Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before l p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENiNGS . ORftK WEEK 15 MERE’ I Today* Cv*nt NIV AIDS Pr***nI* Hon. 7 30pm «i EMU Ballroom [FR£E*__....J ~nrs shasta” OR NOTHING_ K! VVr 'otf^'Q to i fV**n !h« W ^ac** ‘wit'ijuJay was .»*cj have gone Wi'hAJ you tor>n-de? ••'•eH «g nw !. biundar ihrough ?h«* iw) *J*t> ago*n ' ‘ hut ai IN» Reel a Rodeo Thu** A I ?i n«gfi! RANOV lh* B*o from BURN*_ TRUST IN BOB! WA TSOM HAU 90> 91E M S RE UNION BBQ Inlo 6H642|j!lS«kY0 5*13 pi* its* no LOST 4 FOUND FOUND <*y«*guiMWft nfy 343 7R33 Ka^y 115 TYPING SERVICES At 144-07M. ROftIN GAAD SCHOOL APPftOVf D y*f* the****** tx** ground T#»m pt* «* re sum# e<** . «• ! ! ' ; 1 .»%<•' ;/ ON CAMPUS' JO THE TYPtNGPRO vVonJ P’CK.eftv?^ 1 Trt> j Theses. 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I .mr ( ountv VtrttLil I (fillh «* l,tnr( i«uni\ \touih Vrvuw IWm ( INf •** INTERNATIONAL EMPlOYlif NT Makn 'nc*r*ry t90C*'«ng tow. (jonytrsjk tNXiW I nof*/) fltfyOAd & TflMffn M«M S.>000 S4000# monttr Many provide room A U-anJ *w o4f>«r tNe'eM** No previous o* u*».**«£ oart-f* cat* »eQu*u*t Fcm Internetoon# tm ptoyntcnl p*o*^a^'. <. Itvs InKwnaJion a; f mptoyTm** Group (206) 632 •1A6 o»t JCOftO *•• POSTAL JOBS’" SU/1 111 4lTi# ♦ be'«'M» km apr-.a tent & «n*o cafi 1 (2’6i 324 2» 02. /am to tQp™ / day*__ Career Experience with I hr t i»y oi l urcnr. .ivuvung local bu*inrmc* dio iomfNlirw an acvmihlitv guxlr tor proper v% ith Jiubil I Nr** ( Itr ■ M»r» *N>y arc a* atlaNW Mm .(«4 «.« . a* t«N4«ll 20J OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT f urn S60EV<** * uwnwm & SACOO'frtf; on tXWtft Ff#* KirtS* portitocr-* Room A fkhartJ* Ortur 600C Opsn • )\ M.*«- o* f k < rW l^t*' i m«v>5 program tad- t 30£ MMtSfc *«" A 6069 : CHUISt SHtPS MOW MIRING ' j «p to SSOOOiYno pi\j% **vVJ trirv«* I j Monday Summit A Car**!* employ i j 4va*abMl No n».f n«r:*%.94*i 1 j f 0* npnptoy*rt*ra petnQran"1 CO# |j ’JO6*> a 0466 r*‘ C606j> Imrfruod in I tv f wU t>l rsonne IJrvWop * prtwnwl nvmjutl while cdrrartg I'ffdil .»* A ( t >If* Intern with l klm .»n* a U* *1 R*»ponfttbt» driver vanted to take • <* to Boston «»«a. teftvmg rw’y June t Tte-ZWi 210 HELP WANTED AH position* are now open to* the ‘93 94 Oregon De*y f. mer ak7 New* ?»ta* App** *!<»ns we a «av*abie *U the Oregon 0%k !f E me* aid fcort de** 300 EMU Apf-^aton# atm due Wednesday 1 .'f> The Oregon Oik^y »* an opportunity A SUMMER JO0 S10 25 Retail Customer Sennce. no eip neceeuty, will tram, schcWorships g intern*hip% possible 1 -246* 7456^ Cruise Una Entry lev* on bo-srdAand side Pa&tton* avert summerryear round 7i4 649 1569 Mature, dependable personable worse#* kw busy food booth at Safeur day MU?v«r' and oV mt fest-vai* A fa»r* Youwvto me Whole tnttK5«da 6894429 RESPITE PROGRAM COORttNATOR f na»9<4* A creative Recreat*or Pro yarn fkar-r** f apartenc* wooing with chadren of an age* (dMa**«d'non <** abtodj task* Soasa Harem s N«gf»t OuT Program 3G4vour* par monm 57 OCVtw Send resume A cover Miner to PNG * astw Sean 3575 Doo*l f ugeo. OR 97405 faarJfewMon May ’7W» Assistant Manager needed ASAP, rent free through June I5lh. plate call Rhapsody at 686-9499 or 461-0199 Applications are now being ac cepted tor rnfttfurtof* m w*wxe. tachoc* wf«mg. and resident group counselor* tof the UO Upward Hound MSRC Summer sessions Ap (Wcat*oni may be preyed up af ’669 E i 6th The deads** lor appicafeom » May 21. ’993 Upward Bound MSRC m an ahrfmafve Acton tqurw OpportunWy E mptoyer MWK»n!MM A woman we encouraged to app*y for further >mo»metion please ca4 >ib 3601 FACILITATORS NEEDED FOR FALL TERM INTRO TO WOMENS STUOIf S (WST t0t> Student* who have Succ«**M»y completed WST 10’ can earn 4 practcurn < red’tt (WST 409609; tor ‘eadmg 0*Cu*M>n section* ©I WST 101 f a£ term classes meet on Tue* day* and Thursday* 9 30 10 50 il ’2 20, and 12 30 ’ 50 D*scu* son yowp* are scheduled on Wed neaday* from 3 30 4 40 or Th^r* day* kom 66 20 Both woman and man are needed Contact the Wom en* Stuoe* o«ca 617 PlC (346 56291 fro more information and an appbcafaon town AS apptcants must be >mervwrwed and approved by a Women » Studies instructor be fore bemg pr»euthort/ed to ragaMr 210 HELP WANTED EARN S5 FAST! 30 TNM9K1t*G tO ••'< Out *U*V«V Native £«gon*y 15 about 2© m-n 511 ,<93 ' Oem ’ t pm «n Century Room B t Mt j Sor'v pert* pent® •asm MVW n<* e*»g*i** GRADUATING"* Environmental A Mne%» company looking for S mollwahKl people FT RT Available 345-A3AA International company looking ?o# ptrtAvii »«rr^ Manage** >n rn** area No etp mopury yOu Hava KMrientfwp *fc=H» «r« on«f on ftv» fob Hairung me ceeaM appkcantt wm SB 96ntr to Man NO PMGNf CALLS *Me t Tf CM INTERNATIONAL ^??4 Nf Walnut *?B7A Ratebu*g. OR 9/4TO GTF Po*i!*on» Soo»< Science In structiemaJ lab hp* one position be g*nmng I aril !erm #n DOS Compute* lab Must 'vm* knovnedge o* DOS. networks statist* pi and sor«adihMi software Du?»e4 V(VMN>a!e problem* I Of further into cafl CitMeen leue 341V464? M&7U? 9PIC The U 0« O •» an AAI £C employer_ GTf Position* The Data Services tab has one position begmnmg Fan term 1923 Musi have Kfowledge ol UNIX fwng w»!h large data sets and 9 tree* tapes Duties mvGive managing and transporting targe data Me* and troubleshooting har dear W software problems f Qf tut the* »nto call Cothieen i eue i4f> 4642 34$ ?M7 gptc TheUot Q.s (V1 AA/EEO__ Job opening Health Officer Boy Soout summer camp located Oregon Coast Cenrfcakon required Avail at>*e June tfl • Aug 30. salary $900 $t30£V*»s©r »nto 346 8/5/ after /pm rnk kx Perncfc EQE_ Resident Manager ‘O' 32 un* apart ment btjdcfeng ryi tome employment donng Summ#r/par1 t*me beginning m fj|l Apply at Jl; NNINGS (k CO. 488 last ttfh Eugene (Below U lane O Oedri Un*on )_ START NOW Envwonmentai Mneaa Co Oolong lot upbeat *ncj s motivated people, full if»n«ng provided 3454>366 210 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS TO SAVt THE ENVIRONMENT EARN 52500-3500 AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE NittbCKM *»mp**0f 1 position* to '* ~r** ?he Dean Water Act. promote comprehens/v# recyCfcng arxJ stop OflShOr# Od dr“i"»g Ava afcK? drm lownhoute* Paho* A balconies overlook the M*h Race A «'• perfect «cv BBQi Only 2 blocks *wa>, the AAfc Rat e «» campus twangs best kepi secret F»nd out why Cali 344-5465 Jvonkigs-Co 210 HELP WANTED SUMMER WORK Advertising Sales $1(X) to $4CX) a week - Commissions The New Publisher of the University of Oregon Student Telephone Directory Needs Sales People Experience Not Necessary • Will Train • Must Have Self-Discipline and Transportation 1-800-288-3044 ask for Rob llavens Lubbock, Texas 79401 GIUE ME FIUEI Run your "FOR SALE” ad (items under $500) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits