. OR 974 70 ?io HELP WANTED Informational Meeting Rrrrralion and Inlramurali is hiring rnrrgelir. self molivai ed people with innovative ideas for ma/hrling and promotion of programs If inleresied please atlend Ihe informational meet mg on Thursday. 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Eugene (Below U Lane Q Cfdrt Unipnj ST/TrTNOW Environmental Fitness Co looking for upbeat and S motivated people full training provided 345 6368 SUMMER JOB The Oregon Da»ty Emerald has open >ngs for both an office assistant and newspaper delivery th«s summer The oh by any locaaony fhal *root*** you and cal our o**» lor an afportmon! 10 m na raak SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES MWIMAmtim (M-1130 210 HELP WANTED SUMMER WORK Advertising Sales $3(X) to $4(X) a week - Commissions The New Publisher of the University of Oregon Student Telephone Directory Needs Sales People Experience Not Necessary • Will Train • Must Have Self-Discipline and Transportation 1-800-288-3044 ask for Rob Havens Lubbock. Texas 79401