SU8lEtS Formatted J badrm apt Aysflabte *1» • M, nice Mg apt MOfrmo 4A*-4te4 To SubM. 4 My torry*Fied 0"« Dad room apt* *or protesacmal parsons, June 7 thru Aug ?t Contact Eugene Fastry* o» Muscat TNsalar J4SOO?e Sara International students host (amity tatting applications lor summar & or (alt. near campus, room A board Ftatal rood. males studio also available 484' 1009 Maryam EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gam of a deal! OPPORTUNITIES Me* tomtafwd room. uMOw*. au-noy non «mok«ig. 62S0 • dap ksrogn wu danlk inolcomo 46! -4S *3 Largo hrmiahod room lor matu» ut» out Pudorn. quo* Horn* nom Mon drtcM Part no imoking. *2S£ymo. *» dudoa tamOy and uQtaoo 3*4 9343 FwiM looking 10 kMra 1 Oodrm ■PC laundry, hoot Wctudod, Moo ape IOn t IMc MTVmo 404-4104. FfW fa 11 kirn own* t Opon Hovaa At CNkaoa Moot# 18*1 Ony» Frida, Aprt n> al « OOP** looking •O' fa* 8**d•«» (Chnakon Co-op Liwngi I Room mama Wan tod iarga apt laundry, padnng 0 h« Hoorn n«ar cam put. S'7S’rv> ova* Arts. 96/ PaRor •on a? 603 364* 260 REAL estate Suporbty Malnlamod 2 • tartm 1 Mam homo noar Wootmoratand fcta montary School. oak *ri, k*ch ought. $69 900 by owner 34*232! OPPORTUNITIES A EMU Board of Directors EMU AND ASUO PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES POSITION OPENINGS ISM- ISM Sefcool \mr Applications arc now being taken for two EMU Program and one ASUO Program Representative^). Deadline for applications is Monday, May 10, S p.m. Position Descriptions are available in the ASUO Office, Suite 4, EMU. All are encouraged to apply. Stipend or work study. Interviews will be scheduled for May 13 or 14. Only selected applicants will be granted interviews. Questions? Call Frank, 6-0007. E Larga nomm mimm «udotomc JO • Mat » Toua lea matin* du Bond* M OMMIKOMT1 Ny»t » '*lt* ETHAN FROME _ if>im»nm>i»i*M»n «*> INDOCHINE „ i BIJOU l ATE NlTE i :■« ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT Community •^UikctpUt t ciebraJKXi rkrtpiocc A Saturday on the Marirt Stage !S* Avery Omf wwrt mwiIk blk Mm* "•Fiddle Magic Vbum (kMUn rfwi.u» *• Pyramid Breakfast i M* Mw«W A i* Eye Angle. Donna Eaule « IttMCtA'Gmtfm-U* Pocket Playhouse Presents Chocolate Bone Wnttm 1 Mey 5th A eth A T\h m 5PM Pocket Theater Roo*n 102 VtHard SuMfr**o/ #/ /V*»ati<*t__ WOW HALL Sth & Lincoln SUNDAY Mad Farmers Peter Wilde Sugar Beets All Ages Welcome (is 7-2 746 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU VIRTUAL REALITY SHOPPING SPREE =J. CuMantr Not* fUWW < ww* Afclngi* qginKH M«l*uC» ATTWrtOH 9CPFV& 1 HA*' IN A CAN NOU 3 0NSAU.AI5U 29' w&ZSSBm CtxOfW* '* SiMxm-, kw Comm* *w* OCUGdK <10* CD Qx.KTOi ** *MiSr v x ">-* . ri .*VJ(X Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OUR KyiTtR DtPNT WN’ Nr I STIUl. ONT Btutvt ir WWAT A WtSCARR\*iE Of jySHCE ' TU\S CONTEST was a joke ' oevousm L, THE. JU0G.ES wto. B'ASEO « A6A1HSV US VfcM !WE SfAW ‘ 1 I *Ul. TME tWOR* MtT TMIMG ft VMM we TVitP CX)R BEST TWt mtOKTAMT WIN& l*i W mLosr V oops, i alums rjbset nt purpose or cowewiw \s TO 5V0M INTO WIKHU5 M* lOStBS / A V WATS THt PWKT Of TV1iW» IT 1CW CAM Bt A WISNU' by Kralg Norris Weasel’s World gfWNG. AS THE SUN BEGINS TO DRT OUT THE 5CGGY KMIEY... THEBOTSOf SPRING pre/wre for their ANNUAL ritual ... AS EXCITEMENT FILLS TVCCftWDK* THE HOME OPENER OF THIS GRAND OLD GAME... ' TOFU DOGS' GET\a*5 YER TOFU DOGS! ultimate RI3BEE. DICE. I THOUGHT YOU GUYS SAID YOU WERE BRING IN'THE: FWS8EES! ^S22E csu PACOIMA 315 COUNSELING PR06L i MSTCaH ft* UO Om*s Im# te» fMM anonymous® C'**»* &x) ft***'#*. 50m4*n M f. 24 hou*» «*M*«rKto i4^44W APARTMENT HUNTING? Ik mm < >■»!•»<» W tmr |*Mk‘ 3:c SERVICES frw Prfgwcy T a* ting I. ugun-a N(pincy Support *a*4«' M>«WI Free estimate* Apt. Quad*. Studio*. and Hou**» FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZA1S0S VXZZA Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Ofler good thiu spring term C^cYcfe 65™* ^[>apcr TIM PAM SIM By CARY IARSON Protouor LaVonna had many anamiaa In lha •nlomotogtcal world. datacttva, but H you aiamtna that dan labd. you * Wnd aiacMy whan and whara ha waa — aha* wa aay — coHaclad." 1 CROSSWORD fly Eugene Sheffer ACROSS i wwir» Gan Arnold 4 )U> poktnliai 7 Hicfcay anhancart 12 Yalia 13 Author Umbado 14 no>«t« C4y 15 Hagai Io^mi IS High tchool room IS luau gunk 19 Wound* 70 Data* tor thotl 22 Slaphan o< "Tha Crying Gama" 23 Mario > man 27 Tarry Ctodi Ittm 29 Hardly rvar 31 Lutlrou* bUck 34 Hot mat Cftttor 35 Panuti mat* Mar? 37 Irrtala 31 Atcartam* 39 Nm Gumaa port 41 Symbol ol •*/v4ud* 44 Jaoquat.* • g 47 Nov*4*l Rand 44 Food IgM local* 52 Toil $3 Similar 54 Akial 55 "W*