BICYCLE DEAL YOU CAN BUY A QUALITY ATS FOR $999! We re airing 4xm a true off nad mdme - a renowned Bridgeaone MM wnh CHRQMO tuad (tone ad tak. wd Stamno A-10 eanponcna. BRIDGESTONE MB4 SPECIAL ONLY $399.00 OTHER SPECIALS Hollywood Car Rack $3900 ZeU Rush PV» Punp w gauge $15.00 All Stwnano Shoot 15%off Matrix connection Tat 36* 1.6 1975 PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 ALDER 342-6155 WAY OF LIFE 152 W 5TH 3444105 (Oregon 4tlo$art $3lapers l "him; Hun Hm. Mu»k IVr, s, •< Sunday, Mav 9, 199^ 2:00 pm, Beall Concert Hall Rtiumi: Li t xncrentxla Overture Strum: .VrmaJc tin U nvi' Barber: Ktvtmllc Simmer ,<« Ieon put on public exhibit. '-^y/UWWjf Om*) Kannatti Halphand (from loft). Ron Wixman and Louisa Bishop rocoivad outstanding taachlng awards from Unlvarstty Prosldont Itytas Brand Thursday. AWARDS Continued from Page 1 Melphand attribute# his teach ing success to all of the encour agement ho revived from his friends while he was studying architecture at the University. "They always said. 'You let us do the designing, you are good at explaining tilings, you need to teach,"’ said Helphand. who received a standing ovation from his students. All teachers showed surprise upon receiving their awards. "I don't know what to say.” Wixman said, refloating the reac tion all three winners had toward the award. Bishop said the award meant a lot to her because she was cho sen by her students. "I owe it all to my students." she told her English class. "I couldn't have done this without your help " mu 4TH ANNIVERSARY SALE qiMnHLM/iu niAVflBUWIt FEATURING THE SINGLE 'Jilt THEY SAY' ONLY... mu Now Through May 16th Every CD in the Store Is On Sale