EDITORIAL No one is required to tell truth to media Tho Son. Bob Packwood soxual harassment scandal has taken a turn for tho bizarre. A coalition of Oregonians allogo Packwood defrauded voters by lying to reporters, and that he should not have been seated by the Senate. Soxual harassment is a serious issue, yet these charges are so absolutely ludicrous they stand to tarnish the impor tance of the harassment charges. Because he lied, the charges claim, tho junior Oregon senator dofraudod Oregon voters who supposedly may have voteed for Packwood'* challenger Democrat Les AuCkiin. had they Iwen aware of the harassment claims. The basic flaw in this now charge is tho belief that peo ple are required to tell tho truth to the media. Obviously, this is patently false. No person, regardless of his or her position m society, is required to toll the truth to reporters, even if they're from The Washington Post. There is only one instance when a person is required to tell the truth and that is under oath, such as in a court room. And oven then, the Fifth Amendment permits a person to refuse to incriminate himself or herself. Yet this is exactly what the spon sors of these new charges are claiming Packwood should have done. University law school associate Professor David Schuman was quoted in an Associated Press story as support ing a test that would allow for a politician's No person, regardless of ms or her position In society Is required to toll the truth to reporters. removal if the candidate "directly and undeniably lied" about a "verifiable historical fact" and the lie "in all like lihood" altered the outcome of the election. Aside from the fact that every person has a right to lie to the media and that the media's inability to verify a "ver ifiable historical fact” is the media’s problem, it is high ly presumptuous of any governing body to make a deci sion bnsod on the "likelihood" of a different vote, judging from history, government's powers of clairvoyance are questionable at best y Under these new proposed guidelines, a female can didate would be required to disclose that sty* had an abor tion ufter being gang-raped, bocauso the disclosure could influence the anti-abortion vote even though it bears no relevance to her ability to serve. If President Bill Clinton had lied about having evor triod marijuana, under these guidelines he, loo. could be removed from office. If the rides committee agrees to hear this case, it stands the chance of setting a new standard to which politicians must be held (and virtually none can meet). And if they penalize Pack wood for violating this new standard, they will opon the floodgates for the retroactive application of this new standard upon all politicians —- anarchy is a rules committee hearing away. The media are not government-sanctioned institutions to which any person, citizen or politician, is beholden. Lying to the media is virtually a sacred, time-honored political tradition in this country — and it's legal. Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Oaty lm«M 4 put>r.yh«d duty Monday through ffday during the achoot year and Tueaday and Thu'aday during ma aummar by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pubayrt*ng Co Inc at ma Umveieity of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The Emerald ooeratea mdapendenfly o( me Lkv<»era*y mth othoee at Su4# 300 of the Ert> Memorial Urnon and 4 a member ol the Aaaooated Preea The Emerald « pnvate property The untaartui remora or uae of papery 4 proyecutatte 6r '** Editor Pat Malach Nm Editor Editorial Editor Graphic# Editor EntartalniTiont Editor Ja*a Bwg Martin fiahor Jon Panay fra»a Horn Frooianco Conor MonOy Saucum COnortal Conor (Wi itnutx aborts Conor Oovo OarOorwoOu CuppOmonH COHor Caaoy Andoxon Might tutor Untn l iih* Aaaoclala Editor*: Tammy Batey. StuOtni Govurnmunl/Apiintiut. Oaraiyn Tfapp*. C&nmunty Co**an Pohkg t*gpm tducuKHvAdmwUuhon Huma Start 0*0* A»*n Man Bandar, Juatm Brown. Sarah Part Mag Oadotph. Amy Davanport. Jan Ok ton. Arnold* Farm*. Anthony Fomay. BatnJMaga. Taraaa Hmt»«jar IVKMCC* Mom Slava Man* Katy Mo***r. Tittm. MuaAar. Tnaa Moot. E»*n thaw. Enc* Studarxta. Matron SorOr Bandy TlaaOan Mcnata Thompaon 4o» Amy Van Tuyt. Todd PMham*. Clayton Vaa Oanarat Mtnigtr Judy Ft>«J Production Man agar: tAchaW Boat Adaaniawg: Tom Laach Sums Managar Shawn Barvan Ot(ca Managar Jan* kola, larata ttaoaa* Ph»*> Jonnaon U Chna Kanon Jaramy Maton. Van V O'Bryan It Qatar Oh llacnaai Trua. Ang* *