Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS AM 8 I'm to aicitad you #• my Mitt* K» ft • an auant f d npuar mt*t Just a whrta A you'll know Who'« you# b*g **a »n Cht O VYU XU XU Crystal r m so glad you r* my tmta **•! You'll know soon! Y YB3 XU Xii XII XII Mco4 ft Onca upon a ttma m a cut# Httta mtaa WRo a«M doaan't know who a h«f b*g ait Only thru* mora days' VYU XU__ XU XU XU Otfy 3 days and youH no LOST 4 FOUND LOST: Gold cftam knh bracata* tn mght 4/JO, batwuan HamAon A tart Go* 346-S04A 115TYPING SERVICES At 34447M. ROSIN a QUAD SCHOOL APPROVED 20-y«« thawtka* back ground T arm papa**? u* mh v*ca CdWng laaa» p> ON CAMPUS' JO THE TYPING PRcT~ Word Procaaamgrt dMmp'T ypw*g Thaaaa Olaaartatlona on Laaar Ci* 6S3-A06A anyNna_ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *** 4AS-3J43 Sarvmg UP wna amca MRU A PERFECT PAPER IVNaacra rginj c# wsu**#. vest ?ws* f mt mm pmka XN25_ II you havr something to writ you havr Mimrthing Hi a*1vrrli*r. ODI ClASSIHEDS i?5 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For all your papara. profacts. ate Writing adding, proofing AM uth facta and atytaa Adordabla and convanlanl PRO/EDIT 343-2747 no FOR SALE MiSC MUST SELL! Das*, chair, tiia caomai S anlattammant cantar 184 lCfc‘1 For Sal# Panaaonc Wt> ’SOO SMC Guaan totorVhama S?00 obo 8KM7M FOR SALEMiSC Canon Af-1 progrann 2 km*** **&• tt^tOWrtJw n<** 5400. Ck*MT muttortmi 5*00. couch $?S o*w% wjm3 MOTHER'S DAY GIFT! Ra*i Rom* Oppad In 24K Odd V*5 CMI 141-7174 or MRH MuM M« ho« **' Monday 4 /pm JHWiiy 4*4 6675 Pwui Zoom 105R $i?5 Gowst* IddabM Mr.-cneav* J40 GC RSUH ensnaring marten* $JQ 66/ 649/ Omni mm futon tram* good condition. 1170 obo Cad 144-21## Rdtartoiadas & pda* «wm now bought 12/5 sec i’20 ape Man'* u ». »aimn » u 10 34M40* hr mesa TlMKtsTMYONf 7 Hao, 'used'93 Pnnea CIS fkast p»d ft 90. sa* tcx me Owen' Mao strings A grip lo< you’ 34*930/ Wlmlctvaw. KuacftaM Champion 1000. mag wtusl* ultra-Wat Like naart I/SO 060 Joa #010042 14# OM Aquarium t or uc avarytfung ni,k>1 ttss obo. kwtbMi taPfe lt» mu i?eo cur ?s/5__ 10CA0 TICKETS for V14 Vaga* Shorn HO a* JuMa 1400402 SS OM aquarium Tank, flood 0 inters, comptat*. 1225 obo Rick 142 24*4 145 CARS TRUCKS 79 Votvo 4 dr Auk>. runt. n««d» »om* wort __ _ M VW CfltorioM convwtfbl* 2* mit«n wiry sharp. mu#* MW. $10900 72fr/4?7 c* 346 3040__ •1 Toyota SHS 19000 m*m, CO »urv fool. tiAatm. »nrw turn. 8 ap«wd arty Sn.ftOO 344 4301 99 Toyota Ptcfcup. bUc* 11000 mttM, $4000 obo Cal* 647-79J3 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS c Honda CMOOfou'. ortQ Uac* A bgM. claar. urban $600 1 2806 Aian 48 Honda Euta 150. 66 p*ut> MPH, 4000 man, »*« n«w. fttfcmQ $600 486 8317 48 Yamaha Rout* 60 .:*./#r5 *. 