Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
Hire* lions on walls). bottles of water and \ arums
I met my frtonds at midnight and went direr tly
to a metal grate near Gerlinger Annex As w* kept
lookout, one of the group opened the lock and beck
oned us to enter
One by one we dear-ended a ladder into darkness
The last person closed the grate over our heads, and
we were ready to start exploring
The initial entrance into the tunnels was of con
crete. dry and sloping downward It was piti h black
exi ept for our flashlights
We i ante to a fork in the passage, anil 1 expected
some discussion as to whit h way to priH eed To
my surprise, one of The group pulled out an official
map of the tunnels, printed by the University
' They 're easy to find if you know where to
look.” was all she would sav
We i ontinued on
The passages turned into concrete corridors that
won' at least seven leet tall No need to crouch here
Along the walls were dozens of pipes and elei tri
i al conduits covered hv plastic insulation.
We w ere <h i astonallv confronted by doors made
ol steel liars Most had a space lug enough to squrxtze
through At these places we would review the map
and drink water before joumeving onward
The temperature was quite hot because of the
i lose proximity of steam healing pipes. Several
pipes not i overeri hy insulation were dangerous
ly hot to the touch
The insulation itself was lalieled either "asliestos"
or "asliestos free In the asliestos areas we donned
air filter masks, although there ys.is yery little dust
III the air
There were fluoresi ent lights in every tunnel,
small and triangular in shape Iliev were very bright
il the switch could lie found to turn them on The
switches wetr of an old design lhai wsre activat
ed by pushing a rod up or down through the switch
Smaller passages would extend at right angles
from the main tunnel, often going further than our
flashlight beams could penetrate We left these tun
nels for later exploration.
We were not the first to explore the tunnels Two
parties in particular. "The Blue Nun and The
Leper Crew" had left their marks in abundance
on the passage walls
We found an empty concrete room covered with
fantastic designs and more graffiti courtesy of "The
Imp” and "King B.” In the center of the room was
a card table with a sign on it. saying "The waiter
will be with you shortly " This was perhaps the
strangest thing we found in the tunnels.
Other items we found included a calculus book,
later bottles, a Levi denim jacket. Big Culp cups and
a strip of apparently genuine cheetah hide.
Of course, there are dangers in the tunnels.
Twelve-thousand-volt circuit boxus (well-insulat
ed. however) and boiling hot pipes make the jour
ney a bit hazardous. Still, about the biggest danger
we fai ed was hitting our heads on low-hanging
The rumor of the "CIA tunnels” proved to be just
that — a rumor The tunnels under the University
were built to house the water, heating, electrical
and telephone lines that keep the institution run
Wo finally exittsi by going up through a manhole
opening near the University Physical Plant.
We were drained. After more than three hours
underground we had gone from one side of the Uni
versity to the other, crossing under the Eugene Mill
race and Franklin Boulevard in the process.
The University sponsors tours of small sections
of the tunnels, but you may find them a hit tame.
If that's the case, you could try logo in solo. It's
nil adventure you won't soon forget.
An artn.lt* in the Ma\ H
I'mrrnld incorretfh para
phrased political st ienie
assth iale Professor Suini < ho
as saying Afnum-Anieruains.
Nativt* Amerit ans. Asian
A merit ans and latinosChi
i amis have suffered more
prejudit e than other groups
in tin United Stales ('ho
at tuallv said the four rat ial
groups have suffered unitpie
oppression in the United
States that most white ethnic
groups have not, such us
enslavement antf segregation
MU riM.N
Arrm ROM wnii have iU fir*l fratmiai
; K JimIaV a! *» j» in Hi \$&t<> Kooin 2
I AM will tm«4 Untight «t ti 111 KMU Cadar
I urn Urtrlufmrnl Inlernahip Pr»)(i*in
Mill t onluiwr iitturvivw ngti opt luiUs lor
iiiinaMr miniuhip* in Room 24’ linxiru k»
ASI'O hnulnr a* i M I ,ivt* ..
(>{.'>!«* K; 'ixU\ frrnii 10 a in in 4 p in m t Ml
(jni«r Kmrni A
iHTw r «*/ Ai adrttnt AiKuing ami Mmirnt
Smnr» Mill hki’! fur aunimmt advikittg fur
ail mietwiMf fr***hmm at 10 30 a m in the
1 Mt' \ u Kunm
t rfthmin Inlrrral (.roup Program will
smart fur «n wS >»mg wn.mii; tiaiav at J iO p in
III Knuiti 102 (tOrUftgm
Career Planning and Placement S«rvi<»
will tiegin tntPfYiew bidding today for the fol
limnigtompames in Rood 244 Hendricks k
mart, Johnson & lohnsqri ami Fowl C'-ilv Trod
mg Group There will al»o l*> an off tea on •
nutation today from 3 30 to 4 30 pin in Room
221 fiimdricki
I Vrparlmrnl of Kmnamr languagt* will pro
v«n»t "Ghaut ami Poetry of the Andes — A (-on
temporary Refaction’ In1 Caulw Vmina IwUv
at i 10 p m. in tlie KMU Hou l.mdor Room
Oregon Humanities (.rntrr will pinimt
The Tim** (forum* t (ilohs Problem* at the
Anthill Threshold by | T Fraser today at 4
p m in tl>e I.Ml' Gnmwnod Room
f inr and applied arts department will have
a ph»rfugiaphv ndubit this w«**k Tonight lb***
w ill l«* an opening mu option from 7 lo 9 at the
laVerm* krause Cillery
Muslim Student As%4m lalion will have the
Ulamu Film I estival this week Sfnmi%h Wtis
tirm will be shown tonight from 7 to 9 in the
I Ml Cumwttod Room
honoring diversity
f r • • d o a
• a f • t y
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