C>rc£!!t l\uh Emtrald'i U ivJs.ty Muui, l halttt. IXnwc, \ ulaunui Niffctlife'Guidt Renegade Saints (Bohemian Boogie Grind) at the EMU Beer Gardens 4-7 p m $2 No OeLay Band w/ Linda Hornbucfcle (rhythm and blues) at Good Times 9 30 p m $5 Completely Grocery/The Last Parlahs/Jusiln Stark (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m $3 G.T. NoaIVLost Creek (psychedelic rock) at Taylor s 9 30 p m. $4 Imagine! On Stage, a dance variety show featuring the Conservatory ot Classical Dance. Musical Feet. Eugene Jazz Company and others at the WOW Hall 7 p m $5 adults, S3 ages 3-17 f0 t/1 8 •John Trudell and the Graffiti : Band Jim Page/ speakers (benefit jconcert for the Oregon Native iYouth and Elders Gathering) at the :EMU 6 30pm S10 Brothers of the Baladi (Middle Eastern World Music) at Good Times 9 30 p m $5 The Daddies/Leltover Salmon (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m $6 Here Comes Everybody (esoteric pop) at Taylor s 9 30 p m $4 Imagine! On Stage second night ot a dance variety show featuring Janet Steiger Carr and Bonnie Conn. Rich Glauber and the Funhouse Band. Temple Beth Israel Players and oth ers at the WOW Hall 7pm $5 adults S3 ages 3-17 3 9 Unplugged Series (new!) w/ Skip Jones, featuring John Fchl at Good Times 9 30 p m St The Anarchist Theater (various) at John Henry s 10 p m $2 Mother's Day Folktest w/ the Sugarbeets Peter Wilde. Mad Farmers (folk, biuegrass) at the WOW Hall 8 30 p m $5 C o S Rooster's Blues Jam at Good Times 9 30 p m $1 Disco Funk Night w/ OJs Oan Schmid and Steve Perry (dance) at John Henry s 10 p m Free (A 0) 3 : High Street (acoustic rock) at • Good Times 9 30 p m S2 j The Pearl Divers plus guests j (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m '$ 2 Karaoke Night at Taylor s Free Lost Creek (psychedelic rock) at Good Times 9 30 p m $3 Roger Nusl&The Betmars at John Henry s 10 p m S3 Roots and Spirit (reggae) at Taylor's 930pm $3 Oan Hicks (folk n roll) at Good Times. 9.30 p m S8 The Meieet/KIII SyWVGrimMe Wedge (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m S3 Renegade Saints (rock) at Taylor s 9 30 p m $5 P*0*o Dy A/»»f*Crty t Of1\+y The cast of The Devil Rides a Huffy, loaf weekend's Pocket Play house pro duction. By Beth Hege (frrjfon [hub EitterxiUi Patron* of thu Pocket Playhouse should be prepared the last show featured somersaulting Parisians..« tors yelling from the audiem e. angry women throwing ted dy bears and an unidentified male dancer tapping and flapping in a leopnrdskin bathrobe during s< ene changes. "It's the most fun you can have with the ater." said Melody Hates, whose original play. The Devil Hide* a Huffy premiered at Pocket Playhouse last weekend. "It's a chance to do .1 lot of innovative stuff " Halos absurdist espionage play was one of four presented by the student-run P<* k et Playhouse in the 72 seat theater on the ground floor of Villurd Hall Pocket Playhouse started sis years ago under the name "Theatre -t to" tier ause it sponsored late-afternoon plays Three years ago the organization adopted ds i urrent name and (.hanged curtain time to 5 p in. Admission has remained the same $1 That's right — for |ust one George Wash ington. theater enthusiasts can watch their friends, roommates and lovers don new i ostumes and personalities for a weekend (assuming they don't see it for free other wise). Por.kel Playhouse often draws r.rowds from its partir ipnnts' fans. Mill h Darby, a senior arvhitacturo major, until! to Pim ket Playhouse for the first time because tns friends were performing. " They told me it would tie off-lieat, and tliey were right.'' he said "I would tome again, even if I didn't know anyone ' Turn to THEATER. Page 10 MOVIES l)o not even attempt to mis take what you are about to read for PC. Indecent Proposal is a misog ynistic mess of a movie that no iame local reviewer seems to have the brains, halls or basic critic’s instincts to bury. Allow me. 9 1/2 Weeks and Fatal Attrac tion direst or Adrian Lynne's lat est is truly lousy and it doesn't take PC goggles to see this. If you've seen the ads. you know the plot. If you've seen Honeymoon In Vegas, you've already paid for the plot. Des perate newlyweds go to Vegas, hook up with a rich guy who wants newlywed wife, and INDECENT PROPOSAL Raview by D. Lee Williams Rating:* newlywed husband loses new lywed wife (o rich guy. But Lynne’s bootlegged story and botched script beg o lot of answered questions: What dri ves husband (Woody Ha nelson) into his jealous frenry? Who! drives wife (Demi Moore) into rich man’s (Robert Redford) arms? What drives director Lynne to wuste 28 minutes of perfectly good film on perfect ly neediest exposition? Propanaf s ruptured storyline is like an LTD bus ride up and around Hendrick's Park — bumpy, uneven and bard on the bowels. And. ulus, the storyline is where Lynne forces in bis own patented brand of motion-pic* lure misogyny. Bored with por traying his female leads as either the happy masochist (Kim Basinger to Mickey Kourke in 9 1/2 Weeks) or sad sadist (Glen Close to Michael Douglas in Fatal Attraction). Lynne shamelessly serves up Moore as simple whore. A Turn to INDECENT. Page 10