jiff HELP WANTED QTF PoftftkXt* Soence W> ft*uctxmai Lab *** oft# po*»fco* be g»nr*ng F*» term »n DOS Computer Lab Must have •('■HWKigo c* DOS n#fwC#k$. stMnbCM and *>*#ad*hee9 software OmN# 4© 4*>4.> 3462547. 9PlC The U 0* O ** an AAi? £ Q employer_ QTF Positions Th# Data S#v*c«s lab hat on# po*jfcon begmnmg f an term 1983 Must nay# Knowledge o< UNIX tarrth VAX VMS a>d $A$ eapenence working w*th ^g# data set* and 9 trsr* tap## Out** mvofve managing and transporting data Be* and troubles*oofcng hardware^ aoTTwar # problems F or fu* tn#f .nto can Cathiesr 1 «m 346 4642 346-2547. 9PlC The U 0# Q ■* an AA/fcEQ JOBS FOB NEXT YEAH Recreation a Intramural* t# seeking energetic serf motivated people efeth innovative deas to# marketing & pro motton o* program* Ik#ai *eiume butiong opportunities & eapermnce' Year tong positions w»th St pend 0# credit Contact Kar?a at 3464153 Job openlngMeelth Otfics# Boy Scout sumn# camp located Oregon Coast c#rtitcatK>n 'squired A variable Jun# *8 Aug 30 salary $900 $i30(V»eeaon info 346 8757 after 7pm as* lex Derr** t:OC Resident Manager to# 32 unit apartment building Full time em ployment during Summer pert time beginning in Fall Apply at: JENNINGS A CO. 4M East 11th, Eugene (Below U Lane O Credit Union) __ Pre-Lee*# to# summer 3 bedrm. $350 Protease for UB 1 mo free* 3 bedrm $696 Bom toes than 1 block from cam pua wr covered partong. 6669499 0« 461-0199 __ PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment ava»< now. qu*et country atmosphere w/converuent oty locator', other features metode pool. term.fc'baaketbaH cts rec room and playground, right past 25th and Cham bars 464 6553 SUPER SUMMER RATES! W—firing Mow For SumflMf • Fa« A 1 mg* clean quwl I 6drm t W« U o* O Big wok m cio»el Fully furmafted Com* wumd Mcnen Covered partimg Laundry 4B4AIQ3 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments FumitnaO IAS Bsdrooms iumm nM. SJOOVFOC 4*5-2*31 Invest la tout future arltb ODE Advertising STOP and READ FIVt BILLS VOLI LL NEVER HAVE TO PAV « CABLE • ELECTRICITY S HOT A COLO WATER • SEWER • TRASH SERVICE Largo 1 badroof* rxtrm aparlmant*. Eugaoa Manor 1040-50 Earry St 484-7441 Everything S455 Studios. 1 bodrm apt» or c*mp, avfrifitm lor to» ut>i tea foundry. StHH* par* 'V S360 -\4;> mt* 1 sod 2 bedroom 4p* avasaO*. a* dry. podnOQ, tocudty. ck»« to campo* 4H4 9922 __ 3 Bdrm. 2 b4Hh duptar * Wa& dryer A*«t* Jviiy t 6036187_ PAY NO RENT Rsssnre lor PaN • hmom Summar Raias' • PnoaH Paam Owwxofl u> Race (Partaci tor Bads') ■ Cisarv Uodarn A PaacshA1 ■ ? slocks from campus’ mow Caa Pen all IHaSSlur Dill ^Aaanto.a.C. EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem of a deal! 225 APTS DUPLEXES CHEAP Lrvmo Buy ** co/* »mH» i $49S0> •* 0 rtwwe* p»* bv lb* '■**» >*»> $!i4>mo ipuca (*m and «nt «N»’ *ou graduate Ca* Jtea, 3M-MW SpartW'g ;>•»• (»»/•! arg* Mu«*0 Co-warcrt part".g u*wnc*ry 5 Oaa* locafrcwi U65 aA4 SAX' (ugm Manor ! M C«m0W* t‘ >*** ***** r« *u*t**ft#<3 quartt Prtv«b» Entrance C *cee#nt l OCHW S/'jf* 0affW*4Cft«n S209 ♦ <*P I »P4? { Miv!P »*4 t 2SQ4 ] 2/5 ROOMS Hm*t Camput On Bu*i*n# 2 room* Sift'S 5 Si95 Kitchen **mmJ path, lyr^iiiNKJ i? denied 003 4452 Nice furntthed room utAfteii. taumfry non amo* «#vj $i“!SO ♦ dep. kx*»gn Uu dentt •W'.'oox 4ft* 4573 SomrrHH aubtet to f*m«Je *um tx**** pfu# 1# b«»n laundry. beeuftfof »w«, S200 ♦ utt tSOft 2390 255 ROOMMATES WANTED 2 Roommate* Wanted wge at* laundry. p*rfc»ng A hw *00** near tarn put. StTWbO avail 6*15. 