360. rvwar twK* lire, chan ban A J»«bara look* runs »*c. w'SKow Nr m«(. mu«f at* $1000 obo 344 4 763 155 BiCVCLES Performance Trawl True #. tscycts earner Ad|o««*s .nun* m nan cowtto--, 195 060 68/ 5663 eves 52cm Custom toad t»s* many special laalutat can lor data* 1495 obo Raw 6*3 914# 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS MaclnloMi SE 1 RMO 4mp ot HAM 211MB HU SOM / 4 1 2961 Macintosh St 10 « 4MH ot Ham & 40MB HO $i?S0 OBO Cat* Jett at 343 9/96 o« 342 I IQ? run Macintosh Classic It 10MB ot HAM 60MB ol HO system / I $1000 Sharon 6** 5410_ Mac St X 40 MB HAM sil Kaytxl. TOM* ol software (Graph # 6t:l Proc). li/OOotio 342 2964_ Packard Ball 266 computer. VGA 20MB Hard dnva. 2 (toppers 1500 oeo Ca« Oand 6*6 9969_ FOR SALE Lap lop computar*. $300 aach 2 Zen*th nr> sport 2*6. 20MB HO. ona 7endh supersport plus 286 21*46 HO Contact Beverly 346 1425 iS5 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Tandy IOOCI w«it> aeWwtt* *150 Ctw puuM >i%»***v 150 l at mao 343 7056 i?o SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!’! Wa buy **« *0,1 mi< VMS yew t and ataxan lbompacn f lac apnea. 1173 Orn 343«73_ Plooaar RX710 bodnnait w» cm* caaaan* f U CO. 3 arar ’50 wan 125 ofco _4*4-2324_ Kolmar E lac UK dollar *175, Paa «wy Bacayiaga 110 amp *150. dan na«, mo» C4* 5y1rya 663 3666 16.5 800KS CASH FOR BOOKS too Conaaniant location* WE IJOi 575 Willaman* jeampu*) (downtown I 345-1*51 >43-4717 BUYING HOURS H. M-E 51. H IW HM SfTTtth, Ffmlly BqfqKgtgr* uc SKI EQUIPMENT 92 Mono* Muiupra It*. >200. 93 Momm (n#w|. *325 Bnandon M7-*4«7 155 TRAVEL HCADMa FOR EllROPf THIS SUM MERT Only *2W" 3* !h*«* ANYTIME lo> *269 kom m* Waal Coral, t’69 from in* f aat Coral adb AIRMITCH* (Raponad n l*i» Go* * NY Timaa) i «00 397 1098_ Plana Vouebar On* way, Cugana to Kauai ala San Fran >200 4*32510 rEurope^ For EaraJpaa* Cm Untal flaw 1310* •raw (22l4ly Paw *191 Aay Hold* fra* tZS/dfh* Tour* kaa 167 « iay learn * Lanyiayr In Ewop* fxw 131*4*3 '*#<•»* * Mk* •*> 'raUM* to LSMMK • iwm— Smb w (Jttmfni NttoH 71$$* Mormon 0600 tottanciQt 9790s 9D-M-11H 705 OPPORTUNITIES — POSTAL JOM*** Start fit 41/hr « bene*** tor apples tom A ink) CAN 1 (216) 324 21Q? 7*rx 10 iQpm 7 days Summer Job Opportunity’!! A/e you errttwauMBc, articulate and knowiedgeabte about the U of D“> Then ** the job for you' The U oi O T etorfund has never at poarfong open for qoai»f*ed students For mo/# into oat) J4S3433 weekday* after 1 00pm ?05 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fahtnm Earn SCOOwet m canneries or UOO&tro on bsfeng boat* Ere* am* portahon' Boom & Board* Over 8000 opemngs Male o» f irM I or employ mar* program CM 1 206-6464156 art A80tt> ALWAYS WANTED TO FLYT Discover (yog new tor omy 825* CM Soon on campus 683 8496 F AA CWSMPd F*gM Instructor __ QUARAMTEED MOO* Two student cu» needed tor f an pro tact You* group GUARANTEED « MH $400 Mud CM BEFORE f NO OF TERM t 800932 0628 est 99 :i: HEIP WANTED Cnrtee Mne Entry WvW on boerdilana Ml Poofhons avert eummeriyew round 714 549 1599 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HMRM Earn SSCOOWmonth » world !'