Spurs drop Blazers 107-101, take 2-1 lead in series SAN ANTONIO (AP) — San Antonio Spurt coach John Luca* had declared Game 3 against the Portland Trail Blazers a mutt-win battle. Willie Anderson. Mill n« overing from injuries to both leg*, answered hi* call, scoring 13 of his 10 points In the fourth quarter and sparking a 107-101 com# from-behlnd victory Wednesday night “I'm not jumping and dunking and slic ing like I used to. hut it's just good to fie out there playing.” said Anderson, who had surgery last year to repair stress fra< turns to both legs. The victory gave San Antonio a 2-1 edge over Portland in their besl-of-5 Western (Conference playoff series This marks the first time the Trail Blazers have trailed in the first round since they were eliminated by the Los Angeles Inkers 3 0 in 1080 "This was a big one for us.” Lucas said 'They're an awfully good basketball team. I can see why they’ve been to two finals." The two teams face each other again for Came 4 Friday night at San Antonio. David Robinson led the Spurs with 26 |K)ints and 14 rebounds and hit a crucial field goal with 49 seconds remaining in the game to push the Spurs' lead to 104 101 "We're really getting the |ob done, I think all the things this team has been through this year, all the ups and downs, have really prepared us for this time,'' Robinson said Hut it was Anderson and his threw t on secutive baskets one a 3-pointer that led San Antonio hack from an B7-B0 defic it Sean Klliolt also lot a 3-pointer during the run. and Anderson made a key steal with 19 s**< onds to play "The key for us were the back-to-back three-pointers by Willie and Sean." I.ucas said "But wo had so many guys play well for us." Portland did not score at all the final 3:05 of the game. "We played our tails off.” said Trail Blazers coach Rick Adelman "We still have to win one game and were I wick in it." Adelman said his team didn't execute plays the wav it should have and didn't go to the basket enough "That's what we should have done to put pressure on them Hut you have to give them credit they hit some big shots.” Adelman said Clyde Drexler. playing his second game after missing several weeks with a strained left hamstring, let! the Trail Blaz ers with 19 points That followed his 21 point effort in Saturday's Portland victo ry. marking his first extensive playing time in a month. "It's a lough loss and we've just got to got ready for Friday night." Drexler Mid. "We'v* got to control the offensive rebounding and do a bettor job of getting to their shooters." Rod Strickland and Terry Porler had 16 points apiece for Portland Klliott added 19 points for the Spurs, while | R Retd had 17 "Our bench had to step it up tonight." Reid said "We were not going to let them l>ent us with any open .1-pointers or easy layups The Trail Blazers rallied back to a SI 51 tie at halftime, recovering from a 13-2 Spurs rally that put San Antonio ahead 44-37 midway through the second period for the first time since the first minute of the game. The Spurs beat the Trail Blazers in Portland H7-86 in Game 1 last Thursday. The Trail Blazers came back and took Game 2 105-96 Saturday in Portland. 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Gallon Compton Comptotod appbcabons are to b« re turned to the UrwygrtAy Houtmg Otfca no Uiler man Friday. Mm 7. 1M3 by 5 00PM An LOAA ADA Institution committed to Cultural Over M y 205 OPPORTUNITIES A EMU Board of Director! EMU AND ASUO PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES POSITION OPENINGS 1993-1994 SdMol Ymr v! Applications are now being taken for two EMU Program and one ASUO Program Representative^). Deadline for applications is Monday, May 10, S pjn. Position Descriptions are available in the ASUO Office, Suite 4. EMU. AO are encouraged to apply. Stipend or work study. Interviews wiU be scheduled for May 13 or 14. Only selected applicants will be granted interviews. Questions? Call Frank, 64)007. 210 KELP WANTED Wh«( If? You got involved wrth N*e m the beginning-? Where woukJ you be to day7 Right no*, you have the same chance to be part ot an incredible Health & Fitness Company at the ground floor level Unbeatable pay pian Ca« 686-4471 OTF Positions: Social Science In structor^ Lab has one position be ginning Fall term m OOS Compute# tab Must have knowledge of OOS. networks, statistical and spreadsheet software Dufies mvoive consulting, teaching, maintaining a NoveWe net work, and troubleshooting hard waresottware problems For further mfo can Cathteen Leue 346 4642. 346 ?!>47. 9PLC Th« U Of O *8 an AA/l C Q employer_ GTF Positions: The Data Services lab has one position Degmn»og Fail term 1993 Must have Knowledge of UNIX, (amibanty wrth VAXVMS and SAS. experience wording with large data sets and 9 track tapes Ottos Evolve managing and transporting large data hies and troubleshooting hardware sortware problems For »u* the/ mlo can Cathteen i eue 346 464*. 346 2M7. 9PlC The U of Q is an AATfrO __ E RHA TIONA L S TUO€ KT$ ASSOC ~ 19W-W POSITIONS OP€N Director A Assistant dwector needed to head 1500 strong organt/at*yt job descnpbon & application are avfttfabie from i$A ?06 f MU Dead .ne tpth May 199 i, 5pm AA.t OC __ JOBS FOR NEXT Yf AR Recreahor A intramural* i* seeding *• ergwfx sen motivated peoptr w*n . irtnOYAtrve ..teas tor markrting A pro motion ot programs Great 'esume j PuAJmg opportunities A experience' j Year -.ng positions w” stipend or Credit Contact Kart* a! 34 fe 4 * *>.3 j Positions Available ASUO in hir ► mg executive staff positions for the 1993 94 school year. Applications available in Suite 4, EMU. VkaMint Hu , May 10. 5 p m AA/eoe Art you interested in... a •«*>ng oIfim UuOnf is’ a moMMl1A9 you/ commur\>cat«ofl **.*»? a * (,»* ap'©W***onAJ Ctp*rr*tnc« ar> #nhanc» yov' resume and *nc»e*sr you# b dcw»o tN* «ayn.ng aadtt’l Bunn»*» >46-1 >42 CIS 6415/ Economic*. 61271 Eng***. 6 3570 Ct+ntH Set. 6 3211 Mt»*or>. 6-4# 13 Joumatfm. 63552 lAMTv. 64713 Pot*i*C4t Set. 64573 Psychology. 5-4535 Sociology. 65012 BE A PEER ADVISOR Ca* your motor dapartmant or MO-1311 tor information