967 Pane* «on»2 «83-30?5 2S5 ROOMMATES WANTED FmuM looking to aneca t ttodcm •pi tounOry. hart tndvctod nice apt iot» e <»w>. wrvmo «nm 260 real estate l*rg# Hou*# Mpw«r# ! 5 mi »vj.n7 of c.v',pu* on Dun >*«# e*s ol >r««n CMP %»V*e an* "•v) S5000C 998-6/0? 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES TRCNO CCXtlOf Siu**** K* -• ta aaragw vaWr S«f lAily * Sjpm S*;?hx?' Piling Lot ntMt ?0 G*X*$ 2t» CLUB SPORTS NEW KENDO CLUB I'Ar-n r*t»Q *n cVipY' T*url«fc*> Mc»> •• 3m from !!> 6pm - fiMU at Cwfcp * A* »iud#n<* com#* 8j>or»>pr«0 fry Out? Sporta 290 CAMPUS EVENTS l##Di#n A BiMiu#4 Women % Drop in Group Mor*A#y* 3 30 *S X'X’m Ko«rH-y>t4 *’H> A Ksp*t n M6- lit? I#«Di#n A 8*m»*u#> Women a Drop in Group Mo'**#> » 3 30 5 30pr^ Ko»rw*-7 '1 1 * H THINGS THfcT M?£ NONE OF MT B'JS'.HtSS MO IV. BO«t> &< things w«t VRjWAnT lb KNOW M MttKA' MM TO PUA'* MAlSt Tut ECONOMY 8V tX9C\JSS£D IN CHEAP worn. room's Weasel's World by Kraig Norris WITH THEJR 15-3 BLOW OUT Of CAL.ST-WCDWA, TV€ QU.ULTUMTE; TEAM MOVES TO QrO AND RE' TAINS ITS NATIONAL NO-1 RANKING, t BEFORE THE GAME. I GOT AOiWXTDASKSCMt OF 1HE TEAM MEMBERS /eCXJT THEIR EXPECTA TIONS FOR THIS SEASON. 0H,W0W...5OS*CKfcKi THIS STUFF HELPS tXK GAME concentwhcn? / OOPS! HE» . HEH... UH. WRONG FILM! ... y^E'LL BE BACK AT 11. SEE TA ! F »5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT t JO »» Toua 1m matin* du mond. “ARMY or darknk^ r c*mt 41114 »m ’ 1* ■* *» “ aoc* l' IV* *** ***** ^ 3i5 COUI^ELING PMOtlEMSft:.* »*• UO Wi ny *-«• an-ortymcws ; •■ •* a cou' 44&tf FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 CWer good thru spring term Doonesbury by garry trudeau KXJX£ rl\ AHtAiP'SO l-Vt aTTA Mf t TIN6 at TheMHfTf. HXU WITH THf. CASHNE) UAtnON ■ 1-1 JU_k coney noomwcmo. On ANY SOMf ffXJPU actual rum rnyjuyr WORK SMr rOPATt PCM AT 1 - TWO hour' ! AT t) X JV THf. #vr StMj' HA\tAS7 Wf€AK» mg crop neve* 6Ct-> ra* 75 6CMJtW Ait NK5HWf& n mi. imnxics. PATt * RtCK ANPIT5A \ aAMC*n&ser \ 7/AO £ (dn/JhJm- 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 r>* nom da [Ajma 4 Mouaa coal'? 9 Ulna * tocata 12 Bullring txavo 12 Hypno tized 14 ‘Cock a doodle -r 15 f dge 17 Pioo»»e 19 Acttet* Hagan 19 Brooklyn » halonc hald 21 Pieclical |Okei 24 lode 25 Gal >1 together 24 She* on hat way oul 29 <965 movie. ‘Iha Son* ol — Ektei* 31 Smoked salmon 33 Emulate Johnny Apple »eeh«» •B 40 Sartonal worn 41 Bu>n • M 43 GuataniM 4S Tha God lalhw* >141 47U U l#4d m 44 Gaga oompo nant 49 M4>< known M In* whola shoot m match $5 SirfkH’t parinai MOnae* Louisa's guts STGaM gumo 5* Char t lost 59 Cookbook author (hack an DOWN 1 f aalhaiy acral lory 2 In n aad ol rapa* 3 1923 Da(t>y warning hoiaa 4 Drop kick ad $ Map* Mai n Scorpio • Ml lupmo 7 Datart ol liiaal • 'Jaap aidyr amoaa • t itamg aipan Solution I tm« 23 min*. anca 10 II Dim lawn mark 1« 'l J Gaga — folia*' 20 Piaiudica 21 Pand 22 Skunk * waapon 23 Raeom mandad 27 CianPm nat' homa 29 Counlai lad aUx 10 Agn cukuia Sactalaiy M«ka 32 So bo * 14 GMat 37Stf* count ai pan* 10 Gavin Maclaod iota 42 Bavarty M4H’ — Oliva 44 Tattlalala 45 Naigh laoi'* kvJ7 40 Incanta 50 tm gal moving 51 Oavdkin 52 Spot 53 Potanlia! pale an ■<—r;* Til ' l