Who is the hottest kid on Beverly Hills 90210? “I've only j watched it a cou ple of times and I think it's a disgusting television show, and I can’t understand why any one watches it." JUSTIN DELACOUR sophomore, journalism "Dylan. I don’t watch the show much, but I would have to say he’s the hottest. ERiK MICHAELSEW junior, engiish "David. He’s more of £ high schooler because he's a weasel. I he other guys are flakes and look like they are 30.” RICH MCPHERSON sophomore, undecided “There aren’t any. None of those guys are hot. Melrose Place is a dif ferent story." FAYEMR8CHHORN senior, management “Brandon because he has dimples and straight teeth.” NICOLE CONRAD freshman, music “I don’t like any of them. They all j kind of let me down." CINDY GREEN sophomore, undecided Tice Copy Sleep Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Set 10-4 fkitmmv' Pattanaon A f urry fUjtt an I Jfri 485-6253 Cash For Textbooks Mon S.il Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Oiock From Campus 345-1651 “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. | 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 i Grizzly bear a trouble-maker GRANTS PASS (AP) - An escaped grizzly liear that has eluded game officials for five days has been located under thick brush, but authorities said Sunday they had to wait for the boar to emerge to c apture it. Two men equipped w ith night-vision goggles sat in trees baited with a carcass Saturday night in hopes of shooting the bear with a tranquilizer dart if it showed up to eat. said Dave Siddon, founder of the Wildlife Images animat rehabilitation center Government trackers pinned down the small area of heavy brush and marsh concealing the bear Saturday. "We have tracks going into the brush, but no tracks going out." Siddon said Sunday afternoon Siddon said it was best to wait until the liear got hungry and coax it out with food, rather than try to Hush her out from cramped quarters Two traps — 10 feet long, five feet tall and five feet wide — have been baited with honey, molasses, bacon, elk meat and fruit, he said. Also, seven foot snares had been placed by the brush. Since the liear escaped Tuesday night, she most ly has fieen eating grass "People keep asking me if she has a name. Sid don said. "We’ve lieen (.ailing her 'Trouble." State police hud hoped to locate the bear with an airplane equipped with Forward Looking Infrared. ‘People keep asking me if she has a name. We've been calling her “Trouble.”9 Dave Siddon, Wildlife Images founder the same gear used by attack helicopters and tanks to spot the enemy in the Persian Gulf War How ever. iik.lenient weather Friday and Saturday had grounded the craft. The closest handlers came to the bear was Wednesday after searchers in an aircraft spotted her in five-foot grass. Ground crews came within 100 feet but were unable to gel a shot off. Siddon said Tuesday. the 290-pound female escaped by grab bing a sapling outside of its cage and hauling itself through a small hole in the chain-link fence alnuil seven feet off of the ground Wildlife Images, located about to miles north of town, treats injured and orphaned wildlife in an effort to return the animals back to the wild. The three-year-old bear was captured in Mon tana after it became a problem foraging for food around people Authorities brought it to the center last fall rather than kill it. 3slamic Film Festival flit ililiii I s Mi >11 Ml Willi »\ f / M> \ .*//*« . t V I Ml . i . .ill i it- i.-'.s Mon May 10th 7-9 p m Gumwuod Room Spanish Muslims fl film on Muslim comnbutions to Spin and Europe and their oppression there Wed May 12th 1-3 pm Cedar A Muslims in India This documentary film displays the Muslims sacrifice, contribution, accomplishment and struggle m India 12-1 P.M Ben Linder Lecture: Betty Turujja K native Bosnian who will give a lecture on the Pattern of Genocide in Bosnia Thi-ib, May 13th 3-5 p m Cedar E Women in Jslam Film on issues on women in Islam, which is the most misunderstood to the western people Islamic point of view on the issue of women, their role in human endeavor and their rights and obligations I at. Mai 14ih 12 12 JO r w Cedar A Timeless Time /l film on Islamic interpretation of the Quran on the subjects of time and space It uses modern knowledge of spate sciences and discoveries along with an extensive use of film footag? from NASA II J0a.w-2:10 p m EMU Lobby Videos and literature available on Bosnian war crimes at a lobby table in EMU Stop by and obtain relevant information Upcoming events sponsored by MSA There will be a guest speaker. Professor Sami Al Anan, who will speak on Palestinian issues Professor Al Anan teaches at the University of South Florida and is currently the president of the Islamic Committee of Palestine He ts also the editor of "Inquiry" TUESDAY MAY II 683*2787 720 i*'3**Xs£&£-' | unWBjjW'£ W:004:X Sat I ..30-7.00 __ Something NEW We will be closed Sunday. May 9 and Monday, May 10 to get ready. MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL & SALAD BAR That *8 Right! 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