Suns finally finish Lakers in OT PHOKNIX. Ariz (AP) — Call them cocky, call them lucky, call the Phoenix Suns escapees from the greatest upset in NBA playoff history. Hie Suns, pushed by Charles Barkley's 31 points and 14 rebounds, slam-dunked the Los Angeles takers 112-104 in overtime Sunday to be< ome the first team to rebound from two home losses to win a best of-five series. The Suns escaped as winners after scoring the first seven points of overtime as Barkley and cen ter Oliver Miller grabbed every loose tall in sight. Barkley's strong finish after a stuttering start would have meant nothing without Miller s mon strous overtime — nine points and five rebounds — after scoring only eight in regulation Miller also blocked seven shots in the game. The Suns, who meet San Antonio in the second round, made good on coach Paul Westphnl’s bold guarantee of victory after they lost the first two games at America West arena The takers, the only team in the playoffs with a losing record, had three chances to knock off the team with the league's best re< ord and become the first No H seed to Intel a No, 1 seed Led by James Worthy's 24 points, the Lakers had o shot right down to the end of regulation, but Byron Sc ott's threw point attempt with the score tied 95-95 bounced off the rim Barkley and guard Kevin Johnson, who had 24 points and 13 assists, refused to let the Suns crash after a brilliant season and link up in NBA infamy with twer other notable nosedives: the 1981 l-akers. who in defending their 1980 title lost in the first round to Houston; and the 1984 Philadelphia /Bor*, who also wont from defending champions to first-round losers against New Jersey. Barkley hit his first shot, a three-pointer, as the Suns burst to a 9-2 start, then he hit only one of his next eight in the first half while Phoenix struggled to a 46-45 lead at halftime The Lakers, errorless in the first auarter and aid ed by seven Phoenix turnovers in tne period, rode power forward Klden Campbell's nine points dur ing a 1.1-2 streak to grab a 15-9 lead But Phoenix made up for its sloppy passing by ruling the back boards. 14-7. and tied the game 24-24 with two seconds left on a pair of free throws by Barkley TRACK Continued from Page 9 freshman Roy Livingston both chalked up double-wins for the Ducks, and freshmen LiM ant Woods, DeWayne Ingram and Patrick Khoo earned valu able points in the sprint*. Howington won both the discus and shot put, setting a personal record of 173-fl in the shot The throw qualifies him for the Pacific-10 Conference Championships May 21-22 in Berkeley. Calif. Livingston also qualified for the Pac-lOs with a PR of 24-5 1/2 in the long jump Liv ingston won the pole vault at 16-0. Woods and Ingram earned Oregon a 2-3 finish in the 100 meter sprint, and Woods' time of 10 7 should make him the fourth Duck Pac-10 qualifier in the event. Senior Ronnie Harris returned to the team after missing the Pepsi Team Invi tational to attend an NFl. mini-camp Harris easily won the 400 with a time of 47.79. well off of his season-hest time of 4t> 60 Harris also ran a leg in Oregon's victorious 4x 100 meter relay team. The Ducks' 4x400 reluy was able to nip the Boise State team at the wire with a time of 3:14.24. In the hurdles. Oregon's Grady O'Connor (400-meters) and )amar Williams (110 meters) both won their events. Erik Ylitalo finished right behind O'Connor in the 400 meter race. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS ITS SHASTA... 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Ham.fton University inn and the University Mows *ng Office Desk Assistants must be MM»me students at the University of Oregon and are required to tove m Un» versity Housing while employed Com pension tor the position is S5 15 S5 45 per hour depending on eapen ence The deaden* tor compieteo ap pkcabons to be returned >s Tueedey, Mey 19th et NOON to the University Mousing OW*ce *n the Walton Compie* NOTE: There is e mandatory Group Process Review on Tuesday. May ’8th, 5 30PM 7 30 PM m the R.iey Ha;. Lounge Attendance »s required to be given con*d©fation tor a Desk Assis tent position An AAEG/ADA Institution committed to Cultural dvers