Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY. MAY 12, 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 155 They need A-negative to tot flarxtr Dorothy Lundpuist helps Nancy McGuire donate blood Tuesday at the Lane Memorial Blood Bank as McGuire writes a letter to her boyfriend The bank which has a goal of dSO units of bkxxt finishes today in the EMU Fir Room, and Anegative blood is especially needed EPD car hits OPS truck on campus j Collision occurs at 13th and Agate intersection when school officer hurries after bike thief, reports say By Matt Bender Oregon D&ty t mfr&td An unmarked polfi e tar hit <1 University Office of Pub lic Safely vehu le that was in pursuit of a bike thief last Friday afternoon at a campus intersection. OPS Officer Felisa Marie Padron puffed out in front of EPD Sgt Bret Freeman's car at the intersection of East 1.1th Avenue and Agate Street Padron was turning left onto Fast 13th from Agate about 2 40 p m w hen Free man's tar struck the right rear quarter panel of the OPS truck Padron was driving. Freeman was not injured, and Padron was treated and released at Sacred Heart General Hospital for a slight neck injury Freeman was traveling south on Agate and said fie believed it was his turn at the four-way stop, according to police reports, Padron told police that she came to a complete stop at the intersection and decided to try to get through the intersection ahead of Freeman's c.ar. Freeman said he was heading south on Agate, stopped in heavy traffic, waited until he believed it was his turn and then proceeded forward. That was when thq colli sion occurred. According to polite reports, Padron said she know it wus not her turn but tits ided to tr> to go anyway Padron was m pursuit of <1 bike thief and W it nesses said she was traveling fast Witnesses said the OPS truck was moving in a "jerky” motion and said the OPS truck spun its wheels while i hasing the bike thief The witnesses said they saw Padron driving fast in the area tadore the collision In the moments before the collision, witnesses said Padron traveled eastbound on l as! 13th. ran the east stop sign at the hast 13th and Agate intersection, turned right onto Agate and traveled two blocks to the intersection of Agate and Hast 15th Avenue. She then made a U-turn on Agate, drove back to the intersection of hast tilth and Agate, and collided with Freeman, act ording to police reports EPD Sgt Dennis Baker said although Padron was in radio contact with the OPS office, there was no way (nr Freeman to know Padron was in pursuit of a suspect Freeman is not a campus officer, so he would not be on the same channel as the OPS and the campus EPD officers. Baker said. Baker said the hike thief was never caught, and the city attorney is reviewing the accident to determine who, if anyone, is at fault in the incident. Baker said Padron was all right and hack on duty Tuesday, though her iumA was a little stiff and sore Housing priority goes to needful j Student parents with most financial need get highest nod By Sarah Clark Universitv fiitnilv housing vstll give highest pn ontv to student parents w ilh fin.nu i.il need starting this fall. Uni versilv Housing Dins tor Mike I v ster aiinmmt rwl Tuesday t hiltlltiss students over ago J I u lilt Iiii.uk ial need vv ill got nest priority. regardless of vv helhttr they ore married, Kvstur s.ntl Hitt runs (irioritiMs will atfei.t inns applti ants applying for lull tor m anil later. ID sit-r said ( air toot residents will not In' affi>< toil (’.urrMiitlv. Inghe&t priority gons to student par nuts. Init University I lousing does not msImiisiv idy NEW PRIORITIES APPLICANTS WITH FINANCIAL NEED I) MiKtenliS) (Klin £f»W(l«n) sludeiKIJI eithoul C-tulrts (eni 3) Underyradull* ttti$ ot j.je a month, which isi heaper than other local housing, Kvster snul limants agree that higher priority should go to students with fitiani nil need However, some say they are yvorried the new guidelines yv ill fill (aim ly housing with single students and students ysith roommates Kon Si hlittler. .1 memher of the l.eshian. (iay and H1sexu.1l Alliani e. has said the University should rei oglu /e domestic partnerships to let gay. leshian and other unmarried 1 oupies live in family housing without letting in everyone who is not married l.yster disagreed "The fair way is to distribute family housing based on financial need." bysler said, "not based on any definition of a relationship ” Kyslor said he is not worried that 1 hildless single students will dominate family housing lax ause Ingle est priority will still go to students with i hildron Other students huve said requiring childless stu dents to he at least 21 is unfair. Kyster said students under 21 who believe they should qualify for fam ily housing can petition the University for eligibil ity. WEATHER Warm weather continues today. Temperatures 75-80 degrees Slight chance of thun dershowers this afternoon Today in History In 1978, the Commerce Department announced that hurricanes would no longer he named exclusively after women SENATE PANEL DECISION SALEM (AP) - A state Serial* panel should decide soon whether to revise Oregon's public records laws, Secretary ol State Phil Keisling says When Oregon's public records law was adopted in 1973. it included 16 exemptions tor records the government was not required to disclose Since then, more than 300 exemptions have been added Two bills current ly before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senate Bill 499 and SB 500. would replace those exemptions with three broad categories of exemptions "I think the time is coming to have a decision on it,' Keishng said Monday after a committee hearing on the bills Under the first category, public agencies would dec ide if the public interest is best served by withholding or releasing a record The other two categories exempt records unless a compelling case is made for opening them _CAMPUS The University Senate will meet today at 110 p m in Room 133 Gilbert to discuss the rare, gender and non-European requirement. Three amendments to the proposal will be voted on by Senate members Anything approved by the University Senate regarding the race, gender and non-European requirement has to be approved by the University Assembly before going into effect The next University Assembly meeting is June 2