«vW Hobday. Sommer and Carter employment evan able No e»peiience neeesaary For employment program cat (2061 634 0468 a»i C«0M EARN 81800 WEEKLY newg our or cUars’ Be»n NOW TREE packer SETS. Dept ?49. Boa 4000. Cordova. TN 39018-4000 H0UDAY OUTDOOR FLOWER SALES MUST HAVE CAR MHSI International company looking tor parVM tone Managa>> 18 HW or 481-0188 FACILITATORS NEEDED FOR FALL TERM RETRO TO WOMENS STUDIES (WST 101) Students who have successfully completed WST 101 can earn 4 prartcum credrts (WST4096091 tor leadng (Secession sect tout ot WST 101 EM term ciaasae meet on lues days and Thursdays 9301060. 11-1220. and t?30 t 60 0 ctiUdnan oi a* aQM i<*»*wkJ w <*» HM) EaoUx SwMa » N«jr>< CXiT program X>*MXK» p*- monRi $7 OQfw S**xJ r»«um« 1 oov» wfl*. to PMO f Mm S«M JW5 D«*a f ugar» on 97*04 OMdraMan Mm inh PtsiliMsAnilaMi ASUO is hir ^ mg executive * staff positions for the 1993 94 school year. Applications available in Suite 4. EMU. DraJline Men , May JO. 5pm AAlEOC OTT Positions Social Science In structwriel Lab has on* position be ginning fan term in OOS Compulw lab Musi have knowledge 0* DOS. networks. statistical and spreadsheet so*hwas Duties mvohie consulting, teaching, maintaining a NoveUe nel wort and troubleshooting had wore *>hware problems For further into cat Cathleen Leue 346 4642. 346 2641, 9PLC The U 01 0 is an AA.E EO emptoyet GTF Positions The Data Services Lab has one poubon begtwing Fan term *993 Musi have Knowledge of UNI* lam-kanty with VAX.'VMS and SAS. experience worting with large data sets and 9 track tapes Dubes involve managing and transporting large data hies, and troubleshooting na< thwarts software problems For fur ther mlo call Calhleen Leue 346 4642. 346 2647. 9PLC The U of O ts an AA/EEO _ MTEfUMTOML STUDENTS ASSOC 1993-94 POSITIONS OPEN Director 6 Assistant rh'actor needed to heed 1600 strong orgarv/atton Job description A appkeahon are available bom ISA. 206 EMU Dead ere iOth May 1993. 6cm AAftOt Rssldsnt Manager lor SI unit apartment bultdtng Full time em ployment during Summer perl time beginning In Fail Apply at: JENMNOS * CO 4M East 11th. Eugene (Below U Lane 0 Credit Union!.. START NOW Environmental F Annas Co looking Icy upbeat and S motivated people M banvrg prowled 3466366 UNIVERSITY THEATRE 1993-94 SEASON JOBS BOX OFFICE ATTENDANTS Wort Study poskont avatXAe tor al lemocms and everwrgs Good com murecebon sfctSs. ability to work Witt' pubkc, and eapenenca m sales and hander g money HOUSE MANAGERS Wort Study or Non Wort Study Roberson and Arena theatres Good orgarwanonai suss. acutrty to super vise others experience working with the pubsc and making on-ore spot decisions E venmg hours primarily Send tetter and Duet rswume ol wort esperwnce to DEVELOPMENT Dt RECTOR University Theatre, 216 V«ard Rail Appbcatcms nscerved by May 10 will be given tut consider s bon The University Theatre and the Uni versity ot Oregon me F dual Opportu rvty and Affematrve Action EmptoyWS who ae committed to Cuftural [>vw 2*1_ Available Jun« 15B> For Summer 1 bdrm apt 6275 Clean. gnat. tumrshed 1/2 block hom campus Reserve i