Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    Professor wins speech ruling
NKW V( )Kk (AH — A pro
fessor's right to free speech
was violated when City Col
lege of New York dismissed
him from a < hairmanship
because ha made a speet h
that was widely critic ized as racist, a )ucigt* ruiiHi
Jeffries' lawsuit sought SZ5 million ana rein
statement as chairman of black studios The iurv
will now dei ide who spis ificailv violated Jeffries
rights and consider damages The judge will
dei ide later if Jeffries gets his chairmanship bai k
Outside of the court. Jeffries thanked his sup
"All we wanted was our day in court he said
But the decision dot's not
necessarily mean that Ij-onard
Jeffries will get the job bar k
Jeffries. 5fi, lost Jus chair
manship of black studies, a
position he had nearly 2d
years, less than a year after
delivering the July 1991 ipeecb
in Albany He has remained on
the school's faculty
In the speech, Jeffries said
that Jews and the Mafia had
‘All we wanted was
our day in court. The
issue has for us
always been a
constitutional one.’
- Professor Leonard Jeffries,
free speech was violated
I he issue has lor us always
b*H>n a constitutional out'
Attorney General Robert
Abrams, whose office handled
the case for the State si bool, said
the ruling "puts handcuffs on
the abilitv of ( UNV administra
tors to properly manage their
City University spokesman |av
Hershenson promised an appenl
t he indue said he tits ided the
conspired to belmi*? blacks in
the movies, and that Jews had helped finance the
slave trade.
The jury was shown a video of the 75-minute
speech in whit h Jeffries also said sc hool books fail
to accurately describe Africa’s place in world his
Jeffries ret ailed as a youngster watt lung mot ies
"where the African people were completely deni
In accordance with U S. Supreme Court guide
lines. l) S. District Judge Kenneth Conboy dm ided
the free .speech issue himself, and the jury decided
that Jeffries' constitutional right to due process
was violated.
free spetn li issue after weighing
Jeffries' right to speak freely on matters of publii
t om ern rontpanui with the rights of a school to
"promote tfte efftt tent v of the pnblit services it
performs through its employees
The judge noted that the subjer t of the s|ms« h
reform of tfu* nation s educational t urriculum
"was part of a dobatt! that has broad and entretne
ly significant implication* for American society
"While it is quite understandable that some nut
consider certain statements in Professor leffries
speech to be offensive, these statements do not
dilute the high degree of public com ern that is at
the core of the speei h." he said
Baha'i Study Ciroup v% itl mwl tonight
ai 7.30 in FMU ( jiniury Room l) For ntor*
information, call 344-11619
I eminist theory l>»« umhmi (iroup wilt
moot today at i 10 j> m. in KMU (amfury
Room B For morv information, call '.*44*
Alpha I'hi (>mega Membership (!om
millrr will lliwt tonight IfOBI ? tu 0 ill
KMli Century Room li For mom inform* -
I ton. rail 340 0794
SluiimU fur I mted Naliotn will twvr a
general mooting tonight from i tuti »«
F.MU Century Room F For mmw inform*
turn, call 346 ‘,i?94
A*»*n-Vat ific-Amerit an Student
I niim <•*.*»* iitiwill mmrt at 4 j» m and
member* will moot lodav at S |i m tn
Room 29 KMi1 For mof* Information, t all
340 9315
Vietnamese Student A»mm lation wdl
have an officen m«9tin| tonight at 7 in
Hmj Smith Hall lounge For more inform*
tton. tali 344 IUW7
Woman tn Krligmn Reading Croup will
in mil today from noon to I 30 p tn in
Room f»M> Hx:
ASUO * uciitivt will have an organ!aa
I tonal nwetiiu in aupporl of the rat*. gen
dor and non f uruuaan rnt|u*rtW**«'ni today
«{ 11 a m tn I Ml! ianiar room* t and l)
For mom information rat) 346-3724
Khti Omega Tttt Chi will tuor an o*g*
iu/at tonal moot mg fur ail ROTC ititwan*
ami military personnel iu»L*y from i info
pm in Roam <! Agate For mow infurma*
lion i dll H<* BOQ'f
lapanrsr Student Organ**el ion will
have an orgemretlonal meeting tothy e»
4 10 p m in KMI* (i«Ur Room F For inure
information. call 66? 1662
Iiuni«nl«l lee ( omraillff will tnpri
IihIkv al 3 30 |> (ft in the FMt! Hoard
Room For more information tall 346
Wesley Ni|{hi fellowship will offer
training and umght on being a worship
iearler tonight from ? to It 30 at the W*r»ley
Foundation, 12 16 Kincaid M lor more
information, cell 346 4IMM
Asian Studies Program will sponsor
loltn tiilhfc presentation t hasing the
Dragon tot lav frurn 3 JO to '* pm in l Mt
Omtury Room A For more information,
tail 346 \SZ\
Philosophy t luMewtsh Student In ton
will have * panel discussion on the con
of I fie Holocaust tonight at 7 10
in the faculty (dub at the l oilier House
For more in formal km. call 14** 4 366
Spirituality and the Arts Worlnhop
will be today from Ham to 1 *0 p m in
the Wesley foundation Art Studio, 1236
Kincaid St For more information, call
346 4604
Muslim Student Association Milt spun
sor Hetty Turulja * presentation about the
pattern of gem* id# lit H>»m* today from
niH-ii to I p a* in the FMl! lien hinder
Hoorn ror miM0 informal 1011. <
(>(V'u e of A »• cl corn Adtt•mj| and Mu
drat SrrtMn will have mi1* tftiitft fuf ftvwh
men who are unde* lared BMljwt today at
j 10 pm id Ronm IftO PU’ Ptt* more
information call MO J.’ll
Miiirum of \«lur«l Hiiloo will have
4 hum eahibit i4Haul C'loun* of Hina
Wedn«mi«\ through .Sunday noon to 1
(» in ui the MtiMiutn of Ndiiifai Mi#ltlfy
of more information (.nil MO MJ*’4
Muvlun Student Amu i«1hmi will alum
the film Motion* ui India it»U» fnwi \ to
» p m in KMlI l.cnlar KiMim A l of inure
information. cull MO l?*MI
Pr«i« ( urpt will have « reception fur
ivom mow *tui «1! inl#fwl«d p#*»
pie tonight «l ? in the <i«*liuger lounge
Im uturv information* < ai! MO WJifi
Oregon Mu man it t ante* will ftfK»*ur
Alexander Murphy « pfMenUlion The
PruvpotM of an Integrated Europe
Rethinking dm Rule of Kegum* today at 4
p m in Room MS llhtksv for mow info#
mat ion, call M#» JSM
Deadline fa* tubuulting t'f A/* to the
Kmeraid ftonl de*k Stale WO f Ml it
naan the day before f*ibhcol*nt The newt
editor tfv#i not have a time machine 11
Alt run the (lay of the event ««/«» the
men I taken, phece before noon
Sot net of ewi«f» mth .» donation or
adnutfuin charge mil not be accepted
(Attaint* nnili and ihotr u heduled near
e»/ the pubJn at tun ihite will be given pti
only the f merald rrtvrve* the right to
rxtit fur grammar and itvh> fi t Alt run on
a tpm e atu liable bout
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