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I l I I « M \ i » > * Kthan friimk I B*JOU I AU mTI • l »•«■ N't A4'»' I* ‘W >. ,Vc • BUOUIAII MU BIJOU l ATI NMI ARMY-/ mi»ni ttm J H-J Sa,npart fmtjrwlMif New Counfry 93 presents: Shenandoah with opener Austin Saturday, May 15th 7pm Ticket* $16 All Hull Center outlets & Rock'N'Rodeo FARM A HOMB Supply roum Wrangfej m* THEATER Continued from Page 7 t.ast week's slate included Bates* play and three Spanish plays. Directors Marcell* Millch and K |. Gillespie, both seniors, translated two of the plays Milic h and Gillespie first en countered History of an Abscess and Study in Black and White in a Spanish literature class with Juan Epple "The plays were so good, we wanted to share them with a larger audience." Milic.h said They added the satirical bi lingual piw r Is is Venditos to the line-up and applied fora show ing through Pot ket Playhouse "Anyone urn do it,” Millch said We were luc k\ and got a great cast." The nine-mom her Pocket Play house txuird acc epts applic at ions for plays not based on conttint but feasibility. Plays must lie under 90 minutes long and cost less than SfiO to produce. Those that qualify are assigned (inters au^titl ing to a lottery system "We pick them out of a hat." said Russell Dvhall. Playhouse co-chairman. "We allow' direc tors complete artistic control." "People start to create their own theater." he said "Pocket Playhouse is for their needs; it's not just another production of HandelHe said student writers have gained their own followings for their original works. Amy Soter, a junior theater and English major, has participated in nine Pocket Playhouse pro ductions and describes them as Photo by Anthony Forney In Pocket Playhouaea The Devil Rides a Hufly, Inspector Palco (Steven ’■Crazy" Ransom) polls back tha ahaat to view the corpse. addictive. "Tonight I played three characters, and each was entire ly different and fun." she said. "It's a drug in the veins." Pocket Playhouse is "a great, inexpensive way to get culture." Soter said "Theater is a great way to learn about people and soci ety." And for actors and directors, the productions are a way to get stage time, experiment with char acter and costume, haul props and hang out with the curst at the International House of Pancakes. "The IHOP tradition has reached mythical proportions." Bates said. Pocket Playhouse considers anyone who attends or takes part in the production of a play to be part the the organization. Audi tion notices are posted regular ly in Villard Hall, and posters and ads announce the shows. “People should come to the productions." Bates said. "It's raw theater." INDECENT Continued Irom Page 7 farced whore Demi doesn't do Bedford because she wants to, or for the money — Demi does the mil lion dollar deed for Woody. Moore i aters sex to his whims, not her wishes. She's a fool Whore — like maid, like minister, like doctor or dogcatcher. like pianist, pinup, priest or president — is o perfectly valid lifestyle choice for any male or female But it should not lie a forced choice, as in Moore’s case. And speaking of prostitution. Lynne sells out many tried and tired directorial tric ks front his own filmography, apparently having few original ideas for this flick Loud reviewers Tracey Berry and Lloyd Baseman have gone mildly ga-ga over Indtuunt Proposal, cit ing Lynne's quic k unci arty visual style But neither journalist caught, what are, to me, obvious shots ripped off Irom Lynne's previous pictures Here are a few of Proposal's sc enes and their earlier equiv alents: Harm Ison. contemplating Moore's late, sits flick ing the blinds off and on. making the room go light/dark. Glen Close, contemplating Mic hael Douglas' fate, sits flic king a light off and on. making the room go light/dark. As means of introduction, Rodford buys Moore a $5000 dress. As means of introduction. Mickey Rourke buys Kim Basinger a $300 scarf As a prelude to winning back Moore, Harrelson studies art slides in a dark basement. As a prelude to masturbation. Basinger studies art slides in u dark basement. Mad with jealousy. Harrelson gets lost in a casi no's sea of TV monitors Mad with jealousy. Basinger gets lost in a porno house under a huge. X-rated TV monitor. Odd tbal Eugene's two most respected and influ ential film critics didn't catch these redundancies. Bad seats, perhaps Bad movies can be ignored. Recommendations for tied movies will not lie ignored Baseman and Berry ore this < ity's married, movie-reviewing answer to Siskel and Ebert, but — unlike spicy Siskol and Pulitzer-winning Ebert — Baseman and Berry flood local media with monotone mediocrity. And even standards of mediocrity must lie upheld. Blindly missing Indecrnt Proposafi cloned visu alise! is unforgivable So perhaps these reviewers should pull a Maury Povick/Connie Chung: Get out of the business and go make babies. EMU Cultural Forum and C.I.S.C.A.P. Present /K FREE EVENT BENIGN* MENDIOLA MEMBER, NICARAGUAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY; SPEAKING ON THE CURRENT CONDITION OF THE NICARAGUAN PEOPLE in commemoration of the work and dedication of slain Oregon student WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 7:00 PM CUMWOOD ROOM (NEXT TO BALLROOM) ERB MEMORIAL UNION UO WITH RECEPTION TO FOLLOW (YES. THAT MEANS FREE FOOD)_ rpoppi’/^ y4na4olla. 'The Land East* ItodMonal GrMfc b MUn Food I lunch: Monday through Saturday Dinner: 7 Nights a Week 992 Wibmcttf Eugeni Or 97401 343-9